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1、<p>  ERP implementation issues in advanced and developing countries</p><p><b>  Abstract</b></p><p>  There is an increasing need to implement a total business solution which s

2、upports major functionalities of a business. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is designed to meet this need, and has been widely adopted by organizations in developed countries. Meanwhile, ERP is beginning to

3、appear in many organizations of developing countries. Little research has been conducted to compare the implementation practices of ERP in developed vs developing countries. Our research shows that ERP tech</p>&l

4、t;p>  Key words: Enterprise Resource management; Implementation; Developing countries.</p><p>  Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is an industry term for the broad set of activities supported by multi-mo

5、dule application software that helps a manufacturer or a service business manage the important parts of its business. Evolving from MRP systems, ERP has played a significant role in IT for several decades. Since the firs

6、t symbiotic ERP product SAP created in 1972, ERP market revenues are expected to be as high as $52 billion by the year 2002. While there is wide acceptance of ERP in develo</p><p>  ERP in developed countrie

7、s</p><p>  ERP systems have been widely used by companies in developed countries. Organizations in manufacturing, service, and energy industries adopt ERP to:</p><p>  automate the deployment an

8、d management of material, finance and human resources; </p><p>  streamline processes and achieve process improvement; </p><p>  achieve global competitiveness. </p><p>  In this se

9、ction, North America, Europe are selected as representative developed countries.</p><p>  North America (USA, Canada) </p><p>  Europeans designed the first integrated ERP system – SAP in German

10、y, 1972, whereas, organizations in North America seem to have richer experience in this kind of software and have used integrated software solutions for decades. As commercial systems evolved from material planning (MRP)

11、 to enterprise planning (ERP), companies continued investment to bring in newer systems. Currently, two out of three ERP deals in North America are replacement deals.</p><p>  The USA is the primary target o

12、f ERP and represents 66 percent of revenues for the major vendors. Before 2000, one major concern of North American corporations was Y2K problems. After Y2K, management turned its eyes to extending its enterprises. Sever

13、al trends have appeared. E-commerce is a major force. Organizations want their ERP systems to connect more tightly with suppliers and customers via e-commerce. Supply chain management (SCM) products, regarded as post-ERP

14、, are now entering into North</p><p>  Europe (UK, Germany, France) </p><p>  Europe is the second largest target ERP sales market (at 22 percent). Many big ERP vendors started their business fr

15、om Europe; e.g. SAP AG, Baan, JBA International and Intentia. Historically, strong manufacturing industry is an underlying reason for so many ERP vendors in Europe. There are several reasons for Europe’s ERP market. Firs

16、t, economically advanced countries have a solid industrial and manufacturing base. Second, there is a strong national information infrastructure. Third, the multipl</p><p>  Characteristics of ERP implementa

17、tion in developed countries </p><p>  It is easy to understand why North America and Europe occupy the largest ERP market. From national and environmental perspectives, these countries have excellent infrast

18、ructures which effectively facilitate IT diffusion. Strong economic base and growth further drive the need for new technology. Governmental IT policy, deregulation and organizational enthusiasm for IT fuel technology dev

19、elopment. New technologies such as ERP, SCM and others are quickly absorbed by organizations in almost all indu</p><p>  From an organizational perspective, companies in developed countries are more likely t

20、o succeed. Higher IT maturity and favorable computer culture make organizations ready to handle complex technology. Also organizations are developing a strong process management orientation (Davenport, 1994). BPR is prac

21、ticed frequently in North American and European countries.</p><p>  Some trends are observable. First, small and middle sized enterprises (SMEs) are becoming targets of ERP vendors. Second, ERP coupled with

22、e-commerce functionality will dominate the market. E-commerce is becoming a new way of doing business between business and business (B2B) and between business and customer (B2C). CIOs are planning to build electronic com

23、merce and decision-support extensions to ERP implementations. Meanwhile, e-commerce based ERP systems are commercially available。 Third, SCM </p><p>  ERP in developing countries</p><p>  ERP so

24、ftware vendors are experiencing global expansion. Asia/Pacific and Latin American countries are taking the lead. The Asia-Pacific ERP market accounts for 9 percent of revenues, and Latin America for 3 percent. Economic e

25、xpansion, especially in Asian countries, is the major reason. Second, fierce competition and pressures from Western corporations force firms in developing countries to vigorously pursue information technology.</p>

26、<p>  However, ERP is in its early stages in developing countries. Inadequate IT infrastructure, governmental policies, small size of companies, lack of IT/ERP experience, and low IT maturity seriously affect the a

27、doption decision.</p><p>  China, India are selected as representative countries for ERP discussion.</p><p><b>  China </b></p><p>  China has achieved impressive econom

28、ic growth in recent years. It is undergoing a technological change with huge IT investments in both public and private sectors. However, there are only a handful of companies using ERP systems.</p><p>  Inte

29、rnational vendors play a primary role. There are a few local software packages that are low cost but are primarily accounting and financial applications. For example, Yongyou1 software is widely utilized, but it focuses

30、on accounting functions and is not a real ERP system. There are no local professional ERP vendors. Major international vendors have opened their business in major cities. Some vendors access the market via their delegate

31、d international companies such as IBM, Compaq, Andersen,</p><p>  Infrastructure is a major problem. Telecommunications, though significant improvements have been made in recent years, is good only in major

32、cities. The telephone density, although increasing, is still quite low. Internet service is expensive, not to mention ISDN, ATM and other broadband services. The government is finding it necessary to allow competition an

33、d profit making organizations (even foreign companies) to raise the telephone density to its target of eight per 100.</p><p>  Low IT maturity of China’s industries is also a major problem. Enterprises lack

34、a long-term MIS strategy, and IS departments/staff (if they exist) lack project experience. Often, companies have limited process management knowledge, and BPR is seldom conducted. Chinese management style, informal plan

35、ning and process modeling, highly interdependent social and organizational relationships, and attitudes towards organizational change all limit process innovation efforts. Most companies have limited </p><p>

36、;  Owing to these reasons, major ERP customers in China are limited to global MNC corporations. Some large state-owned organizations are potential ERP users but they are haunted by high costs. Small and middle-sized ente

37、rprises are virtually excluded out of this market.</p><p><b>  India </b></p><p>  India has also achieved significant economic growth in recent years. Its IT industry growth is quit

38、e admirable. India is the largest developing country base for global software outsourcing. Moreover, global software outsourcing continues to grow rapidly, with over US$3.00 billion in contracts from developing countries

39、 in 2000. India also owns the best software engineers in the world. Because English is the official business language, its IT staff can communicate effectively with counterparts in </p><p>  However, IT diff

40、usion and implementation lags far behind, and ERP growth in India has been quite slow except in recent years. While the country boasts of decades of manufacturing, availability of skilled workers, English as the business

41、 language, and the first MRP-II/ERP systems introduced over a decade ago, yet the ERP penetration is estimated at a piddling 6 percent. Even this rate was achieved after a 75 percent growth in the last two years. Accordi

42、ng to one estimate, this market was expected</p><p>  Characteristics of ERP implementation in developing countries </p><p>  Several factors were significant in ERP implementation in developing

43、 countries. Among national/environmental factors, current economic status and economic growth, infrastructure, and government regulations fundamentally impact on IT adoption and ERP penetration. In infrastructure such as

44、 transportation, telecommunications, Internet and intranet, mobile telecommunications, and public database systems, developing countries obviously have a poor record and suffer from the consequences. ERP is not a</p&g

45、t;<p>  From an organizational and internal perspective, low IT maturity, small firm size, and lack of process management and BPR experience hamper ERP adoption. Enterprises commonly lack MIS long-term strategy an

46、d project experience. As a result, most customers of IT applications are not domestic companies, but subsidiaries of MNCs. In developing countries, SMEs play a major role in the national economy. Therefore, affordability

47、 and availability are major concerns. Firms also lack process management or</p><p>  Conclusion</p><p>  we discussed ERP implementation in selected developed and developing countries. Problems,

48、 and characteristics of ERP implementation were identified. Vendors who contemplate entering foreign markets can better understand global ERP markets and develop better strategies. Implementers can recognize the environm

49、ental and internal requirements and prepare accordingly. Future research may include: empirically testing and exploring relationships among the various variables.</p><p>  發達國家和發展中國家的ERP實施問題</p><p

50、><b>  摘 要</b></p><p>  企業越來越需要有一個全面的商業解決方案來支持其業務發展。企業資源規劃(ERP)軟件是專為滿足這一需要產生的,它已被發達國家的企業廣泛采用。同時,ERP系統已經開始出現在發展中國家的許多企業當中。一些研究比較了發達國家和發展中國家實施ERP的做法。我們的研究表明,ERP的實施面臨著經濟,文化和基礎設施等問題,發展中國家面臨更多的挑戰。

51、本文研究了關于發達國家和發展中國家的ERP實施的一系列問題。</p><p>  關鍵字:企業資源管理 實施 發展中國家</p><p>  企業資源規劃(ERP)是一個支持廣泛行業的由多個模塊組成的應用軟件,可幫助制造業或服務業企業改進其業務流程中重要部分。從MRP系統開始演變,ERP系統在IT行業扮演了幾十年的重要角色。第一次ERP產品SAP是在1972年產生的,現在ERP市場的營

52、銷額預計將在2002年達到520億美元。ERP在發達國家被廣泛的接受,如美國、加拿大、英國、澳大利亞,而發展中國家遠遠落在后面。目前,北美國家占據的ERP市場銷售額的66%,歐洲占22%,而整個亞洲只有9%。但是,由于經濟增長,發展中國家所在的亞洲和拉丁美洲正在成為大ERP供應商的主要銷售目標。 </p><p><b>  ERP在發達國家</b></p><p>

53、  ERP系統已被廣泛使用在發達國家的公司。生產,服務和能源行業采用的ERP為了達成以下目的:自動化的分配和管理物力,財力和人力資源;簡化流程,實現流程改進;提升形成全球競爭力。在此,選擇北美,歐洲作為發達國家的代表。</p><p>  北美(美國,加拿大)</p><p>  德國的SAP公司在1972年設計出了第一個集成的ERP系統,然而北美的企業在這方面似乎有更豐富的軟件的實施經驗

54、,并已使用了幾十年的集成軟件解決方案。ERP作為商業系統,從材料計劃(MRP)發展到企業規劃(ERP)。很多公司繼續投資,引進新的系統。目前,北美三分之二的ERP使用企業已經有更換引進新ERP系統的意向。</p><p>  美國是ERP供應商的主要銷售目標,占據66%的營業額。 2000年以前,北美公司主要擔憂的是千年蟲問題。過了2000年,企業將目光轉向擴大其企業規模并有效管理。幾個發展趨勢已經出現,電子商務

55、是其中一個重要趨勢。企業希望他們的ERP系統通過電子商務更加緊密地連接供應商和客戶。ERP發展出的供應鏈管理(SCM)概念,現在已近進入北美企業。供應鏈管理職能包括需求預測,采購及采購,庫存和倉庫管理,配送物流。</p><p>  歐洲(英國,德國,法國)</p><p>  歐洲是ERP銷售商的第二大目標,占銷售額的22%。很多大的ERP廠商都是在歐洲創建的,如:BAAN,SAP,JB

56、A International和Intentia。歷史上,強大的制造業是這么多的ERP廠商在歐洲產生的根本原因。歐洲的ERP市場的繁榮有以下幾個原因。第一,經濟發達的國家有堅實的工業和制造業基地。第二,這些國家有強大的信息基礎設施。第三,多語言和多幣種的要求增加了ERP軟件的吸引力。第四,高素質的員工較多,可實現先進的技術。</p><p>  發達國家ERP系統實施的特點</p><p>

57、;  通過以上了解很容易理解為什么北美和歐洲占據了最大的ERP市場。從國家和環境的角度來看,這些國家有良好的基礎設施,有效地促進了信息科技的傳播。堅實的經濟基礎和快速的發展進一步推動了新技術的需求。政府施行了放松管制和鼓勵IT企業技術的發展的政策。如ERP,SCM和其他新技術正在迅速被幾乎所有的企業所吸納采用。</p><p>  從組織的角度來看,發達國家的大公司更容易成功。更成熟的IT技術和良好的文化為企業用

58、計算機來處理復雜的技術提供了保障。企業還在引進更好的流程管理模式(達文波特,1994)。 BPR在北美和歐洲頻繁的國家廣泛的實行。</p><p>  有些趨勢是很明顯的。首先,小型和大中型企業(中小企業)正在成為ERP供應商的目標。其次,ERP系統與電子商務功能耦合將主宰市場。電子商務正在成為企業和企業之間(B2B)和企業與客戶(B2C)進行業務的新方式。 CIO們正計劃建立電子商務和決策支持系統。與此同時,基

59、于ERP系統的電子商務變成了現實。第三,供應鏈管理軟件正在取得進展。組織追求的是ERP之外的整個供應鏈可以提供什么支持。</p><p><b>  ERP在發展中國家</b></p><p>  ERP軟件供應商正在經歷的全球擴張。亞洲/太平洋和拉美國家變的越來越重要。亞太占據ERP銷售額的9%。經濟擴張,特別是在亞洲國家,是ERP市場發展的主要原因。其次,激烈的競

60、爭和壓力迫使發展中國家的公司大力發展信息技術。</p><p>  然而,ERP在發展中國家仍處于初期階段。 IT基礎設施薄弱,政府的政策,小規模的公司,缺乏資訊/ ERP的經驗,IT技術不成熟,嚴重影響了企業引入ERP的決定的通過。在這里,中國,印度被選為代表來研究企業資源規劃的實施。</p><p><b>  中國</b></p><p>

61、;  中國近年來取得了驕人的經濟增長。在公共和私營部門產生了巨大技術變革。然而,僅有少數的公司使用ERP系統。</p><p>  國際廠商發揮了主要作用。有幾個本地軟件產品的成本很低,但主要是會計和財務應用。例如,用友軟件被廣泛使用,但重點是會計職能,不是真正的ERP系統。中國沒有自己的專業ERP供應商。主要的國際廠商已經開始在各大城市拓展業務。一些廠商通過他們的授權進入市場,如IBM,康柏,安達信國際公司,普

62、華永道會計師事務所。</p><p>  基礎設施是一個很大的問題。雖然近幾年電信設施已大為改善,尤其是大城市。電話密度也在增加,但仍然是相當低?;ヂ摼W服務是昂貴的,更不要說綜合業務數字網,自動取款機和其他寬帶服務。政府發現了允許競爭和非牟利組織(甚至外國公司)提高電話密度到8%必要性。</p><p>  中國IT產業技術水平低也是一個重要問題。企業缺乏長遠的戰略管理信息系統,信息系統部


64、例和跨產業的企業結構。</p><p>  由于這些原因,ERP在中國的主要客戶是有限的全球性跨國公司。一些大型國有企業也是潛在用戶,但他們受到實施成本高昂的困擾。小型和中等規模的企業實際上被排除出這個市場。</p><p><b>  印度</b></p><p>  印度近年來也取得顯著的經濟增長。其IT產業的增長速度相當令人欽佩。印度是全

65、球最大的發展中國家軟件外包基地。此外,全球軟件外包繼續快速增長,在2000年超過$ 3.00億美元的合同來自發展中國家。印度還擁有世界上最好的軟件工程師。因為英語是官方商業語言,它的IT人員可以與世界同行有效的溝通。</p><p>  然而,印度信息技術的普及和實行遠遠落后于發到國家, ERP市場需求的增長速度只有印度近年來相當緩慢。盡管該國擁有幾十年的制造業基礎,優秀的技術工人,作為商業語言的英語,第一個MR

66、P-II/ERP系統也已經推出了十年之久,但ERP的普及率估計為6%。雖然在達到了這個速度后,過去兩年增長了百分之75。據估計,這一市場預計將在今年大約只有為1000萬美元的銷售額。</p><p>  發展中國家企業實施ERP的特點</p><p>  在發展中國家實施ERP有幾個重要影響因素。各國家/環境因素,目前的經濟狀況和經濟增長速度,信息基礎設施,從根本上影響政府政策的調整以及I

67、T和ERP的普及。在諸如交通,電信,互聯網及內聯網,移動通信基礎設施和公共數據庫系統等方面,發展中國家顯然做的不夠。 ERP不是一個獨立的系統,需要在一個集成環境下工作,以獲得最大的效益。然而,不能單靠增加基礎設施來普及采用ERP,如政府鼓勵外國投資和公平競爭政策等其他因素也至關重要。</p><p>  從企業的內部角度來看,IT技術水平低,企業規模小,工藝和管理經驗不足,阻礙BPR和ERP的應用。企業普遍缺乏



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