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1、華北電力大學(保定)碩士學位論文原型批評視角下的《女勇士》姓名:孫嶺申請學位級別:碩士專業:文學;英語語言文學指導教師:張莉2011-03Abstract IIAbstract Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior, published in 1976, has aroused great interest of study. As a winner of the National

2、Book Critics Circle Award for nonfiction in American literature, the book is worthy of constant research. This novel has been analyzed from such perspectives as racial critics, feminism, and post-modernism. This thesis,

3、 with the aid of archetypal theory, lists great details of archetypes, including the figures, symbolic meaning, motif myth and structural significance. It is composed of six chapters. The first chapter introduces Maxine

4、Hong Kingston and her books, general ideas of archetypal approach, literature review and significance of this thesis. The second chapter discusses the character archetypes in the book, such as the no-name woman, Brave Or

5、chid, the village crazy lady and Kingston herself. No-name woman not only stands for Philomela but also stands for Hester Prynne; Brave Orchid is an epitome of Fa Mulan and Ts’ai Yen; the village crazy lady’s story corre

6、sponds with the story of Scapegoat in Holy Bible. Chapter three gives an analysis on the symbolic meaning that can be found in the masterpiece. The old man and the old woman symbolize wisdom and equality; circles stand f

7、or family unity and culture integration; the black color represents authority and mystery; bird is a token of hope and death; mountain is an emblem of dragon and safety; ghost stands for different things in Chinese cultu

8、re and in American culture. Chapter four explores motif archetypes which includes mother archetype and quest myth. Mother archetype is reflected by no-name woman and Brave Orchid; quest myth shows Kingston’s pursuit for

9、identity. Chapter five analyzes the structural significance by applying Frey’s season patterns. This chapter demonstrates the close relationship between the novel’s structure and Kingston’s writing purpose. The last chap

10、ter is conclusion. In fact, this novel is a record of Maxine’s spiritual growth. By recreating Chinese folks and telling stories, Maxine conveys her firm belief of the searching for her identity as a Chinese-born Americ


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