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1、新疆師范大學碩士學位論文哈薩克族傳統婚姻家庭倫理研究姓名:張淑申請學位級別:碩士專業:倫理學指導教師:姚維2011-06-15III Abstract Family is the most realistic and directly ethical relationships. Marriage is the premise of building the family, the family is

2、 the result of marriage. Marriage and family as a whole, as one of the members should be to safeguard the overall interests of the responsibility, too much emphasis on independence and self-

3、 center, not conductive to family harmony and balanced development. Be a society structure the most basic unit, the whole society relation all take family as core but establishment get up. Fami

4、ly of stability and civilization direct the influence arrive society of stability and development. The Kazakh minority is subjected to Islamism in the long- term of the history the development

5、the process and China traditional culture of influence, formation only origin race special features of tradition family ethics idea. These the ethics morals' performance is at family relation, human

6、relations association, marriage funeral, and daily life of each aspect, in the morals the accomplishment and the morals construction just exertive day by day importance of function. Research Kaza

7、kh minority tradition family ethics, for expand Kazakh minority tradition excellent family virtue, exaltation race character, set up harmony marriage family, promote society in the race region st

8、ability, have importance of theories meaning and reality meaning. This thesis is divided into five parts: The first part discusses the meaning of the thesis, current domestic and international o

9、f research present condition and thesis of research the place of method and shortage carried on to elaborate. The second part begin with of the basic concept of marriage and family ethics, ma

10、rriage and the nature of ethical connotations are outlined, and described the formation and evolution of the two, both described in this paper the definition of marriage and family ethics, tha

11、t is both including the adjustment of the marital relationship between husband and wife ethics, but also the premise of the marriage relationship adjust the behavior of the members within the

12、 family code of ethics. The third part discusses the background of the formation of Kazakh and Kazakh traditional marriage and family ethics. That the establishment of physical geography in a r

13、elatively closed environment, standard of male patriarchal social system, clan groups based value- oriented, empirical naturalism and characterized based on the culture of the Kazakh steppe ethics

14、 of traditional marriage is the Kazakh ethics of marriage Origin, is the Kazakh traditional paradigm of social ethics. The fourth part summarize the basic characteristics and the main contents


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