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1、上海交通大學碩士學位論文氣象數字演播室的建立姓名:蔣濤申請學位級別:碩士專業:電子與通信工程指導教師:余松煜;時維新20081001上海交通大學工程碩士學位論文 ABSTRACT 第 II 頁 THE ESTABLISHMENT OF METEOROLOGICAL DIGITAL STUDIO ABSTRACT Thi

2、s article introduced the digital television development and the digital studio’s code technology, the equipment digitization ,the network development tendency. Then from several aspects of studio design mentality, princi

3、ple,structure and system equipment the article introduced the Shanghai Meteorological bureau digital studio hardware system’s establishment and the weather subsystem , forming the software system part of the digital stud

4、io. In order to establishing a meteorological digital studio to enhance the existing manufacture system, we must solve these problems. Fisrtly, the level of studio system digitization, how to guarantee the maximum utili

5、ty of the existing equipment also to be able to cause the newly built system as for very quickly not to fall behind at period of time. Secondly, studio equipment choice, how to Guarantee the system compatibility and ver

6、satility facing the complex complex equipment. Thirdly, aiming at the meteorological television program’s specialization, how to enhance the meteorological program’s manufacture efficiency and quality. In view of these t

7、hree questions, in the hardware system construction work, I mainly selects and matches the suitable digital equipment, completes the meteorological digital studio hardware platform through comparing others digital studio

8、’s the good and bad points. In the software system part, according to the meteorological program’s characteristic and demand, the main work is determining the manufacture flow, solving several concrete problems in conven

9、tional information assembly line processing; Together with the colleague, developing the TVMICAPS system to connecting smoothly the specialized meteorological information manufacture platform--MICAPS system’s meteorologi


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