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1、<p><b>  畢業設計(論文)</b></p><p><b>  外文翻譯資料</b></p><p>  系 部:    經濟與工商管理系 </p><p>  專 業:    工商管理

2、 </p><p>  學生姓名:    </p><p>  班級學號:        </p><p>  指導教師姓名:  

3、60;   </p><p>  指導教師職稱:     </p><p>  Human Resource Management</p><p>  Japanese business management personnel of the supervisi

4、on and restraint mainly from two aspects: first, the holding company from the cross-shareholdings, if a poor performance or business operators can not afford, the major shareholder of the business operators will be for c

5、riticism, and urge them to improve their work, until the removal of the operator; Another important oversight from the main bank. Main bank monitoring the way of business management under specific circumstances: in the g

6、ood p</p><p>  In Japan, due to external market is relatively underdeveloped in terms of British and American, plus the influence by Confucian culture, corporate family characteristics significantly, and man

7、agement talent is also a longer period of employment, the general practice of lifelong employment system, the relative mobility between enterprises much less. Enterprise managers are mainly promoted from within the enter

8、prise (in addition to the lowest level of job outside), so good management is more willi</p><p>  In Germany, the "dual track" development of human resources training model (that is, young people i

9、n schools and businesses at the same time education and training), Germany on human resources development, a major feature. German training system and mode of this study with the same highlights and a combination of theo

10、ry and practice characteristics, the more successful resolution of the training system and employment system interface. </p><p>  In addition, German companies attach great importance to the service personne

11、l (including managers at all levels) for continuing education and retraining. Germany's business community and flexible training methods for employees, diversity, efficiency, the kind of training on the use of which

12、benefit. Content from the training point of view, a new adaptive training of workers, have jobs diverted to training, job training, promotion, professional training and corporate training managers at all lev</p>&

13、lt;p>  Ownership structure is the formation of the determinants of different management models</p><p>  Different ownership structure is the formation of the company management talent management company t

14、he deciding factor. Differences in the ownership structure of the company, thus the formation of different companies and management talent management.Widely dispersed ownership of U.S. companies, the lack of strong corpo

15、rate governance by shareholders in the supervisory board of business by the board of directors and the supervisory board often a mere formality, the actual control easily transferr</p><p>  Therefore, we sel

16、ect the operation and management talent management mode, to consider the overall system environment, consider the situation resulting from the history, consider the ownership concentration. Therefore, in the market syste

17、m is not perfect, not perfect laws and regulations under construction, the company's external market-based management model is likely to result poor; for the relatively high concentration of large state-owned enterpr

18、ises, strengthen internal control and governanc</p><p>  企業人力資源管理模式</p><p>  日本企業經營管理人才的監督和約束主要來自兩個方面:首先是來自交叉持股的持股公司,如果一個企業經營績效差或者經營者沒有能力,大股東就會對該企業的經營者提出批評意見,督促其改進工作,直至罷免經營者;另一重要監督來自主銀行。主銀行監督企


20、;/p><p>  在日本,由于外部市場相對英美來講不夠發達,再加上深受儒家文化的影響,企業家族特色明顯,經營管理人才的雇傭期也較長,一般實行終身雇傭制,企業間的人員流動相對少得多。企業的管理人員則主要是從企業內部提拔(除了最低層的職位以外),因此優秀的管理人員更愿意在風險低、升遷機會較多的M型企業里追求個人發展,日本的M型企業里往往能聚集許多比較優秀的中層經營管理人才。在晉升與報酬方面,實行年功序列工資、晉升制度,


22、和模式突出了學用一致和理論與實際相結合的特點,較為成功地解決了培訓制度與就業制度的銜接。</p><p>  另外,德國企業十分重視對在職人員(包括各級管理人員)進行繼續教育和再培訓。德國的企業界對職工的培訓方法靈活,形式多樣,講究實效,哪種培訓有利就采用哪種。從培訓的內容上看,有新工人適應性培訓、有轉業改行培訓、職務晉升培訓、專業人員培訓和企業各級管理人員培訓等。對專業人員培訓往往采取讓他們帶著要研究解決的問題


24、gt;  所有權結構是形成不同管理模式的決定因素   公司所有權結構是形成不同公司經營管理人才管理模式的決定因素。由于公司所有權結構存在差異,進而形成不同的公司管理人才管理模式。   美國公司所有權極為分散,法人治理中缺乏強有力的股東通過董事會監督企業經營者,董事會和監事會往往流于形式、實際控制權容易轉移到經理人手中。為此美國建立了發達的資本市場和完善的公司法律法規,從外部有效地抑制了經營者的機會主義行為。同時,分散的公司所有權為股

25、票市場的并購提供了方便,使得市場的監督成為最主要的外部監督機制。日本公司以法人相互持股為主要特征,所有權集中或者相對集中,內部監控管理將發揮重要的作用,而通過股票市場并購監督企業經營者的難度加大。   那么,公司所有權結構的差異是如何形成的呢?最新的研究表明,公司所有權結構不完全是競爭性市場所形成的結果,美國和日本公司所有權結構的差異是由于各國不同的法律規定,經濟慣例等歷史路徑差異所造成的。例如,美國禁止商業銀行利用存款持有股票,反壟

26、斷法律嚴格限制公司相互持股。日本公司則允許商業銀行持有不超過公司5%的股票,對相互持股公司的關聯交易限制較松等等。因此,我們在選擇</p><p>  德日管理模式下的傳統雇傭、選拔方式正在發生變化   在日本,年薪制、浮動獎金的增加等“成果主義人力資源管理制度”特征日益明顯,“雇傭的流動化、合同雇員的擴大”的傾向進一步加強,對企業運營成本影響大的“福利制度、養老制度改革”的發展大方向不容質疑。   在日本,


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