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1、<p>  1900單詞, 1.1萬英文字符,3050漢字</p><p>  文獻出處:Soudani, Siamak Nejadhosseini. "The Impact of Implementation of E-Accounting System on Financial Performance with Effects of Internal Control Systems.&qu

2、ot; Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 4.11 (2013): 17-27.</p><p>  http://www.wenku1.com/news/6462D90590A29072.html</p><p><b>  原文</b></p><p>  The Impact of Im

3、plementation of E-Accounting System on Financial Performance with Effects of Internal Control Systems</p><p>  Soudani, Siamak Nejadhosseini</p><p><b>  Abstract </b></p><

4、p>  The advent of the information technology era has radically changed the way of accounting process to provide efficient decision making and it forced companies to react to the new changes in order to remain competit

5、ive. This study aimed at identifying the impact of implementation of e-accounting system on financial performance with effects of internal control systems in services industry. The population of the study consisted of al

6、l listed companies have been operating in United Arab Emirate. Ques</p><p>  Keywords: E-accounting systems, Internal control systems, Financial performance, Risk.</p><p>  1. Introduction</p

7、><p>  Technology plays a key role in today?s business environment. Many companies greatly rely on computers and software to provide accurate information to effectively manage their business. It is becoming inc

8、reasingly necessary for all businesses to incorporate information technology solutions to operate successfully (Benjamin B. Bae and Paul Ashcroft, 2004). Information technology and systems have tremendous impact on the p

9、roductivity and performance of both manufacturing and service organizations. </p><p>  Despite the significance of e-accounting and its widespread use, there has been relatively little research in the area.

10、Prior researches have shown that implementation of e-accounting system caused the increasing performance due to the improvement of decision-making process, quality of accounting information, internal controls and facilit

11、ating company's transactions in Malaysia, Turkey, Iraq and UK (Wan Zakariaand Sheikh F.Rahman, 2011; SüleymanYük ü and Se kinG nen, 2011; Halandy and Ghabban, 2</p><p>  The structure of t

12、his article is as follows: Section 2 reviews the relevant literature and develops hypotheses about relationships between e-accounting systems, internal control systems, financial performance and risks. Section 3 describe

13、s the empirical methodology. Section 4 present results from the statistical analyses of hypotheses. Finally, section 5 presents the discussion and conclusion of this study, provides the limitations of the current study,

14、and points out some directions for further</p><p>  2. Literature Review</p><p>  Information Technology (IT) has significantly been developed during the past 20 years, and the number of the ins

15、titutions that heavily rely on the computer systems in the electronic operation of their statements has also increased. At the present time, most of the companies use the computer-dependent IT in operating their data, ar

16、chiving them and delivering the same to their users (Ali A. Ghani, 2012), especially the e-accounting systems, which are significantly using IT. E-accounting refers to </p><p>  2.1 E-Accounting and Financia

17、l performance</p><p>  The advancements in information technology have eventually led to the introduction of computerized accounting systems in corporate reporting to help produce relevant and faithful repre

18、sentative financial reports for both management and external users for decision making (Greuning, 2006). The computerized accounting is designed to automate and integrate all the business operations and helps the company

19、 handle all the business processes easily and cost-effectively. With computerized accounting the</p><p>  Financial reports are an essential source of information for the decision-making processes of economi

20、c agents. It?s allows decision to judge the results of business strategies and activities in objective monetary terms to evaluating the financial performance of a business (Cláudia Lopez et al., 2011). Financial per

21、formance evaluation will process data through financial statement that will provide from accounting system (Matt H. Evans, 2005) to assessing the profitability, operational efficiency </p><p>  H1: E-account

22、ing system caused to increase financial performance.</p><p>  2.2 E-accounting and ICS</p><p>  Advances in technology and data analysis have led to the development of numerous tools which can a

23、utomatically evaluate the effectiveness of internal controls. As described by Anderson (2008) internal control is defined as a process affected by an organization's structure, work and authority flows, people and man

24、agement information systems, designed to help the organization accomplish specific goals or objectives. It is a means by which an organization's resources are directed, monitored, and me</p><p><b>

25、  譯文</b></p><p>  會計電算化系統的實現對財務業績與內部控制制度的影響</p><p>  Soudani, Siamak Nejadhosseini</p><p><b>  摘要</b></p><p>  信息技術時代的到來徹底改變了會計程序提供有效決策的方式,迫使企業應對新變化,以

26、保持競爭力。本研究旨在確定會計電算化系統的實現對財務業績的影響以及在服務行業對內部控制系統的影響。這項研究的群體包括所有阿拉伯聯合酋長國的上市公司都。通過電子郵件的方式向他們分發問卷;研究者設計的問卷分別針對在這些公司工作過的財務經理、會計師和內部審計師。使用適當的統計方法:量表信度、標準偏差、平均值法和樣本測試對這項研究的假設進行了測試。這項研究的結果表明, 在這些公司會計電算化系統的實現對財務業績造成的影響從而影響內部控制制度。結果

27、還表明,風險的措施與內部控制密切相關,將對這些公司使用會計電算化系統產生影響。</p><p>  關鍵詞:會計電算化系統,內部控制制度,財務業績,風險。</p><p><b>  1.引言</b></p><p>  技術在當今的商業環境中扮演著重要的角色。許多公司極大地依賴計算機和軟件提供準確的信息,有效地管理他們的業務。所有企業都將信息

28、技術作為解決方案維持公司的有效運轉變得越來越必要(本杰明·貝和保羅·阿什克羅夫特,2004)。信息技術和系統對生產制造業和服務組織的效率和業績都 產生了巨大的影響。尤其是會計產生了最大程度的影響。特威廉(1995)指出,費用計算程序包通常是公司購買的第一個主要的計算機包,這是一個經常使用的兩個業務應用程序中的一個,數據處理是另一個。我們已不會感到驚奇,因為會計在組織業績中扮演著重要的角色。然而,應用信息技術方法也會有


30、的關鍵任務是監控</p><p>  盡管會計電算化意義重大且得到廣泛使用,但在該地區的研究相對較少。先前的研究已經表明,會計電算化系統的實現能提高組織業績,因為決策過程的改進、會計信息質量與內部控制,從而促進馬來西亞、土耳其、伊拉克和英國公司的交易。因此,本研究主要關注阿聯酋128家公司直到2012年第一季度的運營情。特定的目標是評估阿聯酋服務行業中會計電算化系統實施對財務業績的影響,并考察使用會計電算化系統對

31、這些公司內部控制制度的影響。</p><p>  本文的結構如下:第二部分回顧了相關文獻,以及會計電算化系統,內部控制制度,財務業績和風險關系的發展假設。第三部分描述了實證方法。第四部分陳述了統計分析假設的結果。最后,第五部分提出了本研究的討論和結論,以及當前研究的局限性,并指出了進一步的研究方向。</p><p><b>  2.文獻綜述</b></p>

32、<p>  信息技術(IT) 在過去的20年中取得了巨大的發展,金融機構的數量,嚴重依賴于計算機系統,電子經營的術語也大大增加。目前,大多數公司使用計算機操作數據,存檔,再向其用戶提供相同的數據(阿里?甘尼,2012),尤其是會計電算化系統,更需要使用信息技術。會計電算化是指電子會計,這個術語用來描述一個這樣的會計系統,即依靠計算機技術捕獲和處理財務數據組織。(穆罕默德等,2011)。事實上,會計系統是用來記錄、分析、監測


34、化時,他們通常發現即使會計電算化系統處理財務數據有效,他們真正的價值在于它們能夠生成立即報告給有關組織(霍奇,1992)。但是,報告的準確性和可靠</p><p>  2.1會計電算化與財務業績</p><p>  信息技術的進步最終會使企業會計電算化系統的介紹報告來幫助管理和外部用戶決策者產生有意義和準確可靠的代表財務報告 (格羅,2006)。會計電算化被設計成自動化和集成化的業務操作,

35、以幫助公司很容易和節省成本地處理所有的業務流程。會計電算化的公司的日常業務操作將有更大的可視性,并能更好的訪問重要信息。它有能力以高速度或效率處理大量事務。使用這個系統的許多優點讓許多人得出這樣的結論, 在企業報告中的會計電算化系統是商業組織的“增長引擎”(弗倫澤爾,2006)。財務報告可以被定義為提供企業的財務狀況、公司的經營業績以及資金流量等財務數據的過程,( 羅斯和哈金斯,2008)。</p><p>  

36、財務報告是經濟主體決策過程中一個重要的信息來源。這允許判斷業務策略和活動結果,來評估企業的財務業績(洛佩茲,2011)。財務績效評估將通過財務系統提供的財務報表來處理數據 (馬特·埃文斯,2005)通過財務比率來評估盈利能力、運營效率和公司流動性(布拉德利詹姆斯科比,2012)。</p><p>  H1:會計電算化系統能提高財務業績。</p><p>  2.2會計電算化與內部

37、控制制度</p><p>  技術的進步和數據分析導致許多工具的發展,從而可以自動評價內部控制的有效性。正如安德森(2008)所述,內部控制被定義為一個過程,其深受組織結構、工作和權威流、人們和管理信息系統的影響,旨在幫助組織完成特定的目的和目標。這是一個組織的資源被監視和測量的一種方法。它在預防和檢測欺詐以及保護組織的資源上扮演著一個重要的角色,包括物質的(如機械和財產)和無形的(如聲譽或商標等知識產權)。因此

38、,在財務報告中,內部控制的意義是有據可查(曼森,2000)和由索耶(2003)給出的最全面的定義之一,他提出,內部審計是“一個由內部審計人員不同操作的系統的、客觀的評價,控制由一個組織來確定(1)財務和運營信息是準確和可靠的,(2)企業能識別和使風險最小化,(3)遵循外部監管和可接受的內部政策和程序。人們普遍接受的內部控制系統需要被監控,以評估系統的性能和質量 (瑞茲,2001)。當內部控制是有效的,合理的保證你的計劃是實現其財務報告的


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