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1、<p>  New Environment Parameters Monitoring And Control System For Greenhouse Based On Master-slave Distributed</p><p>  Abstract--According to the actual need of monitoring and control of greenhouse en

2、vironment parameters in rural areas,a master-slave distributed measurement and control system is designed,in which PC is taken as the host. The system consists of PC ,soil moisture measurement and control module,temperat

3、ure and humidity, and CO2 monitoring and control module. In the system,PC has large amount of data storage which is easy to make use of fuzzy control expert system,configuration software-KingView is</p><p>

4、  I. INTRODUCTION</p><p>  To modern indoor agriculture, the automatic measurement and control of environment parameters is the key to achieve crop yield and quality of greenhouse.In recent years,facilities

5、agriculture develops vigorously in our country,matched with it,the monitoring and control instrument of greenhouse have also made certain development.After nearly 10 years of unremitting hard work,our research team of me

6、asurement and control system of agriculture environment parameters,designed an intelligent measureme</p><p>  II SYSTEM STRUCTURE AND PRINCIPLE</p><p>  The most marked feature of the distributi

7、on combined and intelligent control system greenhouse is that of incorporating with data acquisition, control and management as a whole,module combination, simple structure,convenient human-computer interaction,and using

8、 technology of intelligent expert fuzzy control,which can adapt to a variety of crop management control in greenhouse.The basic structure of the system is shown in Fig.1.</p><p>  The structure of the distri

9、buted system is composed of two layers:the upper and lower.In the top-price PC is taken as the host to make system management and experts fuzzy operation in intelligent,and to provide a friendly human-computer interface,

10、and to realize the united monitoring and management of greenhouse; the lower is composed of a series of modules of different function,and in each module,a single chip of AT89C is adopted as the lower machine,RS485 is use

11、d to communicate PC with all AT89</p><p>  The system is applied in rural greenhouses in Qinhuangdao.Usually at 1/4 near East and West end in a greenhouse,and at the height of 1.5m from the ground in the mid

12、dle in the northern half (near the wet curtain) and the southern half (near the fan ),a module of air temperature and humidity ,CO2 concentration and a module of soil moisture content are set;a module of soil moisture co

13、ntent will be added in the middle of the greenhouse according to the actual condition;at the height of 1.5m in the m</p><p>  III . HARDWARE DESIGN</p><p>  The CP and communication system</p

14、><p>  In the distributed system of data acquisition and control,as the micro control unit is limited in data storage and slow in calculating of complex functions,so PC is used and the master-slave module is ad

15、opted in the system,that is a system of,taking PC as the host and taking the SCM systems located in the scene as slave.</p><p>  In this distributed system,communication is the key to it.Generally,the serial

16、 port of PC is standard RS232,of which transmission distance is shorter.But in agriculture control system.its communication distance is of tens of meters or several kilometers, so RS232/RS485 converter is used to achieve

17、 communication between the PC and SCM.To reduce investment,both considering the user convenience and friendly human-computer interaction,low-price PC of above 486 and below PIV is adopted;and considerin</p><p&

18、gt;  B. The control modules of temperature and humidity,illuminance and CO2 concentration</p><p>  Each control unit consists of SCM,sensors,signal processing circuit,RS485 interface and output circuit.The h

19、ardware structure of module of temperature and humidity,CO2 concentration is shown in Fig.2.</p><p>  CO2 concentration is measured by sensor based on NDIR technology,measurement is of 0~2×103mol.Throug

20、h the sensor,control system,by software of digital filter,linear interpolation and temperature compensation,the CO2 concentration is output as digital adhered to UART protocol,and then is input directly to the SCM.</p

21、><p>  The new intelligent sensor of SHT11 based on CMOSens technology is chosen in the measurement of temperature and humidity.In SHT11,the temperature and humidity sensors,signal amplification,A/D,I2C bus are

22、 all integrated in a chip;it has full-scale calibration,second-line digital output,and humidity measuring range of 0~100% RH,temperature measurement range of -40℃~+123.8℃,humidity measurement accuracy of ±3.0% RH,te

23、mperature measurement accuracy of ±0.4℃,the response time of <4s.</p><p>  The illuminance sensor of JY1-TBQ-6 of silicon photovoltaic detection is used Light measuring.Its measurement range is 0~200

24、,000 Lux;spectral range is 400~700(nm) visible light;measurement error is less than 2%; output is 4~20mA or 0~20mV;output signal can be directly send to the A/D of the SCM after being amplified to 0~4V.</p><p&

25、gt;  Modules accept the instructions form the the Upper,and output via the output circuit .The output circuit consists of optical isolation,the signal driver and the output relays.</p><p>  C. The measuremen

26、t and control modules of soil moisture</p><p>  Water is a polar medium, the dielectric constant of the soil containing water is mainly determined by the water,when water content is different,the wave impeda

27、nce is different.The soil moisture is measured by standing wave radio method in this system.</p><p>  Based on the theory of Engineering Electromagnetic Field,for lossy medium,the electromagnetic wave impeda

28、nce as follows:</p><p>  Z0=√μ/ε(1+jλ/(ωε))</p><p>  Where μ is medium permeability,and μ of soil is μ≈μ0 is the vacuum permeability;ε is medium dielectric constant;λ is medium conductivity;ω is

29、 electromagnetic wave frequency.</p><p>  In the very low audio(<2000Hz),the loss tangent of dry soil dielectric is λ/ωε≈0.07,if you choose the frequency of the signal source at above 20MHz.then,ε≈ε∞,the

30、imaginary part of the soil wave impedance is neglect,only the real part,which amounts to a pure resistance.</p><p>  Soil moisture sensor consists of 100MHz signal source,a coaxial transmission line and a 4-

31、pin stainless probe.The electromagnetic waves of signal transmit to the probe along the lines.As the probe impedance and line impedance are different,the superimposition of incident waves and reflected waves forms a stan

32、ding waves.</p><p>  Taking the coaxial transmission line as a lossless uniform line,wave impedance is Z0,Zl is the load impedance.</p><p>  Then the reflected coefficient of voltage wave at the

33、 probe is:</p><p>  Γ= (ZL-Z0)/(ZL+Z0)</p><p>  Choosing the length of transmission line is l=λ/4,the maximum and minimum of both ends of the line are Umax and Umin,Then the standing wave radio

34、in the line can be expressed as:</p><p>  S=Umax /Umin =(1-|Γ|)/(1+|Γ|)</p><p>  In the way,the soil moisture radio can be measured by measuring the standing wave rate of transmission line.</

35、p><p>  As shown in Fig.3.,soil moisture module consists of sensors and controllers,the sensors are subordinated to controllers,controllers can be omitted without the need of irrigation in greenhouse.</p>

36、<p>  To simplify the control,irrigation technology of node-type in partition is adopted in the control soil moisture in this system.To a certain extent,the parameters of upper and lower the ground can be decouple

37、d by adopting this technology.</p><p>  IV CONTROL SYSTEM PROGRAMMING</p><p>  The software of PC is developed by KingView 6.51 of Beijing-controlled Asia.This configuration software has high re

38、liability,shorter development cycle,perfect capability of graphical interface generation,and friendly human-computer interaction;and can create dynamic images and charts in accordance with the layout of equipment in the

39、scene;can visually display the changes of parameters,control status,and can give an alarm when over-limited;and can achieve fuzzy control of greenhouse parameters by</p><p>  The software of SCM of the slave

40、 is developed by Keil C51 to achieve real-time collecting,processing,uploading of the parameters and accept the fuzzy control instructions from the host computer and complete local control of the device.</p><p

41、>  Program design of the control module</p><p>  The software of the sub-slave machine of soil moisture module,that include the main function,subroutines of data acquisition and processing,interrupt handl

42、ing and communicating etc,read the value of standing wave voltage through the parallel data port and obtained the value of soil moisture content by function calculating.</p><p>  The software of the slave ma

43、chine of monitoring and control of soil moisture mainly complete data communication with the sub-slave machine,uploading measurement data and current control state to the host computer,accepting the fuzzy control instruc

44、tions from the host computer and output the implementation instructions.</p><p>  The software of the slave machine of temperature and humidity,and CO2 mainly complete reading data of CO2 concentrations and

45、temperature and humidity through the I2C concentration,uploading measurement data and current control state to the host computer,accepting the fuzzy control instructions from the host computer and output the implementati

46、on instructions.The structure of the main program and interrupt subroutine of temperature and humidity module are shown in Fig.4.</p><p>  The serial interrupt mode 3 is adopted by all slaves to communicate

47、with the host,transmit the digital collecting and receive instructions.</p><p>  B. Program design of PC and fuzzy control system </p><p>  The communication settings of KingView 6.51:In order t

48、o ensure the correctness of communication,the upper and lower must follow the same communication protocol,set the communication parameters.Usually in communication,master-slave mode is adopted in style and responder is a

49、dopted in the process.That is ,the master sent a command to the slave first,then et slave give an answer after receiving the command,thus once communication is completed.In KingView ,a scheduled polling method is adopted

50、 to do</p><p>  The connection of KingView 6.51 and database:Database is the core of the software,that not only contains the definition of variables,real-time parameters and the historical parameters,but als

51、o is needed by parameters alarming,fuzzy calculating,reporting ,and displaying.Access2003 desktop database is used as records database of the system,and by using SQL,it is operated by KingView via ODBC.The procedure is :

52、to create data variables in KingView to create a body of records to establish a data sour</p><p>  Software design of PC :For the control system of greenhouse,data storage capacity of the PC is unlimited,so

53、if the existing mature software modules are include into the system,it both be relaxed and can improve the system reliability.The software of software consists of control module and management module.</p><p>

54、;  Software of the system consists of the main control interface,auxiliary,databases,etc.A typical main interface of monitoring and control of PC is shown in Fig.5.</p><p>  V. CONCLUSION</p><p>

55、;  According to the economic bearing capacity of farmer in Qinhuangdao ,with the existing technology of monitoring and control of environment parameters of greenhouse,a master-slave distributed automatic control system o

56、f greenhouse environment in which PC is taken as the host computer is developed.The system has following characteristics:</p><p>  With the large amount of data storage of PC,fuzzy control expert system is e

57、asy of data storage,modification and system upgrading.</p><p>  By using KingView to develop software of PC,the system reliability is improved,and the development cycle is shorten,and a friendly human-comput

58、er interface is get.</p><p>  A distributed and modular structure is used in the system,it makes the system maintenance easier and adapts to production needs more. The monitoring and control modules of the s

59、lave are connected to the host through the RS485 bus based on needs,then the control of greenhouse in partition or block can be achieved.</p><p>  ACKNOWLEDGMENT</p><p>  This work is supported

60、by Agricultural Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Fund Project.</p><p>  基于主從分布式新的溫室環境參數監測和控制系統</p><p>  根據實際在農村地區的溫室環境參數的監測和控制,主從分布式測量和控制系統的設計需要,以其中一臺計算機作為主機,該系統由PC、土壤水分測量和控制模塊,

61、溫度、濕度、CO2監測和控制模塊組成。在該系統中,電腦有大量的數據存儲的功能,它很容易利用模糊控制專家,配置組態軟件組態王用來開發PC軟件,具有開發周期縮短和友好的人機交互的優勢。每個監測和控制模塊包括STC12系列的微控制器、傳感器、繼電器等等。如果系統實現控制溫室在分區和塊,需要選擇不同的模塊。</p><p><b>  一,簡介</b></p><p>  現


63、比,因此它作為前端的數據采集和控制單元為PC使用,它有大量的數據存儲,豐富的軟件,方便的人機交互等優點。</p><p>  如果我們使用過時的和低價的電腦,以PC機作為上位機,以不同的功能控制模塊和多個微型計算機作為降低機器,然后組成一個基于微機的主從分布式和智能化控制系統,既更好的監視和控制、顯示和數據收集或管理的實現,而且費用低,系統會根據實際的需要選擇。</p><p><b

64、>  二,系統結構及原理</b></p><p>  最顯著的特點是分配和智能控制系統溫室相結合,這將作為一個整體,模塊組合結構簡單,方便的人機交互與數據采集,控制和管理,并采用模糊控制技術的智能專家,可以組成適應多種作物管理控制的溫室。其基本結構系統是圖1所示。</p><p>  分布式系統的結構是由兩層組成:上部和下部。由最佳價格PC被取為主機,使其能夠智能系統管理

65、和專家模糊運算,并提供一個友好的人機界面,并實現統一的監控和管理的溫室;下部是由一系列不同功能的模塊,并且在每個模塊中,一個單一的芯片作為下位機采用AT89C52,RS485則用于與所有AT89C52 PC進行通信,然后實現收集,處理和控制的溫室參數。每個功能模塊是完全地電氣隔離,任何失敗的結節不會對其他模塊產生任何影響。系統通過分別收集環境信息的方式,每個監控和控制模塊,并通過RS485接口將其發送到主機PC。并且由PC配置控制系統,

66、額定參數的設定值進行比較,然后根據專家智能模糊控制系統測量作物在不同生長階段的各種環境的溫度,濕度,CO2濃度,土壤含水量進行相應的操作指令或報警,模糊控制指令。</p><p>  在秦皇島農村大棚。通常在一個溫室的近東和西區的1/4區域,距離地面為1.5米的中間北部的一半(近濕簾)和南部的一半(風扇附近的),設置一個模塊檢測空氣溫度、濕度、二氧化碳濃度和土壤水分含量,根據實際情況,將土壤含水量模塊添加在溫室的

67、中間;在高度為1.5米的主入口,設置一個水箱,其中的電磁閥滴水管應根據土壤水分含量的需要設置和控制,并且將電腦放置在主入口的溫室內。</p><p><b>  三,硬件設計</b></p><p><b>  A.CP和通信系統</b></p><p>  分布式系統中的數據采集和控制:由于微型控制單元局限于在數據存儲和

68、計算復雜,所以電腦所的使用和主從模塊系統所采用的,這是一個系統,以PC機作為主機,以單片機作為子機。</p><p>  在這種分布式系統中,通信是關鍵。通常,PC機的串行端口是標準的RS232,傳輸距離較短。但是在農業控制系統,其通信距離的數十公尺或幾公里,所以RS232 / RS485轉換器通過PC機與單片機之間的通信來實現。減少投資,既考慮用戶方便和友好的人機交互,低價電腦的上面和下面采用PIV 486,并

69、考慮組態軟件的操作,內存是必須是64M以上,硬盤是10GB以上。</p><p>  B.控制模塊的溫度和濕度,照明度和CO2濃度</p><p>  每個控制單元包括供應鏈管理(SCM),傳感器,信號處理電路,RS485接口和輸出環節。此模塊的溫度和濕度,二氧化碳濃度的硬件結構示于圖2。</p><p>  基于NDIR技術測量CO2濃度的傳感器,測量范圍是0?2

70、×103摩爾。通過傳感器,控制系統,利用軟件數字濾波、線性插值和溫度補償,得到二氧化碳的濃度,依附數字UART協議,然后直接輸入單片機。</p><p>  新的智能傳感器SHT11基于選擇CMOSens技術測量溫度和濕度。在SHT11,溫度和濕度傳感器、信號放大,A/ D,I2C總線全部集成在一個芯片上,它有滿刻度校準,第二行數字輸出并且濕度測量范圍為0?100%RH,溫度測量范圍為-40℃?+123

71、。8℃,濕度測量精度為±3。0%RH,溫度測量精度為±0。4℃,響應<4的時間。</p><p>  JY1-TBQ-6的照度傳感器的硅光伏檢測是使用光測量。它的測量范圍為0?200000勒克斯;光譜范圍為400?700(nm)的可見光;測量誤差是小于2%,輸出為4 ?20mA或0?20mV,輸出信號可以直接傳送到A / D的單片機放大后,大小為0?4V。</p><

72、p>  模塊接受指令形成上層,輸出通過輸出電路。輸出電路包括光學隔離、信號驅動,輸出繼電器。</p><p>  C.土壤水分的測量和控制模塊</p><p>  水是一種極性介質,土壤的介電常數包含水,主要是由水決定,當水含量是不同的,波阻抗不同。在這個系統中,土壤水分測量是通過駐波無線電的方法。</p><p>  基于工程電磁場理論,有損介質,如下的電磁

73、波阻抗:</p><p>  Z0=√μ/ε(1+jλ/(ωε))</p><p>  其中,μ是介質滲透性,土壤和μ是μ≈μ0是真空磁導率;ε是介質的介電常數,λ是介質電導率;ω是電磁波頻。</p><p>  在非常低的音頻(< 2000 hz),損耗角正切的干土介質是λ/ωε≈0。07,如果你選擇的信號源的頻率高于20兆赫茲。然后,ε≈ε∞,虛部的土壤波

74、阻抗忽視,只有真正的一部分,這相當于一個純電阻。</p><p>  土壤水分傳感器由100 MHz信號源,同軸傳輸線和插件不銹鋼探針組成。電磁波信號沿著線傳輸到探頭。由于探針阻抗和線路阻抗不同,入射波和反射波的疊加形成駐波。</p><p>  以同軸傳輸線作為無損耗均勻線,波阻抗為Z0,ZL是負載阻抗。然后,在探針的電壓波的反射系數是:</p><p>  Γ=

75、 (ZL-Z0)/(ZL+Z0)</p><p>  選擇傳輸線的長度為l=λ/ 4時,該行的兩端的最大和最小Umax和Umin時,然后駐波無線電行中,可以表示為:</p><p>  S=Umax /Umin =(1-|Γ|)/(1+|Γ|)</p><p>  按照這種方式,土壤水分無線電可以通過測量傳輸線的駐波率得到。</p><p>

76、  如圖3所示。土壤水分模塊包括傳感器和控制器,傳感器服從控制器,控制器可以被省略,而不需要灌溉溫室。</p><p>  在這個系統中,分區節點為了簡化控制、灌溉技術,采用控制土壤水分技術。在一定的程度上,這個參數的上部和下部地面可采用該技術解耦。</p><p><b>  四,控制系統編程</b></p><p>  該PC軟甲的開發由北

77、京組態王6。51控制。這個配置軟件具有可靠性高,開發周期短,完美的圖形界面生成能力,以及友好的人機交互,可以按照創建動態圖像和圖表可以直觀地顯示設備的布局場景中的參數,控制狀態的變化,并能發出報警信號,當超過額定值,可以實現模糊控制的溫室參數使用的特定數據庫中存儲的歷史環境參數曲線并采用農業專家系統。</p><p>  軟件配置管理是由C51單片機實現實時解答收集、處理、上傳的參數和接受模糊控制指令從主機計算機

78、和完整的局部控制的裝置。</p><p>  A.控制模塊的程序設計</p><p>  子機的軟件的土壤濕度模塊的主要功能包括數據采集和處理子程序,中斷處理和通信等,通過并行數據接口獲得駐波電壓的數值并且由函數計算獲得土壤含水量。</p><p>  軟件的子機主要與下位機完成對土壤水分檢測和控制的數據通信,測量數據和電流控制上傳狀態到主機電腦,接受模糊控制指令從

79、主機計算機輸出執行指令。</p><p>  子機的溫度、濕度和二氧化碳的硬件模塊主要是完成讀取I2C濃度的二氧化碳濃度、溫度和濕度,測量數據和電流控制上傳狀態到主機電腦,接受模糊控制指令從主機輸出執行指令。這個主程序和中斷子程序的溫度和濕度的模塊的結構如圖4所示。</p><p>  串行中斷模式3采用所有從機與主機通信,傳輸數字化采集和接收指令。</p><p>

80、;  B.PC和模糊控制系統的程序設計</p><p>  組態王6.51的通訊設置:為了確保通信的正確性,上下必須遵循相同的通信協議,通信參數。通常在通信,采用主從方式在風格和應答器是采用的過程。換言之,首先主發命令給子機,然后等子機接到指令后給出答案,通信建立。在組態王,一個預定的輪詢方法被用來做閱讀和寫作的低機器電腦之間。在項目瀏覽器中,第一,單擊設備→COM1;在設備配置向導中,選擇“智能模塊”→單片機→

81、SCM的HEX→串行端口,然后服務主機的通信參數。</p><p>  組態王6.51和數據庫的連接數據庫的核心是軟件,不僅包含了定義的變量,實時參數和歷史參數,但是還需要在參數報警、模糊計算、報告和顯示。ACCESS2003的桌面數據庫是用來記錄數據庫的系統,并通過使用SQL,由組態王通過開放式數據庫連接性實現的。這個過程是:在組態王來創建數據變量創建一個身體的記錄建立數據源的ODBC來創建查詢屏幕和使屏幕連接

82、。到與微軟Access2003,功能SQLSelect ,SQLConnect(),SQLLast SQLFist ,SQLNext(),QSLPrew(),SQLInsrt ,SQLPrew()等等,實現的命令語言,然后實時存儲和查詢的數據完成。</p><p>  PC軟件設計:溫室控制系統,數據存儲容量的PC是無限的,因此,如果現有的成熟的軟件模塊到系統,它都可以輕松提高系統的可靠性。軟件,軟件由控制模塊和

83、管理模塊。</p><p>  軟件系統的主控制界面,輔助數據庫等。典型的監測和控制的PC的主界面如圖5所示。</p><p><b>  五,結論</b></p><p>  根據經濟承受能力,農民在秦皇島,與現有技術的溫室環境參數的監測和控制,主從分布式溫室環境自動控制系統在其中一臺計算機作為主機系統,研制了具有以下特點:</p>

84、;<p>  憑借其大容量的數據存儲,PC,模糊控制專家系統的數據存儲,修改和系統升級是很容易的。</p><p>  使用組態王軟件開發的PC,提高了系統的可靠性,縮短開發周期,并獲得一個友好的人機界面。</p><p>  系統中使用的一個分布式,模塊化結構,它使系統維護更加容易,并且適應生產需要。的從屬的監測和控制模塊連接到主機上,然后根據需要通過RS485總線控制溫室


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