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1、<p>  1980單詞,11800英文字符,3580漢字</p><p>  出處:Cao Dong, Wang Jinnan. China: Environmental Information Disclosure [J]. OECD Papers, 2005, Vol. 5 Issue 4, p67-75</p><p><b>  原文一:</b>&

2、lt;/p><p>  China: Environmental Information Disclosure</p><p>  by Mr. CAO Dong and Mr. WANG Jinnan</p><p>  Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning</p><p>  I. ENVIRO

3、NMENTAL QUALITY INFORMATION DISCLOSURE</p><p>  1. State of Environment reporting</p><p>  The Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates (Article 11) that “th

4、e competent departments of environmental protection administration under the State Council and governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government shall regularly issue b

5、ulletins on environmental situations”. The departments are the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) and, at subnational levels, the environmental protection bureaus </p><p>  The first report

6、, 1989 State of the Environment in China, was issued in 1990. The main objective of SOE reporting is to make the public and the society understand the environmental quality situation so as to improve the relevant departm

7、ents’ oversight of the situation. The National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA, the predecessor of SEPA) published the 1990 State of the Environment in China in China Environmental News on June 4, 1991; since then

8、the reports have been published in the same </p><p>  The compiling of SOE reports is led by EPBs at various levels, with participation by the Ministries of Agriculture, Forestry, Water Resources, Geology an

9、d Mineral Resources, and Public Health, along with the State Meteorology Bureau, the State Marine Bureau, the State Land Resource Administration and the State Statistical Bureau. The contents of the first issue were in t

10、hree parts: i) state of environmental pollution, ii) state of the natural environment and iii) environmental protection affairs</p><p>  instance, the 1998 report included biodiversity and climate change. Af

11、ter many years of development, a theoretical framework has been established for compiling the SOE reports, using the pressure – state – response model. An indicator system, with a reliable information collection network,

12、 has been set up to assess the state of China’s environment.</p><p>  Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and the four municipalities directly administered by the central government issue their own

13、SOE reports annually (Box 1); other reports at city level are not available yet. Some provinces publish their SOE reports on the Internet. </p><p>  In addition to national and subnational SOE reports, the g

14、overnment issues reports on environmental status in key environmental management regions and basins, focusing on environmental quality status, environmental control progress and environmental protection affairs. An examp

15、le is the 1997 Report on Ecological and Environmental Monitoring in the Three Gorges Engineering of the Yangtze River, issued on June 3, 1997, covering the Three Gorges reservoir area and the Yangtze River. The main indi

16、ca</p><p>  Box 1 Main Indicators in the City of Beijing SOE Report</p><p>  2. Environmental quality reports</p><p>  NEPA began to compile Basic Urban Environmental Quality Situat

17、ions in Some Areas of China in 1980, and approved the first National Environmental Quality Report compiled by China NEMC and issued in 1991. This national report was classified as “secret” and could be accessed only by s

18、taff of environmental protection departments at various levels and by environmental monitoring technicians. An Environmental Quality Brief is also provided to leaders of environmental protection departments at various &l

19、t;/p><p>  water quality status of main river systems, pollution status of lakes and reservoirs, offshore marine water quality status, urban ambient noise status and radioactive environmental quality status.<

20、;/p><p>  3. Weekly (daily) report on urban environmental quality</p><p>  Reports on ambient air quality are released every week to the public. They are based on routine monitoring of several comm

21、on pollutants specified in the national ambient air quality standard, and on the assessment results of the urban air quality during the week, expressed as an air pollution index (API)2 (Table 1). On January 21, 1997, the

22、 10th session of the Third Environment Commission of the State Council decided that weekly reporting on urban ambient air quality should be carried out in 47 </p><p>  The weekly reports are released via rad

23、io, TV, newspapers, 168 telephone information stations, Internet and on-street billboards, with the first three media being the most popular.</p><p>  On January 2, 1998, China Environmental News began relea

24、sing a weekly environmental quality report for the cities of Shenyang, Dalian, Tianjin, Nanjing, Hefei, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Shenzhen, Nanning and Chongqing. The newspaper has sin

25、ce added 31 other cities, and publishes the reports every Saturday. In addition, China Environmental Protection publishes air quality indexes of key cities on the Internet.</p><p>  After releasing weekly ai

26、r quality reports for key cities for more than two years, China decided to issue daily air quality reports for 32 provincial capitals and ten coastal and tourism cities from June 5, 1999. At the same time, the classifica

27、tion criteria and pollutants were adjusted: while the SO2 indicator was unchanged, inhalable particles and NO2 replaced total suspended particulates. Five more coastal cities are to be added eventually. Box 2 shows a dai

28、ly air quality report for Beijing.</p><p>  The release of weekly, then daily, urban air quality reports has helped enhance the image of governments, increase citizens’ environmental awareness and encourage

29、public participation in environmental protection. For example, in Nanjing, the first city in China to publish weekly air quality reports in newspapers and on TV, residents did not understand the APIs very well at first,

30、and many wanted to know what their implications were. After some time, people could understand what urban environment</p><p>  Table 1 Air Pollution Index and Corresponding Air Quality Levels</p><

31、p>  Box 2 Daily Report on Ambient Air Quality in Urban Beijing</p><p>  II. ENTERPRISE ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE</p><p>  1. Enterprise and engineering a

32、ppraisals and ratings</p><p>  Through EIAs, the “three simultaneous steps”4 permit system, pollutant discharge reporting and registration, pollutant permits, on-site examination and other measures, EPBs can

33、 evaluate environmental pressures from enterprises, related effects on the surrounding environment and the status of the enterprises' environmental management. The information is usually used for various kinds of app

34、raisals and ratings to encourage the more advanced enterprises and put pressure on less advanced ones.</p><p>  Enterprises are being appraised at national, local and sectoral levels. Environmental assessmen

35、ts are carried out at national level for Enterprise Class, Excellent Environment Factory, Energy Saving Unit, Environmental Protection Advanced Enterprise and Public Health Advanced Enterprise. In addition, the Ministry

36、of Chemical Engineering carries out a Clean and Civilized Enterprise assessment. City appraisals include Garden Enterprise (Beijing and Shanghai) and Shenyang’s 1989 Top Ten Worst Envir</p><p>  NEPA initiat

37、ed the National Environmental Protection Advanced Enterprises appraisal in 1989. The candidates are proposed by municipal EPBs and examined on-site by provincial EPBs, which recommend which ones to forward to NEPA. An ap

38、praisal committee, with representatives from NEPA departments, China NEMC and ministries, examines these candidates and chooses the winners. The title National Environmental Protection Advanced Enterprise carries an awar

39、d and certificate of honour. The appraisals high</p><p>  Voting by the public is usually organised by government or the media. For example, the city of Benxi organized a voting for the municipality’s ten he

40、aviest polluters in 1989. Expert or public appraisals of enterprises as less or more advanced have somewhat promoted pollution treatment in enterprises, but in most cases the criteria are general and less detailed, with

41、more subjective factors, and do not objectively reflect enterprises’ environmental performance. Not enough information is available</p><p>  In 1990, on the basis of a countrywide survey of industrial pollut

42、ion sources, NEPA screened and identified key national pollution sources to be the focus of industrial pollution prevention. These include 3 000 sources that accounted for 65% of the national pollutant load, 6 000 accoun

43、ting for 75% and 9 000 accounting for 85%5.</p><p>  In 1991, NEPA issued a provisional regulation on monitoring of industrial pollution sources and implemented a seasonal monitoring report system. On May 7,

44、 1993, NEPA published a list of 3 000 key national industrial polluters. The environmental news authorities organized reports by journalists around the country on how local governments and the enterprises themselves were

45、 responding, and began a regular column called “3 000 Enterprises Are Acting”. The list of pollution sources is solely based o</p><p><b>  二、翻譯文章</b></p><p><b>  譯文一:</b>

46、</p><p><b>  中國:環境信息披露</b></p><p><b>  曹東、王晉南</b></p><p><b>  中國環境規劃院</b></p><p>  一、環境信息披露質量</p><p><b>  1、我國環境報

47、告</b></p><p>  中國人民共和國環境保護法第十一條規定“國務院和省、自治區、直轄市人民政府的環境保護行政主管部門,應當定期發布環境狀況公報”。其中這些部門指的是國家環境保護總局(環??偩郑┮约暗胤礁骷壄h境保護局(環保局)。國家還規定環境報告發表一般需每年一次。</p><p>  我國的第一個環境報告發行于1990年,對當時中國環境狀況進行了描述,.其主要目的是使

48、國有企業報告社會和公眾了解環境質量狀況,有助于提高有關部門的監督情況。1991年6月4日,國家環境保護局(國家環保局,國家環??偩值那吧恚┰谥袊h境新聞中發布了關于1990年中國環境狀況的信息;自那時起,國家環保局每年都會以這種形式發布相關環境信息。從1998年開始,相關環境報告信息開始發表于互聯網上。</p><p>  國有企業報告是由參與農業、林業、水資源、地質礦產資源、公共衛生的各級環保局,連同國家氣象局


50、就這樣,通過一個能夠提供可靠信息采集網絡的指標體系就可以了解中國環境保護情況。</p><p>  各省、自治區、四個直轄市由中央管理的國有企業須每年發行自己的環境報告(圖1),至于市一級的其他報告暫時還未要求。其中一些省份將他們的國有企業報告發布在了互聯網上。</p><p>  除了國家和地方國有企業的報告,政府還公布關于關鍵環境管理區、重點流域的環境狀況報告,主要針對環境質量狀況、環


52、中國環境新聞和人民日報中予以披露。</p><p>  圖1北京市國有企業城市環境報告主要指標</p><p><b>  2、環境質量報告</b></p><p>  1980年,國家環保局以中國一些地區城市環境質量的情況為依據開始編寫環境報告。1991年,中國國家環境監測中心發布了第一個獲批準的全國環境質量報告。這個報告被列為“國家秘密”,

53、只能由各級環保部門和環境監測技術員工才可以查看。環境質量簡介須提供給各級環保部門領導。該報告的主要內容和指標包括空氣質量狀況,酸雨污染現狀,城市河流水質狀況,主要河流的水質狀況,湖泊、水庫的污染現狀,近海域水質狀況,城市噪聲狀況及輻射環境質量狀況。</p><p>  3、每周(每天)城市環境質量報告</p><p>  環境空氣質量報告須每星期公布。該報告根據常規監測中國家環境空氣質量標

54、準指定常用的污染物和以空氣污染指數為表現形式的每周城市空氣質量評估結果編寫(表1)。1997年1月21日,第十屆第三屆國務環境委員會決定三個地區的47個重點城市每周須公布城市環境空氣質量報告在1997年6月5日到1998年6月5日期間。</p><p>  每周城市環境質量報告公布通過廣播,電視,報紙,168電話信息臺,互聯網和路邊廣告牌進行,其中主要以前三者方式居多。</p><p> 

55、 1998年1月2日,中國環境新聞周刊開始發表一些城市的每周城市環境質量報告書,包括沈陽,大連,天津,南京,合肥,上海,杭州,福州,廈門 ,廣州,武漢,珠海,深圳和重慶,南寧。該報自加入其他31個城市后,于每星期六發表報告。此外,中國環境保護重點城市的空氣質量指數也在互聯網上發布。</p><p>  在重點城市空氣質量周報發表兩年以后,中國決定于1999年6月5日起發布32個省會城市和十個沿海旅游城市的每日空氣

56、質量報告。同時,還對于分類標準和污染物進行了調整:當二氧化硫指標不變,可吸入顆粒物和二氧化氮取代總懸浮顆粒物。超過五個沿海城市最終也加入了這個行列。圖2顯示北京的一個每日空氣質量報告。</p><p>  發表每周(日)城市空氣質量報告有助于提高政府的形象,增強市民的環保意識,鼓勵公眾參與環境保護。例如,中國第一大城市——南京將城市空氣質量報告刊登在報紙和電視上,開始市民并不能很好地了解空氣污染指數,很多人想知道

57、這些指數到底暗示著什么。經過一段時間以后,人們才明白空氣污染指數暗示著他們生活的城市環境質量狀況,當你想采購或者觀光旅游時就會把它作為一個參考依據。所以現在他們開始自愿幫助提高城市環境質量。</p><p>  表一空氣污染指數及相應的空氣質量水平</p><p>  圖2北京每日城市環境空氣質量報告</p><p>  二、企業環境績效指標和信息披露 </p

58、><p>  1、企業工程評估和評級</p><p>  通過環境影響評估、“三同時”許可證制度、排污申報等級、排污許可證、現場檢查和其他措施,環保局可以評估占正在面對環境壓力的企業,針對企業周圍環境及環境管理狀況做出相應的措施。這些信息通常用于各種類型的評價和評級來鼓勵一些先進企業,另外給那些環境管理差的企業施加壓力。</p><p>  企業根據評國家、地方及行業等

59、水平來評估。環境評估可以分為國家一級企業、環境優秀企業、節能環保企業、環保先進企業和公共衛生先進企業。此外,化工工程部實施清潔文明企業評估。城市評估包括園林企業(北京和上海)和1989年沈陽的十個環境管理最差企業和1990年十個企業環境管理最好的。其中一些評估是由政府和其他公共組織進行的。</p><p>  1989年,國家環保局實行了全國環保先進企業評審制度。由市環保局推薦的候選企業通過省環保局的現場檢查然后


61、和1990年國家獲獎者,保留了其中的183個企業,所頒布的證書四年有效。而其他企業被撤銷此稱號,其中包括八個不再符合要求的企業和六個已停止生產的企業。</p><p>  公眾投票通常由政府或媒體組織。例如,本溪市在1989年舉辦了以直轄市的十個重污染企業為對象的一個投票評審。專家或公眾評估企業或多或少有關注那些促進污染治理的先進企業,但在大多數情況下,由于主觀因素是因為標準不詳細,所以不能主觀地反映企業環境績效

62、。無法獲得足夠的信息,因此投票評審往往缺乏公平和公正的評價。此外,隨著環境的加強管理和環保事業的發展,這類專家公眾鑒定已不適合目前的環境保護趨勢而被停止。</p><p>  1990年,在全國工業污染源調查的基礎上,國家環保局篩選和確定國家重點污染源作為重點工業污染防治對象。這些對象中包括3000個占全國污染物負荷的65%的污染源,6000個占75%和9000個占 85% </p><p&g

63、t;  1991年,國家環保局針對工業污染源監測的暫行辦法規定并且實施了季節性監測報告系統。1993年5月7日,國家環保局公布了3000個國家重點工業污染源名單。環境新聞機構組織發表了由國家記者關于各地地方政府及企業本身的回應內容發表的報告,并開始常規列為“1000家企業代理”。這個污染源名單是完全基于污染廢水或廢棄物排放,但其程度排放與企業的規模和行業特性密切相關。名單的出版為環保部門和研究機構提供了幫助,并在一定程度上對企業產生了促


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