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1、<p>  2000單詞,1萬英文字符,3000漢字</p><p><b>  一、英文</b></p><p>  Studies on Chinese Farmland Use Rights Transfer System</p><p>  Chen Lanjian, Hu Lanxi</p><p>

2、<b>  Abstract </b></p><p>  This is an article involved in risks, right and interest of 642.2 million (China National statistics 2013) Chinese farmers in land transfer process, it describes the u

3、se of the way of economic development and reform of rural land under a typical government -driven economic system. Chinese rural land transfer is another one of major changes in rural land system, there exist a number of

4、 drawbacks such as a binary power Chinese land system, market access inequality, malpractice premium distortions </p><p>  Keywords Farmland Use Rights, Land System Changes, Land Transfer</p><p>

5、;  1. Introduction</p><p>  Framework of the Paper</p><p>  This article comprises three parts: 1. analysis of changes & current situations of China agricultural land use right transfer syst

6、em; 2. positive analysis of land use right transfer effects;3. reform & suggestions for promoting farm land use rights transfer system. The article involves in risks, right and interest of 642.2 million Chinese farme

7、rs in land transfer process, it describes the use of the way of economic development and reform of rural land under a typical government -driven economic </p><p>  Chinese Farmland Use Rights Transfer System

8、 (CFURTS)</p><p>  The Transfer of Land Use Rights</p><p>  According to the 19th article in the “People’s Republic of China Provisional Regulations on Land Use Right Transfer”, the transfer of

9、land use rights refers to the land user to transfer land use rights behavior, including the sale, exchange and gift. Without the terms and conditions in the land transfer contract to invest the development of land use, t

10、hen the land use rights shall not be transferable.</p><p>  The Land Use Right Transfer Tax</p><p>  The assigning party shall hold responsible for paying the following taxes: sales, city mainte

11、nance and construction, education surcharge, land value-added, corporate income, deed and stamp.</p><p>  Why the Government Land Expropriation Is in the Right and Self-confident</p><p>  As all

12、 we know, in the past twenty years, various government land acquisition disputes occurred all over China without interruption. The vast majority of group events, petitions, and villagers’ fierce resistance etc. are relat

13、ed to land disputes in China. In 2004, in terms of the 2nd article in the "People’s Republic of China Land Management Law", "the country, in need of public interest, can be in accordance with the law condu

14、ct land expropriation or requisition and compensation."</p><p>  That is to say, if a mu (0.067 hectares or 666.67 m2) in the market can be sold at the land price of tens of millions CNY, the highest co

15、mpensation to farmers made by the government is only tens of thousands CNY. For example, a mu of farmland of annually averaged income worth ¥2,000CNY, the highest compensation calculated according to 30

16、 times, is ¥60,000CNY. But this piece of land in the market can be sold at hundreds of thousands CNY or even tens of millions CNY.</p><p>  Thus now we can see that even the local governments apply the

17、farmland to factories, residential areas, shopping malls, golf courses and other commercial or recreational uses, can legitimately use the farmer land by means of imposition. The local governments can abuse imposing

18、 land rights to damage the interests of farmers, because we give them the space left in the law.</p><p>  2. Analysis of Changes & Current Situations of China Agricultural Land Use Right Transfer System&

19、lt;/p><p>  Changes of Farm Land Use Right Transfer System in China during the Reform and Opening up Stages</p><p>  1979-1983 Household Contract Responsibility System Established</p><p&

20、gt;  In September of 1979, the Chinese Communist Party's Fourth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Congress formally adopted the "Decision on Accelerating Farm Development Issues” , In September of the following ye

21、ar, , the central government devoted to farm production responsibility system problems. After the 11th CCP congress, the central government issued “Several Issues on Strengthening and Improving the Agricultural Productio

22、n Responsibility System “to all the lower levels. For the first time in th</p><p>  1984-1997 Changes in Farmland Use Right Transfer System</p><p>  1984 -1993 mainly farm land system was as fol

23、lows: First, to stabilize the land contract period and to consolidate and improve the system innovation outcomes; Second, under the basic institutional framework of the collective ownership of land, and of a family runni

24、ng , it started the innovative types of land use right in terms of institutional arrangements , exerting efforts to unearth and improve land productivity, optimizing the allocation of resources and institutional incentiv

25、es. On March 28</p><p>  3.1997 till Now Farmland Use Right Transfer System</p><p>  Since August 29th, 1998, the new "Land Management Law" stipulates that” the land contract period sh

26、all last for 30 years”, the policy appeared for the first time in the form of legal provisions. This means that farmers have land use rights to be protected in law. In the 2000 year, implementation of the " Rural La

27、nd Contract Law " from a legal perspective reflects the legitimate land contract and management rights for the protection of the family through the land contract and management rights co</p><p>  Throug

28、h three stages of rural land system changes, it can be found: At present, China’s rural land system, after 30 years of reform, exploration and improvement, has been gradually formed as a system of farm land centered on c

29、ontractual rights.</p><p>  Analysis of the Status of China Agricultural Land Use Right Transfer</p><p>  Farmland Circulation Faster but the Overall Size Limited</p><p>  Chinese s

30、cholars have engaged in a lot of research on China’s farm land transfer status. Mr. Chen Xiwen et al studies show that since the late 1980s , the farmer spontaneous circulation of land use rights remained at 1%-3% , the

31、proportion in some developed coastal areas and peripheral urban areas was slightly higher ; national average turnover rate of farm land in 8% -10 %, in some counties the flow rate has reached 20% -30 % , inland circulati

32、on 1 %-2 %. The national survey data amidst rural f</p><p>  A Significant Regional Difference in Agricultural Land Transfer</p><p>  Due to differences in the economic development and the speci

33、fic institutional environment all over China, there are more obvious regional characteristics in land transfer. Farmers subcontract farmland In terms of scale, the central regions and the whole China trends to be basical

34、ly the same, while the eastern and western regions are significantly lower.</p><p>  3. Positive Analysis of Land Use Right Transfer Effects</p><p>  In order to effectively investigate farmland

35、 use right transfer situation, we chose Yunnan province as a sample of</p><p>  this research area. In the form of a questionnaire survey, we visited farmers in 60 villages within six townships of three coun

36、ties in Yunnan province. 1,000 questionnaires were distributed, 629 valid questionnaires were recollected, and effective rate reached 63 %.</p><p>  Analysis of Factors Affecting Farmland Transfer Behavior&l

37、t;/p><p>  Through research and analysis , land transfer factors can be divided into five categories , namely: 1. autographical characteristics of head of a household, e.g., head of household gender, age, level

38、 of education , the availability of education and training received , etc. ; 2. household demographic characteristics, e.g., the number of laborers, proportion of dependent family members, number of women in the family ,

39、 whether or not the cadres in the family, etc.; 3. the farm household economic re</p><p>  The Model Set</p><p>  Through logistic regression model, the factors affecting the willingness of farm

40、ers of land transfer are analyzed, “whether or not does your home lease/transfer the land?” in the questionnaire on which a set of dummy variables are built,1 expresses willingness to transfer the land out, 2 says willin

41、gness to transfer the land in; 3 shows no desire for transferring the land . In this paper, the model is set as follows:</p><p>  Y=β0+ β1X1+ β2X2+ β3X3+……β12X12+μ</p><p>  Variable Description

42、: Y means farmers ever transferred out/into the land , X1 represents the autographical characteristics of head of a household ( if the head of a household mainly pursues agriculture, then X1 = 1; otherwise X1 = 0); X2 re

43、presents the education level ( if education is primary school or less, X2 = 1; If education is junior high school , then X2 = 2; If education is high school , then X2 = 3; If education is junior college, then X2 = 4; If

44、education is undergraduate or more, the</p><p><b>  二、中文</b></p><p>  我國農地使用權流轉制度的研究</p><p><b>  摘要</b></p><p>  這是一篇涉及6億4220萬中國農民(中國國家統計局2013)土


46、用權的建議。</p><p>  關鍵詞:農地使用權,土地制度變遷,土地流轉</p><p><b>  1. 簡介</b></p><p><b>  A. 論文框架</b></p><p>  本文由三個部分組成:1、中國農地使用權流轉制度的變化分析以及現狀;2、土地使用權流轉效應實證分析;3、


48、。</p><p>  B、中國農地使用權流轉制度(CFURTS)</p><p>  1. 土地使用權流轉</p><p>  根據第十九條“中華人民共和國暫行土地使用權流轉的規定”,土地使用權流轉是指土地使用者流轉土地使用權的行為,包括出售、交換和贈與。未在土地出讓合同條件下投資開發的土地,不得流轉其土地使用權。</p><p>  2.

49、 土地使用權流轉稅</p><p>  流轉方負責繳納下列稅款:銷售、城市維護建設、教育附加費、土地增值、企業收入、契稅和印花稅。</p><p>  3. 為什么征用土地是政府的權利</p><p>  我們都知道,在過去的二十年中,各級政府征地糾紛不間斷地在中國發生。絕大多數群體性事件、上訪、村民激烈反抗等,都與中國的土地糾紛有關。2004年,“中華人民共和國土

50、地管理法”第二條規定,“為了公共利益,國家有權依法進行土地征收、征用和補償”。</p><p>  也就是說,如果一畝地(0.067公頃或666.67平方米)的土地在市場上以幾千萬元的價格出售,政府對農民的最高補償額只有幾萬元。例如,一畝田的年平均收入為2000元人民幣,按30倍計算的最高賠償為60000元。但這塊土地在市場上可以賣幾十萬元甚至幾千萬元人民幣。</p><p>  因此我們

51、可以看到,即使地方政府把農田應用到工廠、住宅區、商場、高爾夫球場和其他商業或休閑用途,也可以通過合法的土地征收使用農民土地。地方政府濫用土地權利損害農民利益,因為我們給他們留下了法律的空間。</p><p>  2、對中國農地使用權流轉制度的變化與現狀的分析</p><p>  A. 改革開放時期中國農地使用權流轉制度的變化</p><p>  1. 1979-1

52、983年建立家庭聯產承包責任制</p><p>  1979年九月,黨的第十一屆全國代表大會第四次全體會議正式通過了《關于加快農業發展問題的決定》,次年九月,中央政府專門致力于農業生產責任制問題。第十一次黨代會以后,中央政府下達了“加強和完善農業生產責任制若干問題”。首次以中央文件的形式闡明了家庭聯產承包責任制的性質,初步肯定了家庭聯產承包責任制。1983年一月,中央出臺了“當前農村經濟政策問題”文件“雙包制”,

53、以家庭聯產承包責任制為主,得到了高度贊揚,進行了理論綜述。隨后,家庭聯產承包責任制作為農村快速發展的主要形式。[ 1 ]</p><p>  2. 1984年至1997年農地使用權流轉制度的變化</p><p>  1984至1993年主要的農地制度包括:第一,穩定土地承包期,鞏固和完善制度創新成果;其次,在集體土地所有權的基本制度框架以及家庭的運行下,從制度安排入手,對土地使用權類型進

54、行創新,從制度安排入手,創新土地使用權類型,優化資源配置與制度激勵。1995年3月28日,中央和國務院批準了農業部“關于進一步穩定和完善土地承包關系的意見”,拓展和加強土地承包,并提出了土地承包經營的具體要求。1997年8月27日,中共中央、國務院發布《關于進一步穩定和完善農村土地承包關系》,它重申穩定的土地承包關系政策,強調“大穩定、小調整”的土地承包發展原則。</p><p>  3. 1997年至今農地使用

55、權的流轉制度</p><p>  自1998年8月29日起,新的《土地管理法》規定“土地承包期限為30年”,該政策首次以法律規定的形式出現。這意味著農民的土地使用權得到法律保護。在2000年,《農村土地承包法》的實施,從法律角度反映了通過土地承包經營權合同保障土地承包經營權的合法土地承包經營權,中國農民可以依法分包、出租、交換、流轉或者流轉自己的農地。2007年3月16日,政府頒布了《物權法》,對中國的集體土地所

56、有權、土地承包經營權制定相應的規范。</p><p>  通過農村土地制度變遷的三個階段可以發現:目前,中國的農村土地制度改革經過了30年的探索和改進,已逐漸形成了以承包權為中心的農地制度。</p><p>  B. 中國農業土地使用權流轉的現狀分析</p><p>  1、農地流轉速度較快,但整體規模有限</p><p>  中國很多學者從

57、事研究中國農地流轉現狀的研究。陳錫文先生等人的研究表明,自上世紀80年代以來,土地使用權中農民自發流轉保持在1% - 3%,在一些沿海發達地區和城市周邊地區比例稍高;全國農用地平均周轉率在8%至10%間,在某些縣的流動率已達到20% 至 30%,內地流動率為1%至 2%。全國農村固定觀察點的調查數據中顯示:1984至1992年,被調查的7012戶中未流轉土地占比超93.8%,已執行部分土地流轉的占1.99%??傮w來看,我國農地流轉規模仍

58、然較小,但形勢呈現出增長的趨勢。</p><p>  2、農地流轉區域差異顯著</p><p>  由于中國經濟發展的差異和特定的制度環境,土地流轉具有明顯的區域性特征。農民按規模劃分農用地,中部地區和整個中國的發展趨勢是基本一致的,而東部和西部地區則明顯較低。</p><p>  3. 土地使用權流轉效果實證分析</p><p>  為了有

59、效調查農地使用權流轉情況,我們選擇云南省作為研究區的樣本。采用了問卷調查的形式,對云南省三個縣六個鄉鎮的60個村的農民進行了走訪調查。共發放問卷1000份,回收有效問卷629份,有效率達63%。</p><p>  A. 影響農地流轉行為的因素分析</p><p>  通過研究分析,土地流轉因素可分為五類,即:1、例如,一個家庭的頭事件的特征,戶主,年齡,教育程度,接受教育和培訓的有效性等

60、等;2、 家庭人口統計特征,如勞動者人數、家庭成員比例、家庭婦女人數、家庭中是否有干部等;3、 土地、勞動力、資本、科技資源等農戶經濟資源;4、農戶收入結構,如:農業收入、農業收入占總收入的比重、農業總收入增長比例等;5、土地用途。</p><p><b>  B. 模型</b></p><p>  通過邏輯模型分析了影響農戶土地流轉意愿的因素,即“您的房屋是否租賃/

61、轉讓土地?”,在問卷中建立了一組虛擬變量,1. 表達流轉土地的意愿,有2個人表示愿意轉讓土地,3個人不愿意轉讓土地。在本文中,該模型的設置如下:</p><p>  Y=β0+ β1X1+ β2X2+ β3X3+……β12X12+μ</p><p>  變量說明:Y意味著農民曾經轉出/入土地,X1代表著一個家庭的頭等事件的特征(如果戶主主要從事農業,那么X1 = 1;否則X1 = 0);X

62、2代表教育水平(如果教育是小學或以下,X2 = 1;如果教育是初中,X2 = 2;如果教育程度為高中,X2 = 3;如果教育程度為大專,X2 = 4;如果為本科或以上,X2 = 5);X3代表性別(如果性別為男性,那么X3 = 1;性別為女,X3 = 0);X4代表農地流轉戶主的年齡(如果為20歲,X4 = 1;如果年齡在20至35歲之間,X4 = 2;35至50歲,X4 = 3;50歲以上,X4 = 4);X5代表人均耕地;X6代表人


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