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1、<p>  Modern Human Resources Management</p><p>  1. The general situation of human resource management</p><p>  Modern human resources management of enterprise roughly can divide into three

2、 levels, tactics plan, and carry out plan. Three levels represent human resources management advance, can embody the transition from traditional personnel management to modern human resources management. We will welcome

3、E era in the 21st century. In the face of the brand-new challenge, enterprises to obtain the competition advantage, human resources development and management can't be ignored. Through adapt to E era vio</p>&

4、lt;p>  Among the course of enterprise management developing, it is not difficult to find that enterprise management have gone through production period and market period ,then enter the human resources leading period.

5、 We can say, at E era human resources will become direction of enterprises management. As we know, production period have kept quite a long stage, then we paid attention to products. Ford Motor was a vivid case of that p

6、eriod: Do you need the automobile which other colors? We only produce </p><p>  Market leading is the trend of recent ten years domestic enterprises also pay attention to it. Its character is to pay attentio

7、n to market trend, market require, and customer satisfaction. Products quality and service are the foundation of customer satisfaction. Product quality and service promoted, enterprise could keep the occupation rate of m

8、arket. </p><p>  Enterprise will adopt human resources to E era main characters globalization, world net and knowledge. Enterprises must know the function of human resources in the development.</p>&l

9、t;p>  First of all, knowledge and technology have changed the measure of enterprise’s wealth and competition rule. Knowledge is strategic assets of enterprise, enterprise is the organization which can combine, create,

10、 transmit and use knowledge. So whether enterprises have innovative knowledge, or heterogeneity technology be not coded, will promote enterprises to boost productivity in succession, promote and create the advantage in c

11、ompetition. As knowledge and technology’s medium (human resources) on</p><p>  In era of knowledge-driven economy, the fundamental change takes place in enterprises’ competition. E-era is knowledge-driven ec

12、onomy era, the competition based on key ability of enterprise. According to McKinsey advisory company’s view so-called key ability mean organization’s a series of complementary technical ability and knowledge, it have m

13、ade one or many aspects of business reach competition field first-class level. The cultivation of enterprise’s key ability will be based on information </p><p>  Secondly, networked development change tradit

14、ional space-time conception, create one no demarcation and global working environment and vision. So, the development at full speed of the new technology, not only improved production efficiency, reduced the trade expens

15、es greatly, but also made an impact to enterprise’s management. For example, application of computer and network technology, redistribute the power of enterprises. The development of communication means and network techn

16、ology enable cu</p><p>  Moreover, globalization has already changed the border of the competition. Enterprises will face unprecedented challenge. Global economy integration under trade liberalization will m

17、ake multinational enterprises become important strength in international market competition. To obtain competition advantage under globalization background, enterprises’ administrators and human resources department must

18、 take human resources to program. They will set up new mode and procedure, train global sensitive </p><p>  2. E era: Deep change of human resources management</p><p>  E era, knowledge and tech

19、nology, network and globalization are the main character. New market, new product and new concept contain new thinking of enterprise’s key ability and management style. Human resources management in enterprise will take

20、deep change:</p><p>  In the face of knowledge economy society, it demanding knowledge and information shared. Network make institutional framework do away with hierarchical system. On one hand, network tiss

21、ue group replace regular working office or position. Inside enterprises, the group and the other group are independent and complementary, the comprehensive result of the sum greater than the part wholly. In this case, gr

22、oup depends on members’ ability (not post) and tusk. Performance of group is the standard to ge</p><p>  In future, the steady, machinery, repeated work will be replaced by the machine. There only left ment

23、al work, creative work. The “knowledge worker” will utilize his knowledge and innovation ability, offer products and additional value of service. People no longer regard pursuing the senior managerial position as the mai

24、n goal of job development. What they need are bigger autonomy and working elasticity, in order to give play to their higher production capacity. Thus, as the administrator, must </p><p>  As to above-mention

25、ed changes, organization system redesigned should on background of human resources management of E era. E era, organization system will change produce, market, sale and research, development and financial departments. Bu

26、t implement a hierarchical system and network framework. In traditional pyramid institutional framework, it was ordering and control that emphasized, emphasis describing the staff’s task clearly, so the expectation to th

27、e staff of the organization is clear. To </p><p>  As the wide application of Internet technology, the competition and development will under the background “E-Business” times. It is obvious, management reco

28、nstruction and procedure recombination will become important means to break traditional rule and to obtain new competitive power. The rule of industrial economy can’t adapt to the growth and development of E-era. Human R

29、esource Department is layman or servant of technology no longer, information technology will be got application in human res</p><p>  Internet technology can help enterprises organize and realize fictitiousl

30、y management. Internet technology will help enterprises to set up the administrative system of knowledge, set up studying type organization, help enterprises to win competitiveness of long-term development. One organizat

31、ion must have ability on “how to study”, study ability will become competition advantage than rival.</p><p>  3. E era: Existence of the human resources manager</p><p>  In E era competitive env

32、ironment changing fast, it makes the managers face the change of human resources management field, play a role in transformation. More and more enterprises realize that set up competition advantage, the key is to make hu

33、man resources management effective. The administrator on the senior level of enterprises places much hope on this. Enterprise’s human resources manager would meet the challenge of E era. </p><p>  First of a

34、ll, enterprise's human resources administrator's duty will be liberated from homework, administrative affairs gradually, will engage in strategic human resources management more. So, enterprise manpower resources

35、 by the original non-mainstream functional department gradually become administrative department and strategic partner of business management. Among the 1994, American human resources management association meeting, coun

36、cil chairman Gale Parker point out, “Enterprise rebuild, s</p><p>  As we know that traditional human resources management of enterprise can roughly be divided into two respects, one from homework, another s

37、trategic. So-called homework project mean attendance, personnel file administration, performance check and rate, wage and welfare administration and general affairs. And strategic project include manpower resources formu

38、lation, execution of policy, help on the middle and senior level selection of executive, education, training, career of staff plan, organizat</p><p>  So, Enterprise’s human resources manager will be from th

39、at kind of administration of the past gradually. Role of general affairs and welfare committee would be changed. And become learning type organization, training pusher, senior advisor agent, strategic business partner, a

40、dministration’s expert and improvement advocator. </p><p>  Secondly, manpower resources manager need to possess the corresponding global human resources management skill, he can understand and grasp the sui

41、table professional knowledge. He required speak the same “language” to the business segments. Human resources administration is very important in the chain of enterprises day by day. It includes not only outside customer

42、 but also departments of enterprise. Human resource department should move towards “the service center” from the status “power center</p><p>  Finally, human resources manager should locate a new role. Michi

43、gan University Reich professor said, as helper of enterprise to get competitiveness, human resources management should pay attention to output of work. According to strategic policy, administration’s efficiency, the staf

44、f’s contribution and changing, these four kinds outputs of human resources management, Reich sum up 4 basic roles of human resources management. They are strategic human resources, mechanism structure, of staff manag<

45、/p><p>  In order to realize the above-mentioned roles, enterprise’s human resources manager need master four major key technical skills.</p><p>  First, they should master the business procedure.

46、</p><p>  Human resources employee becomes a part of core managing and management. They participate in the basic operational activity, have strategic business directions. </p><p>  Second, they

47、grasp the manpower resources.</p><p>  It means that human resources management should guarantee basic managements and coordinate each other, and should bear the responsibility the executive function.</p&

48、gt;<p>  Third, personal reputation</p><p>  It means that human resources employee should possess good interpersonal influence, conquest ability and innovation ability.</p><p>  Fourth,

49、grasp transformation</p><p>  It requires human resources manager to understand how to lead enterprises’ improvement and recombination.</p><p>  現代企業人力資源管理</p><p>  一、現代企業人力資源管理概況&l

50、t;/p><p>  現代企業的人力資源管理大致可分為三個層次,及策略規劃、制度規劃和作業執行。這三個層次其實也代表了人力資源管理的不同發展階段,可以體現出從傳統的人事管理到現代人力資源管理的過渡。二十一世紀我們全面迎來了E時代。面對全新挑戰,企業要獲取競爭優勢,人力資源開發與管理不可忽視。通過適應E時代劇烈的企業變化和動蕩的新挑戰,促進企業組織開發、流程重組和管理變革,發揮并提升人力資源的潛能,成為企業人力資源管理

51、工作者當仁不讓的職責。</p><p>  從近一個世紀企業經營的發展過程中,我們不難發現企業經營歷經了從生產導向到市場導向的演進過程,目前正在進入人力資源導向時代??梢哉f,在E時代,人力資源導向將成為企業獲取成功的基本導向。</p><p>  眾所周知,生產導向的階段維持了相當久,當時重視的是產品。福特汽車就曾是那個時代一個生動的典型:你們需要其他顏色的汽車嗎?我們只生產黑色。<

52、/p><p>  市場導向是近十幾年來的趨勢,國內企業也相當重視。其特點是重視市場趨勢、市場要求、以及顧客滿意度;尤其,以產品或服務的品質、質量,作為顧客滿意度的基礎。只有提升產品與服務的質量與品質,才能享有市場占有率。而"品質、質量"的貢獻者、達成者、實現者是誰呢?</p><p>  企業采用人力資源導向是由知識化、網絡化及全球化的E時代根本特征和企業競爭格局所決定的。

53、企業須以全新的視角來認識人力資源在企業發展中的作用。</p><p>  首先,知識化改變了衡量企業財富的標準和競爭規則。知識是企業的戰略資產,企業是一種知識整合系統或是創造、傳遞和運用知識的組織。所以企業是否擁有創新知識,或異質性未編碼知識,就成為連續推動企業提高生產率,提升并創造連續競爭優勢的源泉。作為知識和技能“承載者”的人力資源,代表了企業所擁有的專門知識、技能和能力的總和,是企業創造獨占性的異質知識和壟

54、斷技術優勢的基礎。雖然企業的科技和知識是無形的,但代表企業知識、技能和能力水平的人力資源卻是真實存在,并能加以管理、培訓和開發的。至此,企業的人力資源就成為決定企業市場價值的關鍵因素。如從一定程度上講,Microsoft的市場價值是超出GE的。</p><p>  知識經濟時代,企業競爭方式發生根本性變革。E時代是知識經濟的時代,企業的競爭將基于核心能力的競爭。根據麥肯錫(McKinsey)咨詢公司的觀點,所謂核

55、心能力是指某一組織內部一系列互補的技能和知識的結合,它具有使一項或多項業務達到競爭領域一流水平的能力。企業核心能力的培育將基于知識管理。在國外出現一個類似CEO、CIO職位的CKO(Chief Knowledge Officer)職位,中文應該稱為首席知識官或知識總監,其責任是促進員工知識與技能水平的不斷提升,確保組織在高科技時代的競爭力。</p><p>  其次,網絡化的發展改變了傳統的時空觀念,創造了一個不


57、企業將會把人力資源管理工作提高到相當重要的程度。</p><p>  再次,全球化已徹底改變了競爭的邊界,使企業面臨前所未有的強度挑戰。經濟全球化與貿易自由化帶動下的全球經濟一體化,將使多國企業成為國際市場競爭中的重要力量。為在全球化背景下獲取競爭優勢,企業各部門的管理者和人力資源從業人士,必須以一種新的全球思維方式重新思考企業人力資源的角色與價值增值問題,建立新的模式和流程來培養全球性的靈敏嗅覺、核心能力。如許

58、多跨國公司堅持的"思維全球化,行動當地化"原則就是全球化給企業帶來的挑戰。國際競爭的深化必然推動企業在全球內配置資源,更包括人力資源的全球配置。管理人力資源的難度、培訓的難度、不同文化的沖突、跨文化管理,都將成為企業人力資源管理的重要問題。</p><p>  二、E時代:人力資源管理的深刻變化</p><p>  在知識化、網絡化與全球化的E時代,新市場、新產品、新觀

59、念,也蘊含著對企業核心能力和經營方式的新思考。對于企業的人力資源管理,也會形成深刻的變化:</p><p>  面對E時代的知識經濟社會,知識化要求知識與信息共享,網絡化使組織結構扁平化成為可能。一方面,網絡狀分布的組織團隊代替了固定的工作部門或職位,出現了跨職能、跨部門的團隊。在企業內部,團隊與團隊之間是獨立的,又是互補的,從而產生整體大于部分之和的綜合效果。在這種情況下,團隊是由成員依其專長(而非職務)和任務

60、的需要而自主構成,團隊的績效可以由其任務的完成狀況獲得評價后得到相應的報酬。另一方面,網絡使主要承擔上下之間信息溝通的中間管理層失去應用的作用而遭到精簡。結果,企業中的較高職位減少了,使得傳統的升遷途徑減少了,導致職業發展中沿著組織層級向上攀升的機會也大大減少了。在適應未來發展的企業人力資源發展系統中,工作并非職位而是任務,同時任務又是在不斷變化的。</p><p>  未來,穩定的、機械性的、重復性的工作,基本


62、理的充足報酬,不僅要得到發展自我的機會和條件,而且還要得到職業安全保障。換言之,企業終將意識到員工需要的不是工作,而是職業。</p><p>  基于上述變化,組織的重新設計將成為E時代人力資源管理重要的制度背景。E時代的組織設計將改變傳統的依據功能來組織生產、市場與銷售、研究與開發、財務等業務部門的做法,而是實行組織結構方面的扁平化和網絡化。在傳統的金字塔式組織結構中,強調的是命令與控制,重視清晰地描述員工的任


64、在網絡化組織中,一般更加強調員工的參與管理,重新構造組織的邊界。在過去的5-10年中,工業經濟時代占據支配地位的以命令和控制為主的決策和資源分配集中制的管理方式已經讓位給更加靈活的組織機制。GE的CEO杰克.韋爾奇所謂的:“確保組織在未來的成功關鍵在于有合適的人去解決最重要的業務問題,無論</p><p>  隨著Internet技術的廣泛應用,企業將在“電子商務”時代背景下競爭與發展??梢?,管理再造和流程重組將


66、,將有效應用互聯網。</p><p>  運用Internet技術幫助企業建立虛擬組織并實現虛擬化管理,以有效利用整個社會一切可利用的資源。運用Internet技術幫助企業建立知識管理系統,建立學習型組織,以幫助企業獲得長期發展的競爭力。一個組織必須擁有“如何去學習”的能力,并且比對手學得更快的能力成為企業唯一持久的競爭優勢。</p><p>  三、E時代:人力資源經理人的生存</

67、p><p>  不適應,則死亡。E時代的快速變化的競爭環境,使得企業人力資源經理人必須正視人力資源管理領域的變革,積極地進行職能轉變與角色定位。已經有越來越多的企業在認識到建立自身的競爭優勢關鍵是如何去建立并運行有效的人力資源管理,企業高層管理者對此寄予很大希望。企業人力資源經理人只有全面迎接E時代的挑戰,才能在企業發展中發揮應有的作用。 </p><p>  首先,企業人力資源管理者的職責將

68、逐漸從作業性、行政性事務中解放出來,更多地從事戰略性人力資源管理工作。因此,企業人力資源管理部門已逐漸由原來的非主流的功能性部門,轉而成為企業經營業務部門的戰略伙伴。在1994年美國人力資源管理協會會議中,理事會主席Gale Parker指出:企業再造、結構重組、規模精簡的變革大潮都要求人力資源經理成為首席執行官的戰略伙伴,幫助計劃、實施組織變革。人力資源經理人越來越多地參與企業戰略、組織業務活動,領導企業變革,建立競爭優勢,傳播職能技

69、術并擔當起員工宣傳者和倡議者的角色,并對員工績效和生產率負責等。許多國外企業,由一位副總直接負責人力資源管理,以此提高人力資源在公司中的戰略價值,保證公司的人力資源政策與公司的發展戰略匹配。</p><p>  我們都知道傳統的企業人力資源管理工作大致可分為兩方面,一種是作業性的,另一種是戰略性的。所謂作業性項目指的是考勤、人事檔案管理、績效考評、薪資福利等行政性和總務性的工作。而戰略性項目包括人力資源政策的制定


71、<p>  因此,企業人力資源經理人將逐漸從過去那種行政、總務、福利委員會角色轉變成為學習型組織、教育的推動者、高層主管的咨詢顧問、戰略業務伙伴、管理職能專家和變革的倡導者等。 </p><p>  其次,人力資源經理人需要具備相應的全球人力資源管理技能,能了解并掌握相當的業務知識,更要求能與業務部門說一樣的“語言”。人力資源管理已日益突顯其在企業價值鏈中的重要作用,這種作用就在于能為“顧客”,既包括

72、企業外部顧客,又包括企業內各個部門提供附加價值。這種內部提供不僅可以實現為業務部門的定制服務,而且可以突顯人力資源管理的價值、鞏固人力資源部門的地位。人力資源部門應該從“權力中心(Power Center)”的地位走向“服務中心(Service Center)”。人力資源經理人必須具備一套全新的思維方式,去考慮“顧客”需要什么樣的人力資源服務并怎樣提供這些服務,籍此創造在企業中的權威。</p><p>  最后,

73、人力資源經理人應進行人力資源管理角色的再定位。密歇根大學的沃爾里奇(Ulrich)教授認為,作為企業獲取競爭力的幫手,人力資源管理應更注重工作的產出,而不僅僅是把工作做好。根據人力資源管理的戰略決策、行政效率、員工的貢獻和變化能力這四種產出,沃爾里奇歸納了人力資源管理的四個基本角色。它們分別是戰略性人力資源、管理組織的機制結構、管理員工的貢獻程度、管理轉型和變化。</p><p>  為實現上述角色再定位,企業人

74、力資源經理人需要掌握的四大核心技能:</p><p><b>  1、掌握業務</b></p><p>  要求人力資源從業人員成為企業核心經營、管理層的一部分,了解并參與基本的業務活動,具有強烈的戰略業務導向。</p><p><b>  2、掌握人力資源</b></p><p>  是指人力資源

75、管理要確?;镜墓芾砗蛯嵺`相互協調,并擔當起行政職能。</p><p><b>  3、個人信譽</b></p><p>  是指人力資源從業人員應具備良好的人際影響能力、問題解決能力和創新能力。</p><p><b>  4、掌握變革</b></p><p>  要求人力資源管理懂得如何領導企業


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