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1、<p>  字數:英文2505單詞,14890字符;中文4265漢字</p><p>  出處:Oksana Seroka-Stolka.The development of green logistics for implementation sustainable development strategy in companies[J]Procedia - Social and Behavioral

2、 Sciences.2014,151:302-309</p><p><b>  外文文獻: </b></p><p>  The development of green logistics for implementation sustainable development strategy in companies</p><p>  A

3、bstract While environmental issues have become critical concerns all over the world, organizations are constantly under pressure to develop environmentally responsible and friendly operations. Commitment to the natural

4、environment has become an important variable. Therefore, the interest in developing green logistics from companies, government, and the public is increasing dramatically especially because traditional logistics cannot me

5、et the requirements of modern society and has huge impact o</p><p>  Keywords:Greenlogistics,environmental sustainability,Sustainable Development, factors, environmenta practices, company.</p><p&g

6、t;  1.Introduction</p><p>  In recent years there has been increasing concern about the environmental effects on the planet of human activity. That is why it has had ab increasing amount of attention in the

7、popular press, in governmental agendas, in the academic literature and from the general public. Stakeholders are increasingly pressuring firms to assume responsibility for any negative effects their business activities m

8、ight cause as well. The results are that firms are considering the incorporation of environmental thi</p><p>  2.Green logistics and sustainable development</p><p>  Typically, logistics is seen

9、 as the actions of which the objective is to minimize costs and maximize profits. The term was used mostly in purely business areas exhibiting companies and in financial reports. But, for many years, the term logistics w

10、as used in conjunction with the "green" by creating "Green Logistics" - the term containing costs, yet did not appear on financial reports and on the environment and society. The term “green logistics

11、” is defined as supply chain management practices an</p><p>  The three pillars of Sustainable Development can be applied to green logistics (see Figure 1). As mentioned in the definitions of green logistics

12、 before, in the past, companies coordinated their logistics activities comprising freight transport, warehousing, packaging, materials handling and data collection and management to meet customer requirements at minimum

13、cost which just refers to the monetary terms (Nowakowska-Grunt, 2008). Now, the environment has become a concern. It is treated as a fa</p><p>  Figure 1. Green logistics as an element of sustainable develop

14、ment.</p><p>  Over the past 40 years, "Green Logistics" has represented a lot of nature trails, the most distinguishable as follows:</p><p>  ?reduction in transport costs, </p>

15、<p>  ?city logistics,</p><p>  ˙corporate environmental strategies towards logistics, </p><p>  ˙reverse logistics,</p><p>  ˙green supply chain management.</p><p

16、>  The green logistics represents also three perspectives: public (public to private), operational (operational to strategic) and local (local to global). The first perspective of green logistics relates to pressure g

17、roups which began to lobby government intervention to mitigate the damaging effects of freight movement and public agencies sought to improve their understanding of the problem and find means of addressing it. The public

18、 sector interest in this subject has been complemented by a growth</p><p>  3.Green logistics and reverse logistics</p><p>  It is worth mentioning about the reverse logistics which is a part of

19、 green logistics. Rogers and Tibben-Lembke (1999) briefly consider the differences between reverse logistics and green logistics. In reverse logistics there should be some flow of products or goods back from the consumer

20、 to an earlier stage of the supply chain. The reduction of waste that this implies certainly means that reverse logistics should be included within green logistics. Currently, the term "green logistics" is ofte

21、n</p><p>  First of all, the most significant difference is that reverse logistics concentrates on saving money and increasing value by reusing or reselling materials to recover lost profits and reduce opera

22、tional costs. In turn green logistics focuses on transportation issues, recycling and re-use. “Green logistics is about using material friendly options for transportation and centered on saving money but places priority

23、on the company’s image” (Nylund, 2012). DeBrito (2003) clarifies that green logistic</p><p>  Figure 2. Comparison of green logistics and reverse logistics</p><p>  4.The drivers of green logist

24、ics</p><p>  4.1.Factors affecting green logistics from a wide perspective</p><p>  Schmied (2010) distinguishes four factors affecting green logistics – company, customers, politics, and societ

25、y. According to Figure 3, it can be concluded that each of the factors may affect green solutions (Schmied, 2010). From the consumers point of view they have their own requirements for green products and services. Custom

26、ers especially with high environmental awareness may require products delivered with clean vehicles or in such manner that the emissions are minimized, forcing suppliers </p><p>  Figure 3. General factors

27、affecting green logistics</p><p>  4.2.Determinant factors of green logistics at a corporate level</p><p>  Many researchers have proposed various explanations as to what factors influence a fir

28、m’s adoption of environmental practices. Generally, we can distinguish external and internal factors of environmental practices (Murillo-Luna, Garcés-Ayerbe & Rivera-Torres, 2011). Stakeholder pressure, environm

29、ental regulations, company size, industrial sector and geographical location, internationalization, position in the value chain, strategic attitude, managerial attitudes and motivations, manager’s charac</p><p

30、>  Figure 4. Determinant factors of green management practices in logistics industry. A conceptual model derived from Lin & Ho (2010).</p><p>  The research findings by Lin & Ho, (2010) reveal th

31、at pressure resulting from legal regulations of the State, governmental support, organizational support and the quality of human resources have a significantly positive influence on the adoption of green practices for Ch

32、inese logistics companies (Lin & Ho, 2010). Environmental uncertainty and the complexity of green practice show significantly negative influences on environmental practices. Surprisingly, the influence of customer pr

33、essure is not</p><p>  Greening the supply chain is a growing concern for many business enterprises and a challenge for logistics management. The structure of the green supply chain is relevant to implementi

34、ng a green logistics system, as a green supply chain creates green environment for green logistics in a sustainable development which, again, paves a green channel towards green logistics and, simultaneously, supports an

35、d promotes the development of green logistics. A real sense of green action can be achieved by s</p><p>  Trowbridge (2006) distinguishes both internal and external driving forces of the implementation of GS

36、CM at a chip manufacturer. The internal ones include the willingness to improve risk management due to potential interruptions in the supply chain, and the collaboration with suppliers to find alternative materials and e

37、quipment that minimize the environmental impact. The external ones include customers, investors and non-governmental organizations (Trowbridge, 2006). This is similar to the findi</p><p>  Hu & Hsu (2010

38、) explore the factors that are critical for the implementation of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices in the Taiwanese electrical and electronics industries referring to the European Union directives, and they

39、 extract 20 critical factors in four dimensions (supplier management, product recycling, organization involvement and life cycle management) (Hu & Hsu, 2010). Diabat & Govindan (2011) introduce the review of stud

40、ies which present different factors of green supply ch</p><p>  Diabat & Govindan (2011) present 11 types of driving forces ( and interactions between them), which have been analyzed using Interpretive S

41、tructural Modeling (ISM). The research results show that the government regulations and legislation and reverse logistics are significant driving forces to achieve cooperation between product designers and suppliers to r

42、educe and eliminate the environmental impact of products. Environmental cooperation with suppliers and customers and ISO 14001 certification</p><p>  Fig 5. ISM model for the drivers affecting the implement

43、ation of green supply chain management according to Diabat & Govindan, 2011.</p><p>  5.Conclusions</p><p>  Companies are constantly under pressure to develop environmentally friendly and r

44、esponsible operations, and commitment to the natural environment is an important variable within the competitive scenarios. Organizations face either internal or external factors of green logistics at a corporate level.

45、The review of the literature indicates some interesting findings. First all, managers must take into account that incorporating environmental issues into corporate strategies depends on various facto</p><p>

46、<b>  中文譯文:</b></p><p>  發展綠色物流,實現企業可持續發展戰略</p><p>  摘要 當環境問題成為世界各地重要的關注點,社會組織在壓力下不斷地發展環境責任和友好行動時,對自然環境的承諾已經變成一個重要的變量。因此,企業、政府和公眾對綠色物流的發展產生了極大的興趣,尤其是傳統的物流不能滿足現代社會的要求,對環境產生了巨大的影響。本文的目

47、的是介紹影響綠色物流理念作為可持續發展要素在企業中發展的決定因素。</p><p>  關鍵詞:綠色物流,環境可持續性,可持續發展,因素,環境行動,企業</p><p><b>  1.引言</b></p><p>  近年來,人們越來越關注地球上的人類活動對環境的影響。這就是為什么它引起了大眾媒體、政府議程、學術文獻以及一般公眾越來越多的關注

48、量。利益相關者也越來越多地要求企業為其經營活動可能造成的任何負面影響承擔責任。結果是,企業正在考慮將環保思想納入到他們在波蘭企業的經營戰略中(Romanowska,2004)。對更環保解決方法的日益關注離不開物流,因為它起著非常重要的作用,它是主要的污染源和資源使用者之一。</p><p>  2.綠色物流與可持續發展</p><p>  通常,物流被看做是以成本最小化、利潤最大化為目標的

49、行動。該詞主要用于純粹的商業領域企業和財務報告中。但是,多年來,物流與“綠色”結合在一起,創造了“綠色物流”——控制成本的術語,卻沒有出現在財務報告和環境與社會中?!熬G色物流”一詞被定義為供應鏈管理的實踐和策略,減少貨物配送的環境和能源消耗,側重于材料處理、廢物管理、包裝和運輸(Rodrigue et al., 2012)。綠色物流包括有關于在原產地和消費點之間產品和信息的正向與反向流動的高效生態管理的所有活動,其目的是滿足或超越客戶需

50、求 (Mesjasz-Lech, 2011)。Lee和Klassen(2008)描述了綠色物流作為綠色供應鏈管理,可以被定義為一個組織的活動考慮到環境問題,并將其整合到供應鏈管理中,以改變供應商和客戶的環境績效 (Lee&Klassen,2008)。綠色物流活動包括測量不同分銷策略的環境影響,減少物流活動中的能源消耗,減少浪費,并完成其治理(Sibihi&Eglese,2009)。從可持續發展的角度來看,綠色物流可以被定

51、義為“以可持續的方式生產和分配商品,同時考慮到環境和社會因素”(Sibihi&Egle</p><p>  可持續發展的三大支柱可應用于綠色物流(見圖1)。正如之前在綠色物流的定義中提到,在過去,企業協調物流活動包括貨運、倉儲、包裝、物料搬運、數據收集和管理,以滿足客戶涉及到金錢方面的最低成本要求(Nowakowska-Grunt,2008)?,F在,環境已經成為一個關注的問題,它被視為成本的一個因素。一些

52、企業已經考慮到物流的外部成本,特別是與環境問題有關的例如氣候變化、污染和噪音等。因此,綠色物流被定義為致力于研究減少這些外部成本以及實現環境、經濟和社會目標之間的更可持續的平衡的方法(見圖1)。因此,在“綠色”物流領域的所有努力都集中在促進并確??沙掷m發展上(Hans,2011)。</p><p>  圖1.綠色物流作為可持續發展的要素</p><p>  在過去的40年里,“綠色物流”代

53、表了很多自然的印記,最明顯的如下:</p><p><b>  ?運輸成本的降低,</b></p><p><b>  ?城市物流,</b></p><p>  ?物流企業環境戰略,</p><p><b>  ?逆向物流,</b></p><p>&l

54、t;b>  ?綠色供應鏈管理。</b></p><p>  綠色物流還代表了三個觀點:公共的(公共的到私有的),行動上的(行動上的到戰略性的)和局部的(局部的到全局的)。綠色物流的第一個觀點與壓力集團有關,他們開始游說政府進行干預以減輕貨物流通的破壞性影響,公共機構試圖提高他們對問題的認識并找到解決問題的辦法。隨著私營部門參與綠色物流研究的增長,例如企業已經開始制定企業層面和更專門物流這兩方面的

55、環境戰略,公共部門對這一課題的興趣已經得到了補充。作為第二大趨勢的行動上到戰略性,一直是企業致力于綠色物流的拓展,從采用幾個小的運營轉變到戰略規劃中嵌入環境原則。局部的到全局的觀點主要集中在空氣污染、振動、噪聲、事故和視覺入侵的局部環境影響上。隨著氣候變化成為現代的主導環境問題,物流對全球大氣環境的影響已成為許多研究人員的主要關注點(McKinnon A.,Browne&Whiteing,2010)。</p>&l

56、t;p>  3.綠色物流和逆向物流</p><p>  值得一提的是,逆向物流是綠色物流的一部分。Rogers和Tibben-Lembke(1999)簡單思考了一下逆向物流與綠色物流的區別。在逆向物流中,應該有一些產品或貨物的流動從消費者回到供應鏈的早期階段。減少浪費,這足以表明逆向物流應給包括在綠色物流之內。目前,“綠色物流”與“逆向物流”通??梢曰Q使用,但是與逆向物流相比之下,綠色物流“總結物流活動,

57、主要是出于環境考慮”(Scott,Lundgren&Thompson,2011)。</p><p>  首先,最顯著的區別是,逆向物流側重于節省資金和增加價值,通過重復使用或轉售材料來收回損失利潤,降低運營成本。反過來,綠色物流主要集中在運輸問題以及回收和再利用上?!熬G色物流是關于對交通使用材料的有益選擇,以節省資金為中心,但優先考慮公司形象”(Nylund,2012)。DeBrito(2003)闡明了綠

58、色物流著眼于供應鏈的正向流動,而逆向物流被視為可持續發展?!啊G色’物流中突出的環境問題是不可再生自然資源的消耗,以及危險和非危險的廢物處置(DeBrito,2003)。綠色物流通常被稱為生態物流,即定義為“理解和減少物流的生態影響”(Rogers和Tibben-Lembke,1998)。這些活動的目的是測量環境對交通運輸的影響,降低能源消耗,減少材料使用(見圖2)。</p><p>  圖2.綠色物流與逆向物流

59、的比較</p><p>  4.綠色物流的驅動力</p><p>  4.1.從廣泛的視角看綠色物流的影響因素</p><p>  Schmied(2010)將影響綠色物流的四個因素區分開來——企業、客戶、政治和社會。根據圖3可以看出每一個因素都有可能會影響綠色解決方案(Schmied,2010)。從消費者的角度來看,他們對綠色產品和服務有自己的要求。特別是具有高環

60、保意識的客戶,可能會要求用清潔的或者排放量最小的車輛進行產品交付,這樣就迫使供應商去尋找綠色解決方案。這應該是正在采取綠色物流措施的企業的一個關鍵驅動力。企業了解綠色物流中消費者的重要作用,有利于自身的發展?;蛟S客戶影響最大的可能是送貨上門,因為他們是這項服務的直接用戶。</p><p>  圖3.綠色物流的一般影響因素</p><p>  4.2.企業層面綠色物流的決定因素</p&

61、gt;<p>  什么樣的因素影響到企業環保實踐的采用,許多研究人員提出了各種各樣的解釋。一般來說,我們可以區分環保實踐的外部和內部因素(Murillo-Luna,Garcés-Ayerbe&Rivera-Torres,2011)。利益相關者的壓力、環境法規、企業規模、工業部門和地理位置、國際化、在價值鏈中的位置、戰略態度、管理層的態度和動機、經理的特點和人力資源是相關的環境和組織變量,經常出現在相關的研

62、究中(Gonzalez-Benito&Gonzalez Benito,2006)。眾多因素中也有一些可能是綠色實踐的障礙。Chan(2008)從83家取樣旅館的管理人員提供的信息中確定了六種類型的障礙。采用探索性分析,他發現這六種類型的障礙與環境實踐負相關:1)知識和技能缺乏,2)專業建議缺乏,3)結果的不確定性,4)認證機構/驗證者的參與,5)資源缺乏,6)實施和維護成本。雖然綠色問題的一些研究已經考慮到組織和環境因素,但是這

63、些因素在物流業環境管理的研究中非常罕見。Lin&Ho(2010)對353家中國物流企業進行了一項調查,他們提出了 32個變量,描述了物流企業綠色實踐應用的決定因素特征的10個維度</p><p>  圖4.物流業綠色管理實踐的決定因素。選自Lin&Ho(2010)的概念模型</p><p>  Lin&Ho(2010)的研究結果顯示,源于國家法律規定、政府支持、組織


65、實踐應用的影響極為顯著(Lin&Ho,2010)。類似的發現還來自波蘭的研究,他們表明管理人員的環境意識和環境實踐的生態效益關聯不大。</p><p>  綠色供應鏈是許多企業越來越關注的問題,也是物流管理的一大挑戰。綠色供應鏈的結構關系到綠色物流系統的實施,因為綠色供應鏈為綠色物流的可持續發展創造了綠色環境,還為綠色物流鋪平了綠色通道,同時支持和促進綠色物流的發展。真正意義上的綠色行動可以通過企業層面供

66、應鏈管理得以實現。值得一提的是,在對供應鏈采取綠色物流方法時,綠色物流戰略也要格外強調。綠色物流實踐必須納入到企業環境戰略中。當提到產品設計和生產計劃時,最常見的事實是他們強調產品設計和開發是基于競爭力和商業屬性的改進,如價格、質量、功能和性能這些因素。</p><p>  Trowbridge(2006)對元件制造者綠色供應鏈管理實施的內部和外部驅動力進行了區分。內部驅動力包括由供應鏈中存在潛在中斷而產生的改善


68、守法規上。他們還證明管理者的環境意識同樣是綠色物流實踐實施的一部分原因。</p><p>  Hu&Hsu(2010)參照歐盟指令對臺灣電子電氣行業實施綠色供應鏈管理(GSCM)實踐的關鍵因素進行了探討,并且他們從四個維度(供應商管理、產品回收、組織參與和生命周期管理)中提取了20個關鍵因素(Hu&Hsu,2010)。Diabat&Govindan(2011)介紹了目前綠色供應鏈管理不同影

69、響因素的研究綜述。</p><p>  Diabat&Govindan(2011)提出了11種驅動力(它們之間相互作用),并采用解釋結構模型(ISM)對它們進行分析。研究結果顯示,對實現產品設計人員和供應商之間的合作以減少和消除產品對環境的影響來說,政府法律法規和逆向物流是重要的驅動力。將與供應商和客戶的環境合作、ISO14001認證放在ISM模型的中層,綠色設計,質量環境管理融入到規劃和運作過程,降低能

70、源消耗,回收再利用材料和包裝放在ISM體系的最高層次(Diabat&Govindan,2011)。影響綠色供應鏈管理實施的驅動力的ISM模型如圖5所示。</p><p>  圖5.影響綠色供應鏈管理實施的驅動力的ISM模型,Diabat & Govindan, 2011</p><p><b>  5.結論</b></p><p&g

71、t;  企業在不斷的壓力下開展環境保護和環境責任的行動,在競爭的情況下,對自然環境的承諾是一個重要的變量。組織正視企業層面綠色物流的內部或外部因素?;仡欉@些文獻,會有一些有趣的發現。首先,根據隨著時間推移而改變的各種因素,管理者必須考慮將環境問題納入到企業戰略中。各個企業的綠色物流實踐應用的關鍵因素會有不同,這取決于部門活動、地理位置和客戶環境要求的水平。隨著企業環境行為的客戶壓力不同,綠色物流影響因素的研究結果呈現出多樣性,這可能與企


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