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1、<p>  單位代碼 </p><p>  學  號 </p><p>  分 類 號 </p><p>  密 級 </p><p><b>  文獻翻譯</b></p><p>

2、  2012年3月30日</p><p> 院(系)名稱</p><p> 專業名稱</p><p> 學生姓名</p><p> 指導教師</p><p>  Human Resource Management</p><p>  Human resources in corporate go

3、vernance, not only has the human resources planning and strategic leader in the implementation of corporate strategic planning and overall development objectives of the course also has a vital role in this. At present, a

4、n increasing number of SMEs in the development of human resources planning is there are a lot of confusion and helplessness. </p><p>  Conditions in the knowledge-based economy, human resources of small and

5、medium enterprises have a vital role in development. More and more small and medium-sized owners, corporate governance has become accustomed to the level of human resources management on the importance of enterprise deve

6、lopment, but for the development of human resources planning is always there are a lot of confusion and helplessness. </p><p>  "Human resource planning is very simple, not that more recruitment, remune

7、ration, such as content, and sometimes combined with some training things.", "CEOs are still racking their brains set strategy, how can I make a planning", "human resource planning has not done very m

8、uch sense, does not change plans quickly, the end of the day can be honored only 20% -30%. " HR is more than many small and medium enterprises are the views of human resources planning. So, how small and medium ente

9、rprises hav</p><p>  Human resource planning is not fully familiar with </p><p>  Do a good job in human resources management are the trilogy: a clear strategic planning - human resources planni

10、ng - human resources management system and specific implementation plan. Corporate strategic objectives of the overall development of human resources planning determines the content, and these contents for the establishm

11、ent of human resources management system, develop specific plans to add staff, the use of plans, personnel and promotion plan to succeed, education and training plan, a</p><p>  Human resource planning is th

12、e development of strategic planning an important component of the enterprise but also the human resources management of the foundation and basis. And the management of small and medium-sized and HR are not fully aware of

13、 precisely this point, so that the specific process of the formulation and implementation of a lack of sufficient attention, at all levels of department heads and line managers can not effectively cope with. </p>

14、<p>  The strategic objectives of the company is not clear </p><p>  Human Resources Department must be combined with the implementation of corporate strategy to human resources support and guarantees.

15、In human resources development and governance activities, strategic objectives should be to the strategic guidance of human resources policies to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness. Therefore, human resource planning

16、is a prerequisite for enterprise development and corporate strategy clear first, and then can be decomposed into human resources, then demand will </p><p>  Changes in the external environment company too fa

17、st, not planning </p><p>  Changes in the development of the market very quickly, and with the market despite changes in the industry to make plans, to reach a rate of year-end target of 20% -30%, however. I

18、f an IT company is a regional association in one of the major agents. In the beginning of the year, the company's Human Resources Department in accordance with the company's annual development strategy this year

19、to develop the company's human resources planning. But in the New Year began less than three months, the Len</p><p>  Lack of human resources planning and personnel expertise </p><p>  At pr

20、esent, although many small and medium-sized set up a Human Resources Department, but the functions of the departments responsible in the exercise, the prevalence of some problems, mainly reflected in: first, the overall

21、quality is not high, very few professionals, lack of expertise reserves, lack of professional skills ; Second, the lack of vocational training system; third, who was born and raised a number of human resources work, do n

22、ot have good training, no formal influence of large cor</p><p>  Human resources planning are to organize the protection of sustainable development, the importance of seeking development and growth, particul

23、arly in the small and medium enterprises. And whether the development and effective implementation of human resources planning does not depend on the size of the company, the most critical is based on the company's d

24、evelopment strategy and operating characteristics of the development of suitable management policies. Most of the current characteristics and </p><p>  Clear core of human resources </p><p>  Th

25、e starting point for human resources planning is to clearly define the company's core competitive advantages, that is, the business environment in the enterprise, he is the survival value? His resources to maintain a

26、 competitive advantage for that? Take in order to maintain its competitive edge to find the real core of human resources. The core of human resources is to determine the survival and development of enterprise key factors

27、, the need for incentives, education and training, design an a</p><p>  Flexibility to develop forward-looking human resources planning </p><p>  The so-called flexibility of human resource plan

28、ning, is based on the core competitiveness of enterprises, re-evaluation and planning of human resources in enterprises, and form a general combination of human resources in order to ensure that the needs of enterprise&#

29、39;s core competitive advantage of the conditions to meet the demands arising from the external business environment caused by temporary changes in human needs. In particular, in the assessment of the existing stock of h

30、uman resources a</p><p>  With the advent of the era of knowledge economy, Sees are facing a growing business environment can not guess, is filled with variables and business opportunities. Human resources p

31、lanning must adapt to the needs of enterprise governance, maintaining a certain degree of flexibility in order to avoid the transfer of the business strategy of human resources when rigid, dysfunctional and hinder the de

32、velopment of enterprises. At the same time to further strengthen the human resource planning human </p><p>  The establishment of three-dimensional model of human resource management </p><p>  P

33、ractical human resources planning must be based on internal communication, the basis of mutual cooperation. According to human resources management of small and medium-sized features, the creation of a layer in the decis

34、ion-making, first-line managers and human resources management in collaboration between the scientific divisions of the three-dimensional model of governance, human resources will contribute to the formulation of strateg

35、ic planning and implementation. </p><p>  Three-dimensional model, is defined as decision-making, human resource management departments, first-line manager is responsible for the scientific division of labor

36、 and human resources management of the business, and the corresponding collaboration. In general, the decision-making level responsible for strategic planning and human resources to support the Human Resources Department

37、, line manager, human resources work; human resources management department is responsible for job analysis, job ev</p><p><b>  人力資源管理</b></p><p>  在企業的人力資源治理中,人力資源規劃不僅具有先導性和戰略性,在實施企

38、業總體發展戰略規劃和目標的過程中也具有舉足輕重的作用。當前,越來越多的中小企業人力資源規劃的制定更是存在許多困惑和無奈。</p><p>  在知識經濟條件下,人力資源對中小企業的發展具有舉足輕重的作用。越來越多的中小企業主、企業治理層也逐漸熟悉到人力資源治理對企業發展的重要性,但對于人力資源規劃的制定卻始終存在許多困惑和無奈。</p><p>  “人力資源規劃很簡單,不就是些招聘、薪酬

39、之類的內容,有時再加點兒培訓方面的東西?!?、“老總還在拍腦袋定戰略,我又怎么搞得出規劃”、“人力資源規劃做了也沒多大意義,計劃沒有變化快,到頭來能兌現的也不過20%-30%”。以上便是許多中小企業HR們對于人力資源規劃的看法。那么,究竟中小企業有沒必要進行人力資源規劃?怎樣才能制定出科學的人力資源規劃?首先讓我們分析一下中小企業人力資源規劃實施效果不盡理想的原因:</p><p>  對人力資源規劃的熟悉不全面&

40、lt;/p><p>  做好人力資源治理有三部曲:明確戰略規劃——人力資源規劃——人力資源治理體系與具體的執行計劃。企業的整體發展戰略目標決定了人力資源規劃的內容,而這些內容又為建立人力資源治理體系、制定具體的人員補充計劃、人員使用計劃、人員接替與晉升計劃、教育培訓計劃、評估與激勵計劃、勞動關系計劃、退休解聘計劃等等提供了方向指引和依據。廣義上的人力資源規劃包含了所有這些具體內容,而決不僅僅“只是些招聘、薪酬之類的內

41、容,有時再加點培訓方面的東西”。</p><p>  人力資源規劃是企業發展戰略規劃的重要組成部分,同時也是企業各項人力資源治理工作的基礎和依據。而中小企業的治理者和HR們恰恰沒有充分意識到這一點,從而在具體制定和實施過程中缺乏足夠的重視,各級部門主管和直線經理也未能有效配合。</p><p><b>  公司戰略目標不明確</b></p><p&

42、gt;  人力資源部門必須結合企業戰略的實施予以人力資源的支持和保證。在人力資源開發與治理活動中,應以戰略目標出發,以戰略為指導,確保人力資源政策的正確性與有效性。因此,人力資源規劃的前提是企業發展與企業戰略首先要明晰,而后才能分解到人力資源方面,隨后才會有人員需求計劃、招聘計劃、薪資福利計劃等與之相配套。而中小企業一般缺乏較明確的發展戰略,尤其在快速擴張階段,往往涉足于不同的業務領域,其中不乏許多新興產業。而這些新興產業在研發、營銷、

43、治理、服務等各個環節沒有成熟的經驗可以借鑒,尤其是一些新開拓的項目,定崗定編工作不象傳統業務那么成熟。因此在人力資源治理方面也不可能有明確的規劃,只能是走一步,看一步。</p><p>  企業外部環境變化太快,不易規劃</p><p>  市場發展變化速度很快,而行業盡管隨市場變化而作規劃,到年終目標達成率也不過20%-30%.如某IT公司是聯想在某區域的大代理商之一。在年初,該公司的人


45、劃隨之變化。</p><p>  缺乏人力資源規劃的專門技術與人才</p><p>  目前,雖然許多中小企業成立了人力資源部,但在行使部門職能的時候,普遍存在一些問題,主要表現在:第一、整體素質不高,專業人員很少,專業知識儲備不足,專業技能不夠;第二、缺乏系統的職業培訓;第三、許多人力資源工土生土長,沒有受過良好的培訓,沒有經過正規大公司的熏陶,眼界不高。人力資源工作是一項非常獨特的工作


47、gt;<p>  人力資源規劃工作是組織可持續發展的保障,其重要性對于尋求發展壯大的中小企業尤為突出。而能否制定并有效實施人力資源規劃并不取決于公司規模的大小,最關鍵的是依據公司的發展戰略和經營治理特點制定出適合的政策。針對當前大多數中小企業的經營特點和工作當中面臨的問題,我們提出以下幾點建議:</p><p>  明確企業核心人力資源</p><p>  人力資源規劃的起點

48、是明確界定企業的核心競爭優勢,也就是在企業的經營環境中,他的生存價值是什么?他保持競爭優勢的資源是什么?籍此才能真正找到保持競爭能力的核心人力資源。核心人力資源是決定企業生存發展能力的關鍵因素,需要激勵機制、教育培訓、設計合適的職業生涯計劃、不斷的招聘才能確保核心人力資源群體量的擴充,質的提高,并能長期的駐留于企業。</p><p>  制定具有前瞻性的彈性人力資源規劃</p><p> 

49、 所謂彈性人力資源規劃,就是基于企業的核心競爭能力,重新評估并規劃企業的人力資源,形成一個一般性的人力資源組合,以便在保證企業核心競爭優勢需要的條件下,達到滿足因外部經營環境變化導致的臨時性人力需求的目標。具體而言,就是在評估現有人力資源存量和界定企業核心人力資源的基礎上,制定預備性的支援人力規劃,并做出相應的培訓計劃,其目標是在企業面臨生產或服務能力擴張性機遇時,盡可能快地為核心人員配備中層支援人員,以提高組織的反應能力。</p

50、><p>  隨著知識經濟時代的到來,中小企業面臨的經營環境越來越無法猜測,布滿變數又商機無限。人力資源規劃必須適應企業經營治理的需要,保持一定的彈性,以免企業發生戰略轉移時出現人力資源僵化、失調而妨礙企業的發展。同時要進一步加強人力資源規劃對人力資源治理活動的前瞻性、方向性和預見性功能。</p><p>  建立三維立體人力資源治理模式</p><p>  切實可行的

51、人力資源規劃一定是建立在內部充分溝通、相互協作基礎之上的。根據中小企業人力資源治理的特點,建立一個在決策層、一線經理和人力資源治理部門之間科學分工協作的三維立體治理模式,將有助于人力資源戰略規劃的制定與實施。</p><p>  三維立體模式是指由決策層、人力資源治理部門、一線經理科學地分工負責人力資源治理的各項業務,并進行相應的協作??偟膩碚f,決策層負責人力資源戰略規劃和支持人力資源部門、一線經理的人力資源工作


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