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1、對外經濟貿易大學碩士學位論文我國加工貿易轉型升級問題探析姓名:楊慧申請學位級別:碩士專業:國際經濟與貿易指導教師:冷柏軍20050401IIIStudy on Transformation of China’s Processing Trade Yang Hui April 2005 Abstract During the past two decades, China’s processing trade has gr

2、own significantly, not only the scale expands rapidly, but also the level and quality improves gradually. Processing trade has accounted for half of the total foreign trade of China. The trade structure is optimizi

3、ng incessantly and the value-added ratio of processing trade is increasing gradually. Moreover, the domestic gearing capability of processing trade is also increasing. From the perspectives of processing trade vo

4、lume, export products structure, value-added ratio and domestic gearing capacity change, China’s processing trade has realized initial transformation; however, compared with developed countries, China’s

5、 processing trade still has a long way to go. Specifically, the value-added ratio is low, foreign-invested enterprises are in a dominant position, labor-intensive products account for a too high proportion,


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