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1、Empty nest older,Andy Finn Tiger,Outline: empty nest older,subtopic1:introduction and social backgroundA. IntroductionB. Social background: aging of chinaC. 

2、How to reduce the problemsubtopic2:the older in media sightA.Empty-NesterB.Old RacketeeringC.Noise Makersubtopic3:How to do thatA. From family B. From societ

3、y,Aging of population,How to reduce this problems?,The older in media’s sight,Empty-NesterOld RacketeeringNoise Maker,Empty-Nester,Urbanization bring more jobs for people, so teenager leave their home for make a life

4、.,Empty-Nester,Following the urbanization, empty-nesters are growing.,Old Racketeering,In China, someone old often rely on their age, racketeering the people who want to help them in trouble.the worse thing is, they wi

5、ll lay down in front of car or other vehicle to threaten the driver.,Noise Maker,Because of the emptiness, many old people have organized square dance. The goal should be good, and it have enrich their life.But it ma

6、kes living area noisy, occupying large space.,Help older people contribute to society,Family,In the family,older people can take care of children。It can reduce the burden on children’s parents。This is also a contributio

7、n。,government,The government can give older people some handicraft industry that can be done at home,especially empty nesters.,Conclusion,We need volunteering to care for empty-nesters, actively help the empty-nesters, c

8、reate a good atmosphere for a happy family life, do what we can do to the empty-nesters, not only to help them, but also to help ourselves.This helps us to reach out to society, to understand society, to exercise oursel


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