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1、Unit 5 Do you have a basketball ?,( Period1 Section A 1a---2b ),學習目標:,1.詞匯:do ,have, tennis, ball, ping-pong, bat, soccer, soccer ball, volleyball, basketball2.句型:I/We/They have a/an….He/she has a/an…..--Do you ha

2、ve…?—Yes,I do. /No, I don’t.--Does she/he have…?---Yes,she/he does./No,she/ he doesn’t.3.掌握have和has的區別.4.理解聽力內容.,1. --- Do you/ they have…? 你/他們有…? --- Yes, I/they do. 是的,我/他們有?;?-- No, I /they don’t.

3、 不,我/他們沒有。2. --- Does he/she have…? 他/她有…..? --- Yes, he/she does. 是的, 他/她有?;?-- No, he/she doesn’t. 不,他/她沒有。,重點句型,basketball,baseball,volleyball,soccer ball,tennis ball,ping-pong ball,baseball bat,ping

4、-pong bat,have v. 有,do aux v.,用于構成否定句和一般疑問句,soccer ball,basketball,baseball,volleyball,tennis ball,ping-pong ball,baseball bat,/æ/,/?/,/?/,/?/,/?/,/?:/,/ei/,/ɑ :/,/e/,ping-pong bat,/ I /,/ I /,have,/æ/

5、,do,/ I /,/u:/,仔細觀察,小組討論,你能說出這些紅色字母或者字母組合的發音嗎?,I a basketball.,I a basketball.,肯定句,否定句,,have,don’t have,,have,do not,don’t,do not,don’t,仔細觀察,小組討論,這個句子是怎樣由肯定句變成否定句呢?,I a basketball.,you

6、have a basketball,Yes,,I do.,No,,I don’t.,(do not = don’t),肯定句,一般疑問句,,Do,?,have,肯定句變成一般疑問句時,要借助于助動詞________,放在句首;第_____人稱變第_____人稱;_____號變____ 號;語調用_________。,do,一,二,句,問,升調,仔細觀察,小組討論,這個句子是怎樣由肯定句變成一般疑問句呢?,,,√,basketbal

7、l,Do you have a basketball?,Yes, I do.I have a basketball.,,,tennis ball,Do you have a tennis ball?,No, I don’t.I don’t have a tennis ball.,×,,,√,soccer ball,Do you have a soccer ball?,Yes, I do.I have a socce

8、r ball.,,,ping-pong bat,Do you have a ping-pong bat?,No, I don’t.I don’t have a ping-pong bat.,×,,,√,baseball bat,Do you have a baseball bat?,Yes, I_______.I ______ a baseball bat.,do,have,,,hat,Do you have a ha

9、t?,No, I _______.I __________ a hat.,×,don’t,don’t have,,,√,computer,___you _____ a computer?,Yes, I_______.I ______ a computer,do,have,Do,have,,,___you _____ a ruler?,Do,have,No, I _______.I __________ a rul

10、er.,don’t,don’t have,×,×,×,×,√,A:Do you have a … ?B:Yes, I do. I have a …. Do you have a …?A: No, I don’t. I don’t have a ….,1.tennis ball__ 2.ping-pong bat __3.soccer ball__4.volleyball_

11、_5.basketball__ 6.baseball bat __,a,e,f,d,b,1a,,c,Do you have a ping-pong bat?,Yes, I do.,Do you have aping-pong ball?,No, I don’t.,f,,c,d,e,a,b,,Listen and circle the words you hear.

12、 ping-pong bat soccer ball volleyball ping-pong ball,1b,,,,Please find the answers:,1)有一個乒乓球拍____________2)有一個乒乓球_______3)有一個足球___________4)有一個____________ 5)有一個網球____________ 6)有一個排球——————7)想去打籃球_____

13、____________8) 見到你____________________9)讓我們去————————————10)找他——————————,have a ping-pong,have a soccer ball,have one,have a volleyball,Want to play basketball,have a tennis,meet you,Let’s go,find him,have a ping-pong

14、 bat,Do you have a ping-pong ball? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.,/hæv/,/du:/,/d??nt/,I have a ping-pong ball.I don’t have a ping-pong ball.,Do you have a basketball?Yes, I do.No, I don’t.I have a basketball.,I

15、don’t have a basketball.,Do you have a volleyball?Yes, I do.No, I don’t.,I have a volleyball.I don’t have a volleyball.,,Does he have a basketball?Yes, he does.,,Does he have a soccer ball?Yes, he does.,,,Does she

16、 have a ping-pong ball and a ping-pong bat?No, she doesn’t.,,Does he have a tennis?No, he doesn’t.,Does he have a … ?,Yes, he does.,No, he doesn’t .,,,,,,…,Does she have a … ?,Yes, she does .,No, she doesn’t .,,,,,,,Do

17、es she have … ?,Memory Challenge!,,Does she have … ?,,,,,,,Does she have … ?,,,,,,,,,A: Does she have …?B: Yes, she does. /No, she doesn’t.,,,,,,,,,,,,,A: Does he have … ?B: Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t.,H

18、e is Jim.He has a basketball.______ he _______ a basketball?Yes, he _______ .,Does,have,does,He is Mike.He ______ a volleyball.____ he ____ a basketball?No, he _______.,has,Does,have,doesn’t,Dale,,,,,1,3,4,2,Paul,,

19、2a,Listen to the conversations and number the pictures (1-4),Listen again (2b:P26),,,,,3,1,4,2,Paul,Dale,Section A,P26 2a Listen and fill in the blanks.,Conversation1Bob: _______ you _____ a soccer ball,Paul?Paul: No,

20、I____.Bob: ______your brother Alan _______one?.Paul: Yes,he _______.Conversation2 John: Hi,_____. Mike:Hi,______.John: I want________________. ____you_____a basketball?Mi

21、ke: Yes,I______. Mike:_______.,have,don’t,Do,Does,have,does.,Mike,John,to play basketball,Do,have,do,Great,1.want to do sth.2.Want sb.to do sth.3.=would like,Play+球類,Section A,P26 2a Listen and fill

22、in the blanks.,Conversation3Jane: Hi, Sally. Sally:Hi,Jane.Jane:Sally,___ ____my friend,Anna.Sally:Hi,Anna.Nice ______you. Anna:___to meet you,Sally.Sally:_______________.___you_____a tennis ball

23、ball,Jane?Jane:Sorry,I_____. Conversation4Frank:____you___a_______,Dale?Dale:No,I_____.But my brother____. ____ ____and_____him.,this is,to meet,Nice.,Let’s play tennis,Do.,have,don’t,Do,have,Volleyball,don’

24、t,does,Let’s,go,find,=Let us,Let sb. do sth.,Play+球類,=Let us,She is Mary,She has _______and _____________.She ______ _______ have a volleyball.,a tennis,a tennis racket,does,not,They are Tom and his father.They _____

25、_ a baseball bat.______ they ______ a baseball?No, they _______.,have,Do,have,don’t,二、,句式轉換(1),I have a soccer ball.,否定句:________________________.,一般疑問句:_____________________?,肯定回答:__________.,否定回答:____________.,I don’

26、t have a soccer ball,Do you have a soccer ball,Yes, I do,No, I don’t,Exercise,二、,句式轉換(2),He has a volleyball.,否定句:________________________.,一般疑問句:_____________________?,肯定回答:__________.,否定回答:____________.,He doesn’t have

27、 a volleyball,Dose he have a volleyball,Yes, he does,No, he doesn’t,Exercise,Exercise,一、按要求完成下列句子,I _____(有) a book and two pens.,2.I _____(not do) have a sister.,3.____ you _____ (have) a basketball?,Yes, I ______.,No,

28、 I ______.,have,don’t,Do,have,do,don’t,I ___ three friends in England.2. They_____ a big room in China.3. Harry ____ two cats.4. Jeff and Jean a son.5. She ____ a big apple.6.Do you a bag

29、 ?7.Bob’s brother a nice watch.8.Does Bob ______ a tennis?,have,have,has,have,has,have,一、用 have or has 填空。,has,have,自 我 檢 測,Exercise,三、翻譯句子,1. 你有一個網球嗎?______________________?,2.我有一張地圖。________________

30、_.,是的,我有。____________.,不,我沒有。_____________.,3. 我沒有手表。____________________.,Do you have a tennis ball,Yes, I do,No, I don’t,I don’t have a watch,I have a map,三、將下列漢語翻譯成英文。 1) 你有足球嗎? ______________________

31、 是的,我有. ______________________ 2) 你妹妹有籃球嗎? ______________________ 是的,她有 ______________________ 3) 她有鉛筆嗎? ______________________ 不,她沒有。 _________

32、_____________ 4) 你父親有汽車嗎? ______________________ 是的,他有。 __________________ 5) 托尼沒有一個好朋友____________________,Do you have a soccer?Yes, I have.Does you sister have a basketball?Yes, she do

33、es.,Does she have a pencil?No, she doesn’t.Does your father have a car?Yes,he does.Tony doesn’t have a good friend.,,,Do you have a basketball?,Group work,語言補充:Good morning/afternoon!Hi/Hello!How are you?Nice to

34、meet you!Thank you!You’re welcome.Goodbye!,Yes,I do.,I have a …,No,I don’t.,I don’t have a…,你是一個小記者,采訪你的組員。,,Tanlented show,Hello,everyone.I’m a reporter from CCTV.Now I’m going to tell you an interesting story.Tom n

35、eeds…,你是一個小記者,能給你的組員復述這個故事嗎?試一下吧?。?!,Homework:1).Review the new words; (復習新單詞)2).Look through“Grammar focus”; (仔細查看“語法重點”)3).Practice the conversations. (練習會話),Homework:1、背誦Grammar focus句型2

36、、背誦watch TV 之前單詞3、抄本上抄寫并翻譯句子兩次4、金卷一號第一張,Unit 5,Do you have a soccer ball?,The Third Period,Do you have a…?Yes, I do.,,Guess:Does she have football/volleyball/tennis…?,,She has ping-pong .,Does he have…?,,He has a ba

37、seball.,,Does he have…?,He has a badminton racket.,,He has golf.,Does he have…?,Match the words with the pictures.,1. interesting 2. fun 3. boring 4. relaxing 5. difficult,What do the pictures mean?,fun

38、,difficult,interesting,relaxing,boring,,Look at the pictures and guess what he / she says.,,It’s fun.,,,It’s difficult.,It’s interesting.,,,,It’s relaxing.,It’s boring.,,,,It’s fun.,It’s relaxing.,,,,It’s interestin

39、g.,It’s interesting.,,,,It’s relaxing.,It’s difficult.,Soccer let’s have don’t,soccer,Let’s,have,A: Let’s play soccer.B: I don’t have a soccer ball.A: Well, let’s play volleyball.B: That sounds good

40、 interesting fun boring difficult relaxing.,A: Let’s play soccer.B: I don’t have a soccer ba

41、ll.A: Well, let’s play volleyball.B: That sounds good,Think it over,If you want someone to play ping pong with you. What can you say?,Let’s play ping-pong.Shall we play ping-pong?What / How about playing ping pong?

42、Why not play ping pong with me?Why don’t you play ping pong with me?Do you want to play ping pong with me?Would you like to play ping pong with me?Would you mind playing ping pong with me?,Ed Smith has a great sports

43、 collection. He has 8 tennis rackets, 9 basketballs, and 7 baseballs. He has 3 soccer balls and 5 volleyballs.But he doesn’t play sports- he only watches them on TV.,Answer the questions:Who has a great sports coll

44、ection?What does he have?Does he play sports?Is he interested in(對…感興趣)sports ?,Ed Smith has a great sports collection.,He has 8 tennis rackets,9 basketballs,and 7Baseballs,3 soccer balls and 5 volleyballs.,No, h

45、e doesn’t.,Yes, he is.,Sonia Hall has a sports collection. She ______ five __________, eight__________, four _______________,and three ____________. She ______sports every day.,has,baseballs,basketballs,tennis racke

46、ts,soccer balls,plays,Introduce yourself,Yes,I do, Do you have a ball?Let’s play soccer.That sounds good, Do you have a tennis racket?No, it’s boring.Let’s play tennis.Yes, I do. I have a basketball.,,514236,pi

47、ng-pong ball,ping-pong bat,____________plays ping-pong ball.,Wang Nan,,,ping-pong bat soccer ball volleyball computer game,1a Listen and circle the words you hear.,2a Number the picture1-4,4,3,1,2,

48、,,,,A: Do you have a ___________,Peter?B: No, I don’t.A: Does your brother Alan have one?B: _____________.,soccer ball,Yes, he does,What may they talk about?(他們有可能在談論什么?),A: Hi, Mike.B: Hi,Ed.A: I want to play

49、 _________. Do you have a _________ ?B: Yes, I do.A:______!.,basketball,basketball,Great,A: Hi, Sally.B: Hi, Jane.A: Sally, this is my friend, June.B:Hi, June. Nice to meet you.C: Nice to meet you, Sally.B: L

50、et’s play ______________. Do you have a __________, Jane?A: Sorry,__________,tennis,tennis racket,I don’t,A: Do you have a __________,Barry?B: ____________ . But my brother does. Let’s go and find him.,volleyball

51、,No, I don’t,Match the words with the pictures.,interesting ___ 3. fun ___ 5. relaxing ___2. boring ____ 4. difficult ___,c,b,a,d,e,√,√,√,√,What does Tony say about these activities?,play computer game

52、 interestingplay volleyballwatch TVplay basketball,difficult,,boring,,fun,,二、句子,1. 本單元應該掌握的句子1. Do you have a TV? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.2. Do they have a computer? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t

53、.3. Does he have a tennis racket? 4. Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.5. Let’s watch TV.6. No, that sounds boring / great.,2. 本單元要求熟悉的句子,I want to play basketball.I don’t have a soccer ball.Volleyball is so diffi

54、cult.Ed Smith has a great sports collection.She plays sports every day.,3. 本單元可以擴展的句子,1. Can you play basketball? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.2. Why do you like ping-pong? Because it’s interesting / easy…3. Wha

55、t balls do you have?4. My favorite sport is….5. What club do you want to join? Why?,短文改錯: 讀下面的對話,判斷每行是否有錯,如有錯,請找出并改正.A: Excuse me, Li Ping. Do you have a color pencil?B: Sorry, I do.A: Do you think Lin Tao have one

56、?B: Yes, I think so. You can ask for him.A: Lin Tao, can I borrow you color pencil, please?C: Yes. What color are you want?A: The yellow it.C: Here you are.A: Thank you. I can give it back soon.C: That’s right.,,,

57、do 改為 don’t,,have 改為 has,,,are 改為 do,,it 改為 one,,,That’s all right.,,,二. 補全對話.A: Let’s play _________, OK?B: Sorry, I don’t have a volleyball. _____ I have a basketball.A: I _____ want to play basketball. I only want

58、to play volleyball.B: Who _____ a volleyball? Do you know?A: Maybe Tom has one. Let’s go and ask him.A&B: Hi, Tom! _____ you have a volleyball?C: No, I ______. _______ Peter have one?,volleyball,But,don’t,has,Do

59、,don’t,Does,,,A&B: Oh, he ________.A&B&C: Hi, Peter! Do you have a volleyball?D: Yes, I do. But it is at home.A&B&C: ________ to hear that!B: Well, let’s play basketball. OK?A&C: OK!A&B&

60、amp;C: Peter, please _________ us.D: OK! Let’s play!,Sorry,join,does,,,A: Do you have a TV? B: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.A: Do they have a computer?B: Yes, they do./ No, they don’t.A: Does he have a tennis racket? B:

61、 Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t.A: Does she have a soccer ball? B: Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t.A: Does it have a ping-pong ball? B: Yes, it does./ No, it doesn’t.A: Does the dog have a friend? B: Yes, it does./

62、No, it doesn’t.A: Does Peter have a baseball bat? B: Yes, he does, No, he doesn’t.,一般疑問句,A: Are you Mark?B: Yes, I am. No, I’m not.A: Is he in the room?B: Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.A: Are they Jim and Tony?B: Ye

63、s, they are. No, they aren’t.A: Is it a map of China?B: Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.A: Are these your pencils and pens?B: Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.A: Is that an ID card?B: Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.A: Is she

64、Alice’s aunt?B: Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.,,一般疑問句,I am a student.He is my brother.She is his mother.This is her eraser.That is your computer game.It is his ruler.They are

65、 hie parents.These are her cousins.Those are in the classroom.I have a TV.You have a basketball.They have a soccer ball.He has a dictionary.She has some hats.It has fo

66、ur legs.,,否定句,not,not,not,not,not,not,don’t,don’t,don’t,He doesn’t have a dictionary.,She doesn’t have any hats.,It doesn’t have four legs.,not,not,not,句型轉換:句子變臉,會按要求給下列的句子變變臉嗎1.I have some baseball bats.(改為一般疑問句,并作肯定回答

67、)________________________________________________2.We have a big TV in our house. (改為否定句)________________________________________________3.She has many things to do today.(改為一般疑問句,并作否定回答)________________________

68、________________________4.Kate has some money in her pocket.(改為否定句)________________________________________________5.My parents have five good friends.(就劃線部分提問)_________________________________________________,Do y


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