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1、Unit 6,Do you like bananas ?,Period 1,,soccer ball,,足球(英式),,a banana,bananas,a hamburger,hamburgers,,a strawberry,strawberries,a pear,pears,fruit水果,,a carrot,carrots,a tomato,tomatoes,vegetables蔬菜,an apple,apples,an

2、egg,eggs,,ice cream,salad,milk,bread,rice,chicken,fruits,vegetables,food食物,可數名詞和不可數名詞,可數名詞,(1)(2)(3)(4),定義:是可以計數的名詞。,可數名詞前可以用 a , an 限定,表一個….。,可數名詞前可以用 one, two , three… 限定。,可數名詞有復數形式。,可數名詞復數形式的構成 1,加-s,desk,apple,or

3、ange,desks,apples,trees,oranges,以-s, -x, -sh, -ch 結尾的,加-es,boxwatch,boxes,watches,以 f 或 fe 結尾的,,改f或fe為v 再加-es,knife小刀wife妻子,knives,wives,可數名詞復數形式的構成 2,改y為i 再加-es,familydictionary,,,families,dictionaries,,以元音字母加y結尾的,

4、加-s,boykey,boys,keys,以o 結尾的,,有生命的事物加-es,tomatopotato,tomatoes,potatoes,以輔音字母加y結尾的,無生命的事物加-s,photoradio,photos,radios,Plural Forms,Countable nouns可數名詞hamburgers, bananasoranges, pears,tomatoes,strawberries,milk,t

5、ea,meat,water,uncountable nouns不可數名詞,可數名詞和不可數名詞,不可數名詞,(1)(2)(3)(4),定義:是指不能計數的名詞。,不可數名詞前不可以用 a , an 限定。,不可數名詞前不可以用 one, two , three… 限定。,不可數名詞沒有復數形式。,chicken,ice cream,salad,Countable and uncountable nouns 既可

6、數也不可數,可數名詞和不可數名詞,既可數又不可數名詞,定義:在某些情況下能計數,在某些情況下不能計數的名詞。,e.g. (1)a chicken 一只雞 chicken 雞肉,(2)an ice cream 一個冰淇淋 ice cream 冰淇淋(指成份),(3)a salad 一碟沙拉 salad 沙

7、拉(指成份),,,hamburgers,,tomatoes,oranges,bananas,strawberries,eggs,apples,carrots,pears,water,milk,bread,ice cream,salad,chicken,,,,,,,tea,meat,vegetables,hamburgerstomatoesorangesice-creamsaladbananasstrawberriespea

8、rsmilkbread,d,i,f,h,b,g,c,j,e,a,1a,將詞語與圖中物品匹配。,Do you like bananas?Yes,I do.,,喜歡,Do you like salad?No,I don’t.,Do you like oranges?Yes,I do.,1b,A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do.,A: Do you like salad? B:

9、No, I don’t.,A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do.,1b,Listen and number the conversations [1-3]. 聽錄音,給對話編號。,,,,1,2,3,編新對話,1c,Do you like…?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.,,hamburgers pears tomatoes strawberries

10、oranges ice-cream salad bananas,Listen and circle the food you hear. 聽錄音,圈出所聽到的食物。,2a,,,,,2b Listen again and fill in the blanks,tomatoes,tomatoes,ice cream,ice cream,用2b 中的句型編新對話,談自己的真實情況。,

11、2c,Pair work,A: I like bananas/ice cream…Do you like bananas/ice cream..?B: Yes, I do.A,B:let’s have (吃)bananas/ice cream…,,Period 2,,birthday 生日 right正確的,適當的dinner 晚餐 apple

12、蘋果week 周,星期 then 那么 think about 思考,思索 egg 蛋,雞蛋food 食物 carrot 胡蘿卜sure 當然,肯定,一定 chicken 雞肉How about …怎么樣? so 那么 burger 漢堡包 Vegetable

13、蔬菜fruit 水果,Role-play the conversation.分角色表演對話。,2d,Jack: Hey, John’s birthday dinner is next week. Let’s think about the food.Tom: Sure. How about burgers, vegetable salad, and some fruits?Bill: Sounds good. J

14、ohn likes hamburgers.Jack : Oh, I don’t like salad.Bill: John likes salad, and it’s his birthday.Jack : Yes, you’re right. What about the fruit?Tom : I think John likes strawberries and apples.Bill: OK. Let’s have

15、strawberries and apples then.,,like的一般現在時,like:意思是“喜歡”,在句子中做謂語動詞。表達某人喜歡某物,like隨主語變化。若主語是第三人稱單數,like必須用三單形式likes。若主語是其他人稱或可數名詞復數,like用動詞原形。eg: I like oranges.我喜歡橙子。 He likes ice-cream.他喜歡冰淇淋。 we don'

16、;t like hamburgers.我們不喜歡漢堡。 He doesn't like vegetables.他不喜歡蔬菜。She likes bread,but she doesn't like oranges.她喜歡面包,但她不喜歡橙子。They like pears, but they don't l

17、ike strawberries.他們喜歡梨,但他們不喜歡草莓。,,Grammar Focus 1,Do _____ like salad ?,you,Yes , I do .No , I don’t .,Do _____ like pears ?,they,Yes , they do .No , they don’t .,詢問某人是否喜歡某物,,Grammar Focus 2,Does _____ like tomatoe

18、s ?,she,Yes , she does . No , she doesn’t .,,Grammar Focus 3,I like __________ . I don’t like _________ .,We like ____rice___ . We don’t like _________ .,ora

19、nges,bananas,hamburgers,表達某人是否喜歡某物,,Grammar Focus 4,He He doesn’t,ice-cream.,vegetables.,,likes,like,,like的一般現在時,,Underline the correct words in the brackets .,Number these sentences 1-4 to make a conversation.,3a,3b,3

20、-2-1-4,Food survey 1,3c,Period 3,Do you like bananas? Yes,I do. I like bananas.Does he like bananas? Yes,he does. He like bananas. Do you like salad? Yes,I do. I like salad.Does she like salad? Yes,she does. She

21、 likes bananas,morning,noon,evening,,,,breakfast,lunch,dinner,/`brekf?st/,/`lΛnt? /,/`din?/,Key words,practice練習,star 明星,星星 eat 吃 well 好,令人滿意的 habit 習慣healthy 健康的 r

22、eally 真正地 question 問題 want 需要,想要 be 變成 fat 肥的,肥胖的,breakfast,lunch,dinner,3,4,7,5,9,2,6,1,10,8,1a Write the number of each word next to the correct food.,fruit :__________

23、_______________________________________________________vegetables:__________________________________,1b How many other words can you Add to the lists.,,pear,strawberry,orange,apple,watermelon西瓜,carrot,tomato,potat

24、o土豆,onion洋蔥,broccoli西蘭花,1c Listen and circle the food you hearin1a.,rice,salad,eggs,,apple,ice-cream,hamburger,banana,orange,carrots,chicken,,,,,,,1d Listen again. Fill in the chart..,Sally,,Tom,Likes,Doesn’t like,sala

25、d, apples,bananas, orange,ice-cream,carrots,,vegetables,apples,1e Ask and answer questions about what Sally and Tom like and don’t like.,Does Tom like …?Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t.Does Sally like …?Yes, she does.

26、/ No, she doesn’t.,2a,Job工作:,Name名字:,He eats lots of healthy food.,running star,Liu Xiang,Profile簡況,runner,,a lot of=lots of,Job工作:,Name名字:,She eats lots of healthy food, too.,volleyball star,Cindy Smith,Read and fill in

27、 the blanks as quickly as you can.,Profile簡況,volleyball player,2b Read the magazine article and circle the food words.,Sorts Star Eats Well!David asks the volleyball star, Cindy Smith, about her eating habits.David: He

28、llo, Cindy. What do you like for breakfast? Cindy: I love fruit. I think it’s healthy.David: OK. So what fruit do you like? Do you like bananas?Cindy: Well, I don’t like bananas. But I like oranges and apples.,,,,,Dav

29、id: What about lunch? Do you like salad?Cindy: Yes, I really like it .David: Hmm…and do you like hamburgers for dinner?Cindy: Oh, no, they’re not healthy. I like chicken for dinner.David: Ok, well, one last question-

30、--do you eat ice-cream after dinner?Cindy: Err…I like ice-cream…but I don’t eat it .I don’t want to be fat.,,,,,2c Write five sentences about Cindy’s eating habits.,Cindy likes healthy food.1.Cindy loves fruit and veg

31、etables.2.She likes oranges and apples.3.She likes chicken for dinner.4.Cindy doesn’t like hamburgers for dinner.5.She doesn’t eat ice-cream.,Period 4,,3a Complete the survey,Your own eating habits.,3b,Review words l

32、ike this:,Food: chicken hamburgers ice cream milk bread eggs riceFruit: apples bananas oranges strawberries pears Vegetables: salad carrots tomatoes,,fast food,a hamburger,sala

33、d,chicken,French fries,ice cream,Do you like hamburgers?,Plurals of words.,,Self Check,Self Check 2-3,I like fruit best. I like ping-pong. I like red .I don’t like salad . I don’t like soccer. I don’t like black.My fat

34、her like rice and meat . He likes basketball. My mother likes rice, but she doesn’t like meat. She likes running. My parents like green but don’t like yellow.,Review:,,Sentences:,1.Do you like strawberries?,2.Does he/sh

35、e like strawberries?,Yes,I do./No,I don’t.,Yes,he/she does. No,he/she doesn’t.,3.I like strawberries.I don’t like tomatoes.,4.She likes tomatoes. She doesn’t like hamburgers.,He has …,He likes …,He/ She/ It likes…He /

36、 She/ It doesn’t like…,He doesn’t have…,He doesn’t like…,,1.lots of=a lot of 許多(后跟名詞復數),e.g.She has a lot of/lots of strawberries.,2.healthy adj.健康的unhealthy adj.不健康的,e.g.Carrots are healthy food,but French fries are

37、 unhealthy food.,There are a lot of/lots of apples on the tree.,3.For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas, and apples. =She likes eggs,bananas and apples for breakfast.,任務型閱讀根據材料,請找出Jim Green 為家人準備的晚餐,并填寫表格。

38、 Today is my birthday. I want to thank my family for their love. So I cook the dinner for them. I know my mother likes hamburgers and broccoli. but my father likes chicken and tomato soup. I have a brother. He likes

39、hamburgers, too. But he doesn’t like broccoli. He likes carrots. I have a sister, too. She likes fish and French fries. I like chicken and strawberries. I will buy these things for the birthday party.,,,broccoli,chicken

40、tomato soup,hamburgers carrots,fish French fries,chicken strawberries,hamburgers,Unit 6 Revision,一.u.n.(不可數名詞)&c.n.(可數名詞),1、可數名詞:是可以計數的名詞。 ****有復數形式(一個以上)。,e.g. hamburgers tomatoes French fries ora

41、nges bananas strawberries apples carrots pears eggs vegetables noodles,2、不可數名詞:是不可以計數的名詞。 ****沒有復數形式。,e.g. broccoli water tea milk bread rice meat,3、可數/不可數名詞:有時是可數名詞,有時是不可數名詞。,e.g. ice cre

42、am chicken salad food fruit,,,the Simple Present Tense 一般現在時態,動詞一般現在時的否定句式,(1)be 動詞,(2)have 動詞,(3)行為動詞,主語+,,am is are,+ not +表語,主語+,,don’t doesn’t,(三單),+ have + 賓語,,don’t doesn’t,主語+,,(三單),+ 動原 + 狀語,,,the Simple P

43、resent Tense 一般現在時態,動詞一般現在時的疑問句式,(1)be 動詞,(2)have 動詞,(3)行為動詞,主語+,Am Is Are,表語,主語+,Do Does,(三單),have+賓語+?,,Do Does,主語+,(三單),動原+狀語+?,,,,二、句型: 1、一般疑問句: 1>Do you like strawberries? Yes,I do./No,I don’t.

44、 2>Do they/Tom and Helen… like broccoli? Yes,they do./No,they don’t. 3>Does she/he/Lucy/Bob/your mother… like potatoes?(三單) Yes, she/he does. No,she/he doesn’t. 4> 肯定句變一般疑問句。(

45、*助動詞do/does提前) e.g.They like tomatoes.-?,Do they like tomatoes?,(助動詞do提前),,My brother likes French fries.--?,Does your brother like French fries?,(助動詞does提前),2> They/We/You like bananas,but they/we/you don’t like p

46、ears.,2、肯定句、否定句。1> I like hamburgers,but I don’t like ice cream.,3> She/He/Lucy/Mr. Lee likes meat,but she/he doesn’t like chicken.,4> 肯定句變否定句。(助動詞do/does+not,置于動詞前),e.g. Paul and Lucy ____ ____(not like) ri

47、ce.,don’t like,Her cousin _____ _____(not eat) carrots.,doesn’t eat,Bob _____ ______(not play) soccer every day.,doesn’t play,單項選擇( ) 1. Do you like ______? A .salads B. salad C. a salad ( ) 2. I like bananas,

48、_____ I don’t like oranges. A and B. or C. but( ) 3. Does Mary ____ pears? Yes, she does. She _____ pears.A. likes, like B. like, likes C. like, like( ) 4. My brother likes _____ and _____.A. tomatoes, strawb

49、errys B. tomatoes, strawberries C. tomatos, strawberries( ) 5. He has two hamburgers ____ lunch. A. for B. at C. in( ) 6. Linda has an _____. A. broccoli B. orange C. carrot,B,C,B,B,A,B,( ) 7. Tim____

50、eggs. He doesn’t _____ French fries. A. like, like B. likes, likes C. likes, like ( ) 8. We have ______ healthy food. A. lot of B. a lots of C. lots of ( ) 9. Liu Xiang is a _____. A. running B. run C.

51、 runner ( ) 10. Let’s have ______. A. a chicken B. chickens C. some chicken( ) 11. What do you have for breakfast? _____ egg. A. Any B. A C. An,C,C,C,C,C,( ) 12. They have _____ in the morning.

52、A. lunch B. dinner C. breakfast( ) 13. My father ____ potatoes. A. like B. likes C. don’t like( ) 14. LiLei ____ lunch at school. A. don’t have B. doesn’t have C. doesn’t has( ) 15. My aunt

53、likes all vegetables. They are _____. A. health B. unhealthy C.healthy,C,B,B,C,改寫句子31. Jim likes ice cream. (改為否定句) Jim ____ _____ ice cream.32. My good friends like potatoes. (改為否定句) My good friends_____ _

54、____ potatoes.33. He likes oranges. (改為一般問句) _____ he ____ oranges?34. They like broccoli. (改為一般問句)_____ they _____ broccoli?35. Jack likes hamburgers for lunch. (對劃線部分提問) _____ does Jack like ____ lunch?,doesn’t


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