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1、,Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag,?,Section A,Revision(復習),Step 1-1.Revision . What’s this?,Step 1-2.Revision . What are these?,Guess(猜一猜),What’s in the house?,Step 2-1. new words teaching,table /ei/,bed /e/,bo

2、okcase /ei/,sofa /?u/ /?/,books,schoolbag /æ/,keys,What’s in my new room?,a table a desk

3、 a bookcase a sofa a chair a bed keys bags books CDs schoolbags,,1. table ____2. bed ____3. bookcase ___4. sofa ___5. chair ___6.schoolbag ___7

4、. books ___8. keys ____,b,e,h,g,d,a,f,c,1a Match the wordswith the things in the picture.,Where’s Tom?,It’s in the box.,It's Tom.,where’s = where is,Where’s Tom?,It’s on the box.,Where’s Tom?,It’s under the box.,i

5、n,on,under,Where is Tom?,on,under,in,,,,Where’s the…? It’s on/ in/ under ….,,,,,,box,,Where are the baseballs?,They’re on the chair.,The books are on the table.,,Where are the books?,Where are the dogs ?,They’re o

6、n the sofa.,Talk about the things.,the pencils ?,in the schoolbag.,the baseballs ?,on the sofa.,Where are ?,They’re on the table.,They’re …. = They are….,,the rulers ?,the keys,under the box.,Where’re =

7、 where are + 復數 ?,Where’s the clock?,Where’s=Where is,It’s on the chair.,Where are the plants?,They’re under the table.,They’re=They are,,,Where引導的特殊疑問句,結構: Where+ be動詞+主語? 其中,主語可以是人或物,be動詞的單復數由主語決定。即: Where is/ Whe

8、re’s +單數? Where are +復數?回答: 主語+be+介詞短語單數:It’s +介詞短語.復數:They’re +介詞短語.,人/物,介詞+名詞Eg. in the boxon the table,,Where___the _________? It’s ___ the ____.,bed,schoolbag,on,,,,Pair work:,Where ___ the books ? ______

9、_ in the ________.,are,They’re,bookcase,is,A: Where’s the …?B: It’s …,,Where’s the pencil?,It’s in the pencil box.,…,…,…,…,…,…,pairwork,Where are the …?They are …,,Where are the keys?,They are on the table.,…,pairwork,

10、Listen and number the things in the picture [1-4].,2,3,4,1b,,T : Where are my ____ ?F: ______ on the sofa .T: ____ _____ my pencil box?F:It's ___ your schoolbag.T:OK.And ______ my computer game ?H:It's ____

11、your bed.T: Great . Now where are my _____ ?F:Oh, they're on the ____.,Listen and fill in the blanks,books,They’re,How about,in,where’s,under,keys,table,太好了。,,,,,,,Where’s the schoolbag?,It’s under the table.,Pair

12、work,1c,Make your own conversations. Use the words in the box.,on in under,Where are my books?,They’re on the sofa.,Where’s my pencil box?,It’s in your schoolbag.,Where’s my computer game?,It’s under your bed.,,在沙發上在我

13、的書包里在桌子下Where are my _____( key)?Where is your _____(books)?Where ____ her ruler ?(be )Where ____ their erasers?(be ),Exercises,on the sofa,in my schoolbag,under the table,keys,book,is,are,,對劃線部分提問My schoolbag is

14、in the desk.His pens are in his pencil box .,Exercises,Where’s your schoolbag?,Where’re his pens?,Section A(2a-2d),Unit 4Where is my schoolbag?,table /ei/,bed /e/,bookcase /ei/,sofa /?u/ /?/,chair /e ? /,books,schoolb

15、ag /æ/,keys,,,on the box,,,,,under the box,,,,,,,in the box,Where’s the cat?It’s …,Where’s the…? It’s on/ in/ under ….,,,,,,Where

16、 are the …?,They are in/ on /under the…,,,,,,Where’s the clock?,Where’s=Where is,It’s on the chair.,Where are the plants?,They’re under the table.,They’re=They are,,,,,hat,head,desk,room,Listen and number the things [1-6

17、].,Listening,2,3,4,5,6,2a,,Listen again. Find the things from 2a and number the things in the picture.,2,3,4,5,6,2b,,1,2,3,4,5,Where are the things? Number the things in the picture.,6,2b,A: Hey, Sally. B: Yes?A

18、: Is my computer game on the table?B: No, it isn’t. It’s in the bookcase.A: Oh, OK. How about my books? Are they in the bookcase, too?B: No, they aren’t. They’re on the chair.A: Oh. So, where’s my pencil box?

19、B: Hmm… it’s under the sofa.A: And where’s my schoolbag?B: It’s under the table. And your ruler is under the chair.A: Oh, I see. And where are Mom’s keys?B: The keys? They’re on the table.,=What about,一般疑問

20、句,那么,我知道了。,名詞所有格.媽媽的,A: Is the dog on the chair?,B: Yes, it is.,A: Is the baseball on the table?,B: No, it isn’t. It’s under the sofa.,A: Are the books on the sofa?,B: Yes, they are.,A: Are the books on the table?,B: No,

21、 they aren’t. They’re in the bookcase.,Where’s the eraser?,Is it on the table?No, it isn’t.Is it under the table?Yes, it is.,,Where’s the schoolbag?,Is it under the table?No, it isn’t.Is it on the table?Yes, it

22、is.,,A: Where’s the baseball? Is it under the table?,B: Yes, it is.,Where are the cups?,Are they under the table?No, they aren’t.Are they on the table?Yes, they are.aren’t=are not,,,Where are the books?,Are t

23、hey on the table?No, they aren’t.Are they in the bookcase?Yes, they are.,,A: Where’re the keys? Are they under the table?,B: No, they aren’t. They are on the table.,A: Where’re the pencils? Are

24、 they under schoolbag?,B: No, they aren’t. They’re in the schoolbag.,Are the keys on the sofa?,No, they aren’t. They’re on the table.,2c pairwork,2d Read and answer the questions,Mom: Come on, Jack!Jack: Oh, no!

25、 Where’s my bag?Mom: Hmm…is it on your desk?Jack: No. And it’s not under the chair.Mom: Oh! It’s on the sofa.Jack: Thank you, Mom. Err…where’s the map?Mom: I think it’s in your grand

26、parents’ room.Jack: Yes, it’s on their bed! And my hat?Mom: It’s on your head!Jack: Oh, yeah! Haha!,1.Where is Jack’s bag?2.Is Jack’s hat on the chair?,,It’s on the sofa.,No, it isn’t,It’s on his head.,Mom: Come on

27、, Jack!Jack: Oh, no! Where’s my bag?Mom: Hmm…is it on your desk?Jack: No. And it’s not under the chair.Mom: Oh! It’s on the sofa.Jack: Thank you, Mom. Err…where’s the map?Mom: I think it’s in your grandparents’ roo

28、m.Jack: Yes, it’s on their bed! And my hat?Mom: It’s on your head!Jack: Oh, yeah! Haha!,快點兒,,I think +句子 我認為…Eg. I think my books are on the sofa. 我認為我的書在沙發上。,,grandparents’ 名詞所有格 祖父母的房間注意:以s結尾

29、的詞的名詞所有格,只加’,,這是一個口語中的省略句。完整形式是:And where is my hat?,,2d Role-play the conversation.,Mom: Come on, Jack!Jack: Oh, no! Where’s my bag?Mom: Hmm…is it on your desk?Jack: No. And it’s not under the chair.Mom:

30、Oh! It’s on the sofa.Jack: Thank you, Mom. Err…where’s the map?Mom: I think it’s in your grandparents’ room.Jack: Yes, it’s on their bed! And my hat?Mom: It’s on your head!Jack: Oh, yeah! Haha

31、!,head,hat,keys,baseball,chair,bed,books,sofa,一、快速說出下列物品。,table,bookcase,Exercises,They are under the chair.2. My watch is on the table.3. His keys are in the drawer.4. Tommy is at school.5. Anna’s books are in t

32、he bookcase.,Where are they?,Where’s your watch?,Where are his keys?,Where’s Tommy?,Where are Anna’s books?,二、對劃線部分提問:,三、按要求轉換句型。,1. The baseball is under the chair. (改成一般疑問句) __ ___ _

33、_______ under the chair?2. The keys are on the table. (改成一般疑問句) ____ ____ ____ on the table?,Is the baseball,Are the keys,3. Are the pencils in the bag?

34、 (否定回答) ___, ____ _______.4. The backpack is under the table. (對劃線部分提問) ______ ___ the backpack?,No they aren’t,Where is,四、根據圖片內容完成對話。,1. ______ ___ the books? ____ __

35、_ ___ the bookcase. Are the pencils on the bookcase? ___, ____ ____.2. ______ ____ the baseball? It’s _____ ____ _____. Is the pencil box in the bookcase? No, __ _____. It’s ____ ___ _____,Where are,The

36、y are in,Where is,Yes they are,under the chair,it isn’t on the chair.,,Section A Grammar Focus-3c,,快速說出下列物品,table,bed,dresser,sofa,chair,backpack,bookcase,baseball,books,keys,hat,head,Revision,按

37、要求寫出正確的單詞或句子。,1. table (復數) _______ 2. sofa (復數) _______3. on (反義詞) _______ 4. it (復數) ___

38、____5. they (形容詞性物主代詞) _______6. where is (縮寫形式) ________7. 在沙發上 __________,sofas,under,they,tables,their,where’s,on the sofa,8. 趕快

39、 _______9. 在椅子下面 _____________10. 在你爺爺和奶奶的房間里 _______________________11. 在你的頭上 ___________,under the chair,in your grandparents’ room,come on,on

40、your head,A: Where’s the computer?B: Is it on the sofa?A: Yes, it is.,A: Where are the baseballs?B: Are they on the chair?A: No, they aren’t. They’re under the chair.,Ask and answer,1. 地圖在哪里?_______ the map?2. 它在你爺爺

41、奶奶的房間里。 It’s ___ your ____________ room. 3. 我的書在哪里?______ ____ my books?4. 它們在沙發上。They’re __ the ____. 5. 他的鉛筆在哪里? _______ ___ pencil?,Where’s,Where are,on sofa,in grandparents’,Where’s his,

42、一、重點句型,Grammar Focus,6. 它在他的書包里。It’s ___ his _________. 7. 你的尺子在哪里?_______ your ____?8. 它在椅子下面。It’s _____ the ______.9. 他們的鑰匙在哪里?______ are ____ ____?10. 它們在桌子上。 _______ on the _____.,Where’s ruler,in

43、 schoolbag,under chair,Where their keys,They’re table,1. 以 where 開頭的特殊疑問句。 用來詢問人或物在什么地方。其結構為:Where + is / are + 主語(人或物)?回答時不能用 Yes 或 No,而應根據實際情況回答出物品所在的位置。例如: -- Where are your key

44、s? 你的鑰匙在哪里? -- They’re in my room. 它們在我的房間里。,Grammar,2. “Where is+單數主語,Where are+復數主語”,謂語動詞用is還是are取決于主語的人稱和數。如果主語是人,回答時用相應的人稱代詞主格作主語;如果主語是單數物品,回答時用“It’s + 表示地點的詞”;如果主語是復數物品,回答時用“They’re + 表示地點的詞”。,例如:

45、⑴ -- Where is your English teacher? 你的英語老師在哪里? -- He is in the classroom. 他在教室里。⑵ -- Where are the pencils? 鉛筆在哪里? -- They are in the pencil box. 它們在鉛筆盒里。,in,on,under,3. 方位介詞 in,

46、 on, under:表示方位,用于名詞或代詞前,這時名詞或代詞稱為介詞的賓語。介詞后面如果有人稱,要用賓格形式。例如:Bob is on the bed. A book is under him. (he的賓格),② on 表示“在……上面”,強調某物在另一物體的表面上,并且跟物體接觸。 My pencils are on the desk. 我的鉛筆在桌子上。 The photos are on the w

47、all. 照片在墻上。,① in 表示 “在……里面”,強調某物在另一物體的內部。 My books are in my schoolbag. 我的書都在書包里。,③ under指“在……下面”例如: -- Where is my pencil? 我的鉛筆在哪里? -- It is under your notebook. 它在你的筆記本下面。 -- Look a

48、t the girl! A ring is under her. 看那個女孩!一只戒指在她下面。,Where _____ the keys?,They’re ____ the _____.,Where’s the ______?____ it on your desk?,No, it’s ______ the chair.,3a. Look at the pictures and complete the conve

49、rsations.,are,on,table,book,Is,under,Pairwork,Where ____ the pencils?,I don’t know. ____ they in the _________?,Yes, they are.,are,Are,schoolbag,我不知道,3b. Ask and answer the things in the picture.,Practice,— Where is / a

50、re the ______?— It’s (They’re) in / on / under _______.,,,,,,,,,,,,一、根據圖畫提示,寫出單詞。1. -- Where are the books? -- They’re _____ the chair.2. My book is on the _____. 3. Where is the cat? -- It’s on the ______

51、. 4. I think my schoolbag is in my grandparents’ ______.5. Look! The hat is on your ______.6. The _________ is very nice.,under,table,sofa,room,head,bookcase,Exercises,二、單項選擇 -- ________ my baseball?

52、 -- It’s under the chair. A. Where B. Where’s C. Where’re,2. -- Is the book on the sofa? -- ________. A. Yes, I am B. No, it is C. Yes, it is 3. -- ________ under the ta

53、ble? -- No, they aren’t. A. Where are B. What is C. Are they,What和where引導的是特殊疑問句,不能用yes或no回答,4. -- Where are your brothers? -- ________. A. He is in his room B. Yes, they are C

54、. I don’t know5. -- Where are your notebooks?-- ___ are on the bed. A. It B. They C. We,1. -- _______ is the computer game? -- It’s on the desk.2. -- What’s her name? -- Sorry

55、, I don’t ______.3. -- Are your keys in your parents’ room? -- Yes, they are on _____ bed.4. Look! The baseball is ______ the table.5. My books are in the __________.,,Where,know,their,under,their, where, under,

56、 bookcase, know,bookcase,Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag ?,,Section B 1a-1c,Revision(復習),Where’s the…? It’s on/ in/ under ….,,,,,,Where are the …?,They are in/ on /under the…,,,,,,,A: Is the dog on the chair?,

57、B: Yes, it is.,A: Is the baseball on the sofa?,B: No, it isn’t. It’s under the sofa.,A: Are the books on the table?,B: No, they aren’t. They’re in the bookcase.,A: Are the books on the sofa?,B: Yes, they are.,New words,

58、English books,clock,tape,tape player,hat,radio,model plane,1. radio __ 3. tape player __ 5. tape __2. clock __ 4. model plane __ 6. hat __,a,f,d,e,b,c,1a. Match the words with the things in the pic

59、ture.,1b. Look at the picture in 1a for three minutes. Then close your books and write down all the things your remember.,__________________________________________________________________________________________________

60、______________________________________________________________________________________________________,radio,tape,tape player,clock,model plane,hat,books,table,pen,eraser,ruler,pictures,bed,dresser,ID card,bookcase,chair

61、,pencil,watch,notebook,baseball,quilt,pencil box,CD,English books tape player clock rulernotebook tape model plane radio,1c. Listen and circle the things Tom wants from his room.,,Listening,,,,,The E

62、nglish books are under the radio. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________,1d. Listen again. Where are Tom’s things? Write them down.,The ruler is o

63、n the bed.,The notebook is under the model plane in the bookcase.,The tape is in the tape player.,,A: Hello.B:Hi, Mom. Could you bring some things to school for me?A: Ok.B: I need my English books.A: English books? W

64、here are your English books?B: Hmm, they’re on the chair…Oh, no, they’re under the radio.A: OK.,,帶來,,一些東西,,到,,為我,,需要,P71,,B: And I need my ruler. It’s on the bed. And my notebook.A: Where’s your notebook?B: I don’t k

65、now. Oh, it’s under the model plane in the bookcase. And Frank’s tape. He needs it.A: Where’s his tape?B: Oh, it’s in the tape player.A: OK. Meet you at one at your school.B:Thanks, Mom.,,,,在書架里的飛機模型下面,,Frank’s 名詞所有格

66、:Frank的,,needs:動詞的need第三人稱單數,因為主語是he,所以用第三人稱單數。動詞的第三人稱單數通常在原型后面加sEg. I need my book. He needs his book.,,at one= at one o’clock :在一點鐘。數字可以表示時間。,,在你的學校,Where are the English books?,They’re under the radio.,Where … ?,

67、….,1e. Ask and answer questions about the things in Tom’s room.,Pairwork,Section B(2a-2c),Unit 4Where is my schoolbag?,____________________________________________________________________________________________________

68、_________________,bed,table,sofa,clock,hat,books,keys,quilt,tape,chair,watch,schoolbag,radio,book case,CDs,dictionary,2a. Write the words you know for the things in the picture.,Writing,New words teaching,tidy adj.整潔的


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