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1、山東交通學院畢業生畢業論文(設計) 畢業生畢業論文(設計)題目:聚類分析在證券市場分析中的應用AbstractIn this paper, we randomly selected 40 companies in Shandong province which were listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market, and we choice the five indicators eval

2、uation system that are the earnings of per share, the net assets of per share, the growth rate of the main business revenue, the growth rate of the main business profit and the yield of the net assets. In order to help i

3、nvestors to accurately grasp the overall features of the stock and the growth ability of the stock, we effectively use the method of the system clustering analysis to analyze the stock`s profitability, growth, etc, which

4、 were mentioned above the stocks of the 40 companies. Above all, this can help investors to make the best investment decisions, and get considerable returns in a timely manner. Finally, in order to further verify the rel

5、iability and credibility of analysis results, we use means methods to test the results of cluster analysis. The study shows that the method of clustering analysis has validity and practicability in the securities market


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