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1、Unit 6,Do you like bananas?,,Section B23a-Self Check,good (副詞) _______ 2. eat (三單) _______3. health (形容詞) _______ 4. like (近義詞) _______5. 飲食習慣

2、 ___________,eats,healthy,love,well,按要求寫出正確的單詞、短語或句子。,eating habits,6. 就早餐而言 ______________ 7. 就午餐而言 ______________8. 就晚餐而言 ______________9. 體育明星 ______________

3、 10. 最后一個問題 _______________11. 我不想變胖。_____________________,for breakfast,for dinner,I don’t want to be fat.,one last question,sports star,for lunch,Does Tom like tomatoes?,Yes, he does.,Does Tom like…?,…,,,Ask

4、 and answer about Tom and Sally in 1e.,Does Sally like salad?,Yes, she does.,Does Sally like …?,…,,,Act out the dialogue in 2b.,David---a reporter (記者),Cindy---volleyball star,Sports Star Eats Well!,What … for breakfas

5、t?,fruit, healthy,What fruit, bananas?,don’t, oranges and apples,lunch, salad?,really like,hamburgers, for dinner?,not healthy,chicken,ice-cream, after dinner?,like, but don’t, don’t want to be fat,3a,Complete the surve

6、y for you and your partner.,Do you like eggs for breakfast?,No, I don’t. I like oranges.,Do you like … for lunch?,Yes, … /No, …,Do you like … for dinner?,Yes, … /No, …,Fill in the chart.,apples and hamburgers,chicken

7、 and rice,milk,tomatoes,vegetables and bread,eggs,eggs and milk,hamburgers and salad,bananas and bread,oranges,chicken,strawberries,Write about what you and your partner like and don’t like for breakfast, lunch and dinne

8、r.,3b,For breakfast, I like ________, but I don’t like ______. For lunch, _______________________.And for dinner, __________________________. For breakfast, ______ likes ________________. For lunch, ____________________

9、__________. And for dinner, __________________________.,這是一篇介紹某人一日三餐的短文,寫作過程中應用如下句型: For breakfast, I like …, but I don’t like … 早餐,我喜歡……,但我不喜歡……2. I like … for breakfast/lunch/dinner. 早飯/午飯/晚飯我喜歡…… 3. I don’t l

10、ike … for breakfast/lunch/dinner. 早飯/午飯/晚飯我不喜歡……,4. He/She likes …, but he/she doesn’t like …. 他/她喜歡……,但他/她不喜歡……5. For breakfast/ lunch /dinner, he/she likes/ eats …. 就早飯/午飯/晚飯而言,他/她喜歡/吃……6. He/She doesn’t l

11、ike … for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner. 早飯/午飯/晚飯他/她不喜歡……,One possible version: (According to 3a),For breakfast, I like _____________________, but I don’t like _____. For lunch, _______________________________________

12、__________________________. And for dinner, _______________________________________. For breakfast, ______ likes _______________________________________. For lunch, ____________________________________________,apples

13、 and hamburgers,milk,I like,I like,chicken and I like vegetables and bread, but,I don’t like tomatoes,Mike,eggs and milk, but,he likes,chicken and rice, but I don’t like apples,he doesn’t like oranges,hamburgers and sala

14、d, but he doesn’t like,________. And for dinner, _____________________________________________________,chicken,he likes bananas,and bread, but he doesn’t like strawberries.,hamburger tomato carrotphoto b

15、anana strawberryhat table dictionaryegg apple pearradio vegetable familypencil key volleyball,Do you know the plurals of these words? Put them

16、 in the correct columns.,1,hamburgers,tomatoes,carrots,photos,bananas,strawberries,hats,tables,dictionaries,eggs,apples,pears,radios,vegetables,families,pencils,keys,volleyballs,What food, sports and colors do you like a

17、nd dislike?,2,Food:,I like ______________________.I don’t like _________________.,chicken and carrots,tomatoes,,,Sports:,I like _______________________.I don’t like __________________.,I like ______________________.I

18、don’t like _________________.,colors:,ping-pong and soccer,basketball,red and green,black,,,,,,,,What food, sports and colors do your parents like and dislike? Write at least five sentences.,3,這是寫他人的個人愛好的句子。應注意人稱和數的變化。當談

19、及父親或母親單個人稱時,應用第三人稱單數形式,常用句型:,1. My father/mother likes … 我爸爸/媽媽喜歡…… 2. My father/mother doesn’t like … 我爸爸/媽媽不喜歡…… 3. 也可以合在一句話中寫, He/She likes …, but he/she doesn’t like …. 他/她喜歡……,但他/她不喜歡……。,另外,如果

20、是兩人同時喜歡或不喜歡什么用:They like … 或 They don’t like … 他們(不)喜歡 ……,Food:,My father likes _____, but he doesn’t like _______.My mother likes ______, but she doesn’t like ____.,eggs,apples,,,carrots,rice,Sports:,My father likes

21、____________________.My mother likes _________.They don’t like __________.,My father likes ____, but he doesn’t like ___.My mother likes _____, but she doesn’t like _______.,colors:,basketball and soccer,tennis,blue

22、 red,black,,,,,ping-pong,yellow,一、寫出下列詞組或句型。 生日晚餐 _______________ 2. 下一周 _______________ 3. 考慮 _______________ 4. 怎么樣

23、 _______________5. 聽起來不錯 _______________ 6. 讓我們 __________,birthday dinner,next week,think about,how/what about,sounds good,Let’s …,Exercises,7. 體育明星 ____

24、___________ 8. 飲食習慣 _______________9. 詢問某人某事 _______________ 10. 就早/午/晚餐而言 __________________________11. 晚餐后 ________________12. 我不想變胖。___________________

25、_,sports star,eating habits,ask sb. about sth.,for breakfast / lunch / dinner,after dinner,I don’t want to be fat.,二、寫出下列單詞的復數形式。1. tomato ____________ 2. girl _________

26、___3. family ____________ 4. box ____________5. radio ____________ 6. volleyball ____________ 7. strawberry ____________,to

27、matoes,girls,families,boxes,radios,volleyballs,strawberries,8. daughter __________ 9. hamburger __________10. orange __________ 11. watch ___________12. photo _

28、__________ 13. library ___________14. carrot ___________ 15. sofa ___________,daughters,hamburgers,oranges,watches,photos,libraries,carrots,sofas,1. Her daughter _______ l

29、ike oranges. Bananas ____ her favorite (最喜歡的) fruit. 2. — ____ they like Salad? — Sorry, I ______ know. 3. — _____ your brother like eggs? — Yes, he _____.,don’t,are,Do,doesn’t,is, are, do, does, don

30、’t, doesn’t, isn’t, aren’t,Does,does,三、選詞填空。,4. — _____ these tomatoes? — No, they ______ tomatoes. 5. Mum, the milk _______ in the table. Where _____ it?,Are,aren’t,isn’t,is,is, are, isn’t, aren’t,四、單項選

31、擇。1. — Do you have eggs ______ lunch? — No, I don’t. A. on B. for C. at2. He likes salad, but he ____ hamburgers. A. don’t like B. likes C. doesn’t like3. He has ___ e

32、gg and ___ orange for breakfast. A. an, an B. a, a C. an, a 4. We need lots of ______ every day. A. vegetable B. banana C. healthy food,B,C,A,C,5. Here is some ______ on the table.

33、 A. tomato B. egg C. chicken 6. — Does your son like carrots? — ______. A. Yes, she does B. Yes, he does C. No, she doesn’t7. Her parents ______ breakfast at home. A. doe

34、sn’t have B. haven’t C. don’t have 8. Let’s _____ some hamburgers. A. eat B. has C. does,C,B,C,A,五、根據漢語提示,填上正確的單詞。 1. 比爾足球踢得很好。 Bill ______ soccer ______. 2. 你喜歡什么水果? _

35、______ ______ do you _______? 3. 那聽起來很好。That _______ ______. 4. 早餐我喜歡雞蛋和香蕉。 ___ _________, I like _______ and bananas. 5. 我不喜歡桔子,你呢? I ______ like oranges. _____ ______ you?,plays well,

36、sounds good,What fruit like,For breakfast,chicken,don’t,What about,1. Let’s have some apples!2. Yes, I do. I like them, too.3. No, I don’t like oranges. But I like apples. Do you like apple

37、s?4. Yes, I do. They’re great. Do you like oranges?5. Let’s have some fruit. Do you like bananas?6. That sounds great. 7. What about oranges? Do you like oranges?8. No, I don’t like bananas. 正確順序:5, _______________


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