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1、PEP 五年級上冊,Unit 5 There is a big bed,,Learning goals,能夠聽、說、讀、寫5個家居物品類的單詞或詞 組:bike, clock, photo, water bottle, plant。2. 能夠在語境中正確運用這5個單詞或詞組。3. 能夠在“連鎖問答”游戲中正確運用核心句型。,Warm-up,What’s in the picture?,There is a bed

2、.,There are some books.,There is a clock.,There is a TV.,New words,時鐘;鐘,植物,瓶子,水瓶,自行車;腳踏車,照片;相片,Let’s learn,clock,photo,plant,water bottle,bike,,This is my room.There is a clock, a...,Play roles,This is my room. I have a

3、 bed and a desk. What else do I have?,There is a clock.,,clock n.(名詞)時鐘;鐘[形近詞] cock 公雞 ; sock 短襪[運用] Look at this clock. 看這個鐘。,There is a photo.,,photo n.(名詞)照片;相片[同義詞] picture[短語] take a photo 拍照

4、[運用] Please put up this photo. 請把這張照片掛起來。,There is a plant.,,plant n.(名詞)植物[形近詞] plane 飛機[轉化] plant v.(動詞) 種植[聯想] seed 種子,flower 花兒[運用] There are many plants in the park. 在公園里有許多植物。,There is

5、a water bottle.,,bottle n.(名詞)瓶子[形近詞] little 小的[短語] water bottle 水瓶[運用] He can drink two bottles of water one time. 他一次能喝兩瓶水。,There is a bike.,,bike n.(名詞)自行車;腳踏車[形近詞] like 喜歡[同義詞] bicycle[派生詞] b

6、iker n.(名詞)騎自行車的人[短語] by bike 騎自行車,This is my room.這是我的房間。,“This is”句型中無論后面加人還是物品只能是單數。,Let’s play,There is a clock in my room.在我房間里有一個鐘。,There is a clock and a plant in my room.在我房間里有一個鐘和一株植物。,There is a clock, a pla

7、nt and a photo in my room.在我房間里有一個鐘、一株植物和一張照片。,Play roles,Look at the picture and play games with your partners.,There is a bed.,There is a bed and a desk.,There is a bed, a desk and some books.,There is a bed, a desk,

8、some books and some fruits.……,Practice,一、連線。,water bottleclockphotobikeplant,植物自行車水瓶時鐘照片,二、翻譯下列句子。,有一張大床在房間里。有一個鐘和一盆植物在房間里。有一個水瓶在桌上。有一輛自行車在花園里。,There is a big bed in the room.,There is a clock and a plant in


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