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1、Unit 6,Do you like bananas?,Section A,Yong Chuan No. 7 Middle School Xu Faxiang,,Revision,— Do you have a basketball?— Yes, I do./ No, I don't.— Does he have a basketball?—Yes, he does

2、./ No, he doesn't.,basketball,soccer ball,volleyball,tennis ball,ping-pong ball,baseball bat,pong-pong bat,a banana,bananas,Lead in,Unit 6,Do you like bananas?,1. 掌握以下單詞:banana, hamburger, tomato, ice-cream, salad, s

3、trawberry, pear, milk, bread2. 掌握以下句型:Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Does he/she like tomatoes? Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t.,3. 掌握可數名詞單數變復數的基本規則。,,學習目標,— What are these?— They are _____

4、____.,bananas,oranges,tomatoes,strawberries (strawberry),hamburgers,pears,請注意:可數名詞有單數和復數兩種形式.,Presentation,— What’s this?— It’s _____.,milk,salad,bread,(an) ice-cream,請注意:不可數名詞要用原形,沒有復數形式。salad, ice-cream 既可充當可數名詞又

5、可充當不可數名詞。,1)可數名詞是指可以按數來計算的名詞。其前面可以用a/an,或者用數詞來修飾,還可以用many, some, a few/ few等來修飾。它有復數形式。 如an orange, three oranges,some oranges, many oranges等等。,可數名詞和不可數名詞的概念及用法,一. 可數名詞和不可數名詞,2)不可數名詞沒有復數形式,可以用much, some, a little/li

6、ttle等來修飾。 不可數名詞前面不能直接加不定冠詞,也不能在其前面直接加數詞,如one,two等。 注意: some既可以修飾可數名詞的復數形式,也可以修飾不可數名詞。如:some apples, some bread等等。特別提醒:不可數名詞作主語時,謂語動詞用單數。如: The milk is very nice.,不可數名詞的數量表示法:,數詞+ 容器量

7、詞(單位詞)+ of +名詞e.g. a cup of tea a glass of milk two glasses of milk three pieces of bread,怎樣表示不可數名詞的數量呢?,二.可數名詞復數形式的構成,加-s,1. -s在清輔音后讀[s],2. -s在濁輔音后讀[z],3. -s在元音后讀[z],desks,apples,

8、trees,radios,以-s, -x, -ch, -sh 結尾的,加-es,-es讀[iz],boxes,watches,,改y為i 再加-es,-ies讀[iz],,,families,dictionaries,,以元音字母加y結尾的,直接加-s,-s讀[z],boys,keys,以o 結尾的,,有生命的事物加-es,-es讀[z],tomatoes,potatoes,以輔音字母加y結尾的,無生命的事物加-s,-s讀[z],pho

9、tos,radios,可巧記為:黑人英雄喜歡土豆西紅柿. 即Negro, hero, potato, tomato這四個名詞的復數要加es.,Fruit:,tomatoes,oranges,strawberries,pears,bananas,,Food:,bread,hamburgers,salad,Review the words,請大家注意喔: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一蘋果

10、,醫生遠離我。,hamburgerstomatoesorangesice-creamsaladbananasstrawberriespearsmilk bread,d,i,f,h,b,g,c,j,e,a,1a,Match the words with the things in the picture.,Listen and number the conversations [1-3].,1b,A: Do you li

11、ke salad?B: No, I don’t.,A: Do you like bananas?B: Yes, I do.,A: Do you like oranges?B: Yes, I do.,,,,2,3,1,Listening,1c,Do you like bananas?,Yes, I do.,Do you like salad?,No, I don’t.,Practice the conversations. The

12、n make your own conversations.,Do you like oranges?,Yes, I do.,Pairwork,Do you like …?,Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.,Practice,like/la?k /,Does Mr. Xu like bananas?,Yes, he does.,Does Mr. Xu like pears?,No, he doesn’t.,like

13、/la?k /,like/la?k /,I like bananas, but I don’t like pears.,He likes hamburgers, buthe doesn’t like oranges.,She likes …But she doesn’t like…,They like …But they don’t like…,Ask and answer in pairs:(結隊練習),A: Does

14、she/he like…?B: Yes, she /he does. No, she/he doesn’t.,B: Yes , I do.,No, I don’t.,A: Do you like…?,Listen and circle the food you hear.,2a,hamburgers pears tomatoes strawberriesoranges ice-

15、cream salad bananas,,,,Listening,,Listen again. Fill in the blanks.,2b,— Let’s have _________. — Oh, no. — No?— I don’t like __________.,— I like hamburgers. Do you like ___________?—Yes, I do.,— Do you lik

16、e __________?— No, I don’t like ___________.,ice-cream,tomatoes,tomatoes,ice-cream,Listening,hamburgers,2c,Practice the conversations above. Give answers that are true for you.,I like hamburgers.Do you like

17、 hamburgers?,Yes, I do.,Pairwork,Let’s have ice-cream.,Sounds good. / Oh,no, I don’t like ice-cream.,Do you like____?,Yes, …/No, …,Let’s have ____.,Sounds good. / Oh,no, I don’t like____.,Practice,,Exercise Time,,toma

18、toes,oranges,strawberries,pears,bananas,Exercises,,hamburgers,salad,milk,ice-cream,bread,,二、 選詞填空。 Do you like ___ (strawberry/strawberries)?2. Here are some nice ___ (tomatos/tomatoes).3. John likes ___ (milk/milks)

19、and bread.,√,√,√,,二、 選詞填空。1. Let’s ___ (have / has) apples and bananas.2. Sam ____ (don’t /doesn’t) like salad.3. — Let’s play volleyball. — That _____ (sounds/ sound) good.,√,√,√,,三、 根據圖片提示完成句子。,1. — ___ you li

20、ke ___________? — Yes, I do. And I like ________, too.,Do strawberries,bananas,,三、 根據圖片提示完成句子。,2. — _____ your father like ______? — No. He _______ like ______.,Does

21、 pears,doesn’t pears,,三、 根據圖片提示完成句子。,3. — Let’s _____ salad. — Oh, no. I ______ ______ salad.,have,don’t like,,三、 根據圖片提示完成句子。,4. — Let’s _____ _________ and ___________. — That _______ good.,have

22、 ice-cream hamburgers,sounds,,四、句型轉換,1. I like hamburgers. 變否定句:變一般疑問句并作肯定回答:,I _______ ______ hamburgers,don't like,_____ you ______hamburgers?______ I ______,Do like,Yes, do.,,四、句型轉換,Tom

23、 has a banana.變否定句:變一般疑問句并作否定回答:,Tom ________ ________ a banana.,doesn't have,_____ Tom _______a banana?___ , he _________,Does have,No doesn't.,,Summary,助動詞do/does, 可數名詞和不可數名詞,Read and re

24、member,,,,1. 復習記憶本課所學的生詞,下節課聽寫。2. 完成《新支點》第一節第1、3、4題。3.做個小調查,編寫四個問答句: 分別詢問一下你的家庭成員所喜歡的食物? 然后寫一篇小報道,說給同學聽?!?Do you like … ? — Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.,Homework,,Survey Report,A: Do you like hamburgers?

25、 B: Yes, I do. A: Do you like milk? B: No, I don't.,,Hello, I'm _____. I like____, but I don't like ____.____ is my father. He likes ____, but he doesn't like____. ...,e.g.,Goodbye,Thank you


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