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1、合肥工業大學碩士學位論文加強建筑工程質量檢測監管的研究姓名:呂慶紅申請學位級別:碩士專業:結構工程指導教師:完海鷹2011-06On the Enhancement of the Monitoring of Construction Quality Testing ABSTRACT The rapid development of the construction industry has solved our current

2、housing problems and improved the living standards of residents. After the Reform and Opening-up, especially after 2000, China has developed rapidly in economics, in infrastructure scale, in large and medium-sized projec

3、ts, and especially in civil and industrial construction. However, there is no consistence between the quality testing monitoring system of construction and the development, which has brought a hidden danger to the constr

4、uction quality. The development of construction quality testing and supervision is an important part of the construction industry development. Construction quality testing refers to the measurement and inspection of one

5、or more characteristics of an entity as well as the comparison of the results with the fixed requirements, which aims to test the eligibility of each quality. The monitoring of construction quality testing refers to the

6、supervision and management of construction, with the formulation of laws and regulations, standards and testing procedures. Furthermore, it refers to the supervision and management of personnel, institution and testing m

7、ethods. This paper describes the status quo of the quality of the monitoring of construction quality testing at home and abroad together with that of other domestic construction industry. With the use of management, qual

8、ity management, control theory and systems engineering principles, the present study tries to build the model of construction quality testing monitoring system and the evaluation model. By using fuzzy comprehensive evalu

9、ation method, the study analyzes the effectiveness of regulatory systems, the importance and the operability of a clear regulatory. With the description of the achievement and problems of the regulatory system of other

10、construction industry, the study has focused on the analysis and investigation of the engineering quality testing personnel, testing institution, and testing methods and purposes. With the analysis of the management of t

11、he existing quality testing system, the study pointed out that the key factor of the enhancement of the monitoring of construction quality testing is in the supervision and management of testing personnel, institutions a

12、nd stations. Besides, through the analysis of existing monitoring methods of testing, an effective monitoring system is proposed for the future construction quality testing system. Finally, with the conclusion of the pro


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