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1、引言 分類號:J204 J204 密級: UDC:741 UDC:741 學校代碼:11065 11065 碩 士 學 位 論 文 當代水彩畫平面形式語言研究 當代水彩畫平面形式語言研究 郭盼 指 導 教 師侯安智 教授 學 科 專 業 名 稱 美術學 論 文 提 交 日 期 2 0 1 5 年 4

2、 月 1 3 日 論 文 答 辯 日 期 2 0 1 5 年 6 月 4 日 答辯委員會主席 王輝林 教授 1引言 Abstract “Flat form language“ has been widely used in the watercolor painting creation, and formed unique aesthetic artistic conception. Article is mainly

3、about formal language of watercolor painting surface development, on the basis of the comparison system and detailed analysis, and combined with the author's own practice watercolor painting creation. Articles respec

4、tively from the aspects such as its concept, origin, present form has carried on the exploration and analysis, thus it is concluded that the context of contemporary art of watercolor plane form language, is gradually aba

5、ndoned the traditional painting, narrative perspective and light and shade of the technique of expression, the pursuit of means of form, the main performance for plane pattern, decorative style, symbolic shallow space an

6、d simplify the shape of the planar space processing method. Attaches great importance to the development of the aesthetic way of adornment style, art show, multidimensional perspective of visual development of watercolor

7、 painting flat form the exploration of language has a great role in promoting. In this paper, in addition to the contemporary art of watercolor plane form language parsing, and the aesthetic pursuit of Chinese traditiona

8、l painting to the impact of the development of Chinese contemporary watercolor thinking. Plane formal language is not the only means of performance, contemporary art as one of the modern artistic language, it need a subj

9、ective selection and use of artists. “National is the world“, a successful artist is based on the development of the national art. Only for artistic language form of exploration, and seek to artistic expression of one

10、9;s own cultural background, in order to produce successful works, which contains the artist's personality, mental concept and culture connotation and other factors. Flat form language allows artists in the creative

11、process, fully express their artistic conception and emotion world, this will give the picture infusion of new vitality and soul, to resonate with the audience on the mental. In performance form some incredible graphics

12、and colour, requires the viewer to a whole new way of vision and reading. The concept and thought level of communication is becoming more and more attention by people, flat form language expression have been in the prese


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