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1、重慶大學碩士學位論文生態倫理學視野下的《弗蘭肯斯坦》姓名:許鵬云申請學位級別:碩士專業:英語語言文學指導教師:毛凌瀅2010-04M.A.Thesis of Chongqing University Abstract II Abstract Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus written by Mary Shel

2、ley was published in 1818. Since its publication, this novel has attracted many critics attention because of its various themes. It also gains ageless popularity as an outstanding gothic story and the first science ficti

3、on. From the 19th century, different perspectives and focuses were taken to interpret the novel, such as earlier biographical and narrative structure study. Since the 20th century, various modern critical approaches hav

4、e been adapted, such as Psychoanalytic analyses, Marxism, Post-colonialism, Post-modernism etc. Since the middle of the 20th century, feminist criticism dominates the critical attention. Recently some scholars have alrea

5、dy studied this novel from the angle of ecocriticism, yet few have combined ecocriticism with ethics. This thesis attempts to approach this novel from the perspective of ecological ethics. In the context of world-wide en

6、vironmental crisis, it is very important and meaningful to explore and inspect the profound thoughts of ecological ethics in this novel. This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter One is a brief introduction to the l

7、iterature review of Mary Shelley and Frankenstein. The research method and thesis structure are also presented. Chapter Two explores the background, development and basic principle of ecocriticism and ecological ethics.

8、Chapter Three mainly analyzes the relationship between human and nature reflected in this novel. Both Victor Frankenstein and Walton disobey natural laws and have conflict with nature. On the contrary, Elizabeth and Henr

9、y Clerval respect natural laws and live with nature harmoniously. Chapter Four further reveals human society’s destruction towards the poor creature. Frankenstein is the arch criminal in the process of destroying his ow

10、n creature. At first, Frankenstein disregards natural law and creates a monster; after creation, he abandons his creature without taking any responsibility; at last, he chases the creature in order to kill him. At the sa

11、me time, the monster is full of hatred toward human society because of the De Lacey family’s rejection. What’s more, other cottagers and little William’s prejudice make creature take vengeance on society. Finally human b


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