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1、 博士學位論文 博士學位論文 論文題目: 論文題目: 解讀伍爾夫小說中女性人物 精神追求中的大海意象 學科專業: 學科專業: 英語語言文學 屆 別: 2015 屆 姓 名: 名: 王民華 導 師: 師: 李維屏教授 The Sea Image in the Female Psy

2、chological Journey in Woolf’s Fiction i Acknowledgements My indebtedness goes to many people who have given me help and support. My greatest gratitude goes to Prof. Li Weiping, my supervisor, who has enlightened me and g

3、uided me during my writing of this dissertation. I have benefited immensely from his fruitful studies and instructive lectures in British literature. The writing of this dissertation would have been impossible without hi

4、s help. His academic attitude and great personality are an everlasting inspiration and guidance in my work and life. I should also acknowledge Prof. Zha Mingjian whose lectures have broadened my horizon and enlightened m

5、e. My thanks also go to Prof. Qiao Guoqiang, Prof. Zhang Dingquan,Prof. Zhang Helong whose advice is of great help in my writing of this dissertation. I am also grateful to my fellow students, Li Wenping, Ning Huixia, a

6、nd Zhang Lin for offering encouragement and friendship during the hard times on campus. I am indebted to my colleagues Wang Qi, Ding Xiuqin and Li Ying for their consistent support and help. Finally, I would like to gi


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