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1、七年級英語 七年級英語 上冊 上冊Start Start Unit Unit 1 Good Good morning! morning!1、Good morning! 早上好!Good afternoon!下午好!Good evening!晚上好! 其回答都是其本身。 2、Nice to meet you !回答是:Nice to meet you !或 Nice to meet you ,too! 3、How do you

2、 do?答語仍然是:How do you do? 4、How are you?答語是:Fine./I'm fine./I'm OK.Thanks.And you? 5、動詞 be 的一般現在時態:我(I)用 am ,你(you)用 are, is 連著他(he)她(she)它(it) 。單數名詞用 is,復數名詞全部都用 are。變否定,很簡單,在 be 后把 not 加。變一般疑問句,把 be 提句首,句末問

3、號莫丟棄。變特殊疑問句,特殊疑問詞加上一般疑問句。Start Start Unit Unit 2 What's What's this this in in English? English?1、this“這,這個”指示代詞,用來指代距離較近的單個的人或物。反義是 that,用來指代距離比較遠的單個的人或物。this 的復數是 these;that 的 復數是 those。含有 this/that 把 this/tha

4、t 提句首,其肯定回答是:Yes,it is.否定回 答是:No,it isn't.含有 these/those 把 these/those 提句首,其肯定回答是:Yes,they are. 否定回答是:No,they aren't. 2、in+語言\聲音\方式, “用......語言(聲音、方式) ” 例如:in English “用英語” 3、a+輔音音素開頭的單詞或字母(讀音)an+元音音素開頭的單詞或字母(讀音)

5、 4、What's this in English? 回答是:It's a/an+可數名詞單數。 5、What're these in English? 回答是:They are+可數名詞復數或不可數名 詞。Start Start Unit Unit 3 What What color color is is it? it?1、不定冠詞 a,an 的用法:1)表示數量“一” ;2)籠統地指某人或某物但不具體說

6、明;3)泛指一類 事物;4)表示首次提到的人或物(常用于介紹用語中) 。2、定冠詞 the 的用法:1)特指某(些)人或者事物或雙方都知道的人或事物;2)上文提到過的人 或物;3)世界上第一無二的事物前,或某一范圍內唯一的某事物前。4)某些由普通名詞構成的專有名詞前。5)一些習慣用語和樂器前。 3、What color is it? 回答是:It's+顏色的形容詞。 4、What color are they? 回答是:T

7、hey are+顏色的形容詞。Unit Unit 15)What’s What’s his his (one) (one) name? name? I don’t don’t know. know. But But I know know his his last last name. name.6)Is Is this this ------eraser? ------eraser? No.It’s N

8、o.It’s -------. -------.A. A. his his his his B. B. his his hers hers C. C. her her hers hers7)Is Is that that her her pencil? pencil? Yes,------is. Yes,------is.A. A. it it B. B. that that C.She C.She8)------- -

9、------ you you spell spell it? it? Yes.P-E-N Yes.P-E-N pen. pen.A. A. How How B.Can B.Can C.\ C.\9)Please Please call call our our school school ------4516324. ------4516324.A. A. with with B.\ B.\ C.at C.at D.on D

10、.on10 10)Is Is that that your your car car in in the the ----(lose) ----(lose) and and ----(find) ----(find) case? case?11 11)Tell Tell me me the the key key ------the ------the question. question.A. A. to to B. B. of

11、 of C.about C.about12 12)There There -----(be) -----(be) a set set of of -----(key) -----(key) on on the the table. table.13 13)This This kind kind of of books books ------(sell) ------(sell) well.We well.We like like

12、 it. it.14 14)Could Could you you please please help help me me with with my my English English? .A. A. With With pleasure. pleasure. B.That’s B.That’s very very nice nice of of you.C.It you.C.It’s my my pleasure.

13、 pleasure.Unit Unit 4詞匯: 詞匯:1. 1.本單元出現的家具類詞匯: 本單元出現的家具類詞匯:table table 桌子 桌子 bed bed 床 bookcase bookcase 書櫥, 書櫥,書柜 書柜 sofa sofa 沙發 沙發 chair chair 椅子 椅子 2. 2.表位置的介詞短語: 表位置的介詞短語:under under the the table table 在桌子下面

14、在桌子下面 on on the the sofa sofa 在沙發上 在沙發上 in in the the backpack backpack 在雙肩背包里 在雙肩背包里 under under the the bed bed 在床下面 在床下面 on on the the chair chair 在椅子上 在椅子上 on on the the dresser dresser 在梳妝臺上 在梳妝臺上 on on th

15、e the table table 在桌子上 在桌子上 in in the the drawer drawer 在抽屜里 在抽屜里 on on the the floor floor 在地板上 在地板上 3.math 3.math book book 數學書 數學書 4.alarm 4.alarm clock clock 鬧鐘 鬧鐘 5.computer 5.computer game game 電腦游戲 電腦游戲 6.vi

16、deo 6.video tape tape 錄像帶 錄像帶 7.take 7.take sth. sth. to to sb. sb.把某物帶給某人 把某物帶給某人take take these these things things to to your your sister sister 把這些東西帶給你姐姐 把這些東西帶給你姐姐 8.ID 8.ID card card 身份證 身份證9.bring 9.bring

17、sth. sth. to to some some place place 把某物到給某地 把某物到給某地 bring bring some some things things to to school school 把一些物品帶到學校 一些物品帶到學校 10.pencil 10.pencil case case 鉛筆盒 鉛筆盒 11.in 11.in the the bedroom bedroom 在臥室 在臥室 12

18、.in 12.in the the kitchen kitchen 在廚房 在廚房句式: 句式:1. 1.詢問地點 詢問地點——Where Where + be be 動詞 動詞 + sth. sth. 答語 答語——It It is/They is/They are are + 表位 表位置的介詞短語 置的介詞短語—Where’s Where’s my my backpack backpack? —It’s It’s

19、 under under the the table. table.—Where Where are are your your books books? —They’re They’re on on the the chair. chair.2. 2.詢問某物是否在某地的句型及答語 詢問某物是否在某地的句型及答語—Is Is the the baseball baseball on on the the sofa sofa?

20、—No No,it it isn’t. isn’t. It’s It’s under under the the chair. chair.—Are Are they they on on the the bed bed? —No No,they’re they’re not. not.3. 3.祈使句 祈使句——Please Please do do sth. sth. Please Please take

21、 take these these things things to to your your sister… sister…4.can 4.can 引導的一般疑問句 引導的一般疑問句 Can Can you you bring bring some some things things to to school school?5. 5.倒裝句 倒裝句——Here Here + be be 動詞 動詞 + 主語 主語


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