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1、Unit3. Topic1. Do you like English?一. 核心詞匯 could tell sure speak some pour with problem pet often want live say visit great wall many lot all so study little them very much home its dog any of 二. 常用詞組 pen pal help sb wi

2、th sth want to do sth the Great Wall a lot not…at all each other a little very much at home 三. 重點句子 He can speak some Chinese. Do you like Chinese? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t What does he say in the letter? He wants t

3、o visit the Great Wall. Many students in our class like English a lot, but I don’t like it at all. And I help her study Chinese. We help each other.四. 交際用語 Excuse me, could you please tell me your name? Sure. Could you

4、help me with it. No problem. Do you like English? Yes, I like it very much/a lot/ a little.五. 語法精粹 do 和 does 引導的一般疑問句及其肯定和否定回答 Do you want a pen pal? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Does he speak Chinese? Yes, he does./ No, he d

5、oesn’t. 表示喜歡的程度 I like it very much/a lot/ alittle. I don’t like it at all. 人稱代詞的用法六. 其他 情態動詞 could 的運用 學習輔音音標/tr/ /dr/ /ts/ dz/七. 金點剖析 1. Excuse me, could you please tell me your name? 打擾一下,請把你的名字告訴我好嗎?(1) “Could you pl

6、ease+動詞原形+其他?”用于禮貌的請求別人做某事,譯成“你能….嗎?肯定答語用 Sure/Of course.或 No,problem。否定答語用 Sorry.如: Could you please give this book to her? 請你把這本書給她好嗎? 肯定答語:Sure/Of course.(當然可以)或 No problem(沒問題)否定答語:Sorry.(對不起)(2)否定形式為:Could you pleas

7、e not do sth? 如:Could you please not stand here? 請你不要站在這兒好嗎?2.He can speak some Chinese. 他會說一些漢語。(1) speak v 說、講(某種語言) ,演講。如:He can speak English.他會說英語。(2)some 在這里意為“一些 ” ,主要用于肯定句中。在疑問句和否定句中通常用 any。Some 和 any 作定語時,所修飾的是可

8、數名詞復數或不可數名詞。如:I have some friends here. 我這兒有一些朋友。 以修飾可數名詞,也可以修飾不可數名詞。Much 意為“許多的,大量的” ,與不可數名詞連用。如:He has many/a lot of/ lots of friends.他有許多朋友。They have much/a lot of/lots of rice for lunch. 他們午餐吃了許多米飯。(2) like…a lot 表示“

9、對某件事有濃厚的興趣” , 與 like …very much 同義。如果表示“有點興趣” ,用 like…a little.如果表示“對…沒有一點興趣”用 not like…at all.如:I like Chinese a little/a lot/very much.我有點/非常喜歡漢語。I don’t like English at all. 我根本不喜歡英語。8 We help each other.我們互相幫助。Each

10、other=one another. “意為“互相,彼此。 ”如:We learn from one another.我們互相學習。=We learn from each other.9 Do you like English?你喜歡英語嗎?(1) 當句中有實義動詞時,要用助動詞 do 或 does 構成疑問句,且實義動詞用原形。Does 用于第三人稱單數,do 用于其它人稱。其句型結構:Do/Does+ 主語+動詞原形+…?肯定回答

11、為 Yes,..do/does. 否定回答為:No,…don’t/doesn’t.如:Do you like cats? 你喜歡貓嗎?-Yes, I do.是的,我喜歡?!狣oes he want a pen pal? 他想有個筆友嗎?-No,he doesn’t.不,他不想。(2) 含有實義動詞的句子的否定形式為:主語+don’t/doesn’t+動詞原形+….如:We don’t want to visit the

12、Great Wall.我們不想參觀長城。She doesn’t like her pet dog.她不喜歡她的寵物狗。復習總結:Do you like Chinese?你喜歡中文嗎?Do you like …?/ Does he/she like ? 你喜歡…嗎? 他/她喜歡…嗎?肯定回答:Yes ,I do . Yes, she/he does.否定回答:No, I don’t No, she/he do


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