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1、 1仁愛英語七年級英語下冊知識點期末總復習32. It’s time for sth. “該做某事了”=It’s time to do sth. It’s time for class. =It’s time to have class. =It’s time for having class.3. look +adj (look 感官動詞,系動詞) 看起來His mother looks ve

2、ry young. They look very cute.Her dress looks very nice. You look very cool in this coat.look 的短語 look the same 看起來一樣 look like 看起來像…… look for 尋找 look after =take care of 照顧,照料 look around/about 四處看看,四下環

3、顧; look back 回頭看;回顧;look out 當心,小心,留神; look through 瀏覽,仔細查看;look up 查尋,查閱;抬頭看4. do one’s homework 做家庭作業(注:one’s 要隨主語的變化而變化,常用形容詞性物主 代詞 my, your, their, our, his, her 等) 。 do my homework at school 在學校做作業5. wan

4、t to do sth. “想做某事”,want 后接動詞不定式作賓語。know about “了解,知道關于…”。we want to know about the school life of American students. 我們想了解一下美國學生的學校生活。6. 巧辯異同 巧辯異同 巧辯異同 a few+可數名詞 (肯定) ;一點,一些; few+可數名詞:(否定)很少,幾乎沒有a little+不可數名詞(肯定) ;一

5、點,一些; little +不可數名詞:(否定)很少,幾乎沒有little 和 few 作形容詞用,都表示“幾乎沒有”,強調少; a little 和 a few 強調有一些。e.g.He has a few friends. 他有幾個朋友。 He has few friends. 他幾乎沒有朋友。 e.g. I can speak only a little Chinese. They has little money. 他們沒有

6、什麼錢 a little 與 little 也可以用作副詞, 表示“有點”“稍稍” 表示“很少” e.g. Can you speak English? ---Yes, but only a little. This book is a little more difficult than that one. (可修飾形容詞比較級) She slept little last night. 昨天晚上,她沒有怎么睡覺。7. go+

7、v.-ing 表示去做某事,類似: go fishing 去釣魚 go shopping 去買東西 go boating 去劃船 go skating 去滑冰 go swimming 去游泳 and so on “等等”,表示還有很多。They often play basketball or coccer, go swimming and so on.8. (1). How often 多久一次(對頻度進行提問)答語常用

8、頻度副詞 always> usually>often> sometimes>seldom>never 等或單位時間內 的次數,表示頻率的短語:次數+單位時間e.g. : once a week 一周一次 twice a month 每月兩次 three times a year 每年三次How often do you go to the library? 你多久去一次圖書館? --once/twice/t

9、hree times/four times a week/month/year(2).How far多遠(表示距離)How far is it from here to the zoo? --It’s 6 kilometers. (3).How long多長(對時間進行提問,持續多長時間(多久)/東西的長度(多長) How long did he stay here? About two weeks.How long is the

10、 river? About 500 km.(4).How soon 再過多久,主要用來表示對將來一段時間的提問。常用“in+時間段”來回答。How soon will he be back? In an hour.9. over (形容詞) School / Class is over. What time is the class over?10. begin 現在分詞: beginning 過去式: bega

11、n What time does the class begin?begin to do sth begin doing sth He begins to write a letter. =He begins writing a letter. 如果 begin 本身為分詞,只能用 begin to do sth He is beginning to run.11. listen to 聽(動作) , hear 聽見(結果)冠


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