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1、無損檢測手冊 無損檢測手冊簡介 簡介無損檢測手冊是機體、發動機和部件制造廠編制的無損檢測程序,不僅包含主要的和輔助的結構,而且包括專利的部件的檢測程序,是機體、發動機和部件制造廠在真實的構件上和原位實際狀態下經過驗證可以實施的程序,每種機型均有相應的無損檢測手冊,制造廠家定期進行更新和修正,在兩次定期進行更新和修正之間通常發布一些臨時修正,在使用時要注意采用有效版本。除無損檢測手冊外,制造廠家也會根據產品的使用狀況發布服務通告,如果服務

2、通告中要求的無損檢測程序在產品無損檢測手冊中已經存在,該服務通告只給出在無損檢測手冊中的零件和檢驗程序號,否則在服務通告中會與按所用產品手冊的相同標準給出詳細的檢測程序。作為 NDT 人員應對所維護的機型的無損檢測手冊(NTM)有清晰的了解,能夠了解不同機型無損檢測要求的差異,掌握無損檢測手冊中各種檢測方法的通用要求,熟練應用無損檢測手冊中各種檢測程序指導檢測工作。由于所有機型的無損檢測手冊都是按照 ATA 規范編寫的(ATA100 2

3、-9《無損檢測手冊》 ) ,因此不同機型的無損檢測手冊的格式基本是一樣的。下面就按照 BOEING NDTM 和 AIRBUS NTM 及 CMM 進行介紹。一.波音系列飛機無損檢測手冊簡介下面介紹 BOEING NDTM 的組成和使用:在查閱手冊時,首先應確認使用的手冊是最新有效的版本,即是滿足適航要求的技術文件,這才能作為工作依據,手冊的版本號、更新日期在前言頁上可以查到,在有效頁清單中可以知道更新、修改的情況,如下圖所示 Revi

4、sion Revision ninety-two, ninety-two, dated dated August August 5, 5, 2007 2007。NONDESTRUCTIVE TEST MANUALBOEING DOCUMENT D6-37239TO:All holders of Nondestructive Test Manual, Boeing Document D6-37239.Revision ninety-tw

5、o, dated August 5, 2007, to the 737 Nondestructive Test Manual is attached. This manual is revised/changed on a four month cycle.波音 737 NDT 手冊組成(文件號 D6-37239)1).介紹(1)手冊概述(2)手冊的組織3) 波音 NDT 手冊中的渦流檢測程序實例:1.PURPOSE

6、 A. Use this procedure to do an inspection for surface cracks in aluminum parts.B. This procedure uses an impedance plane display instrument.C. Part 6, 51-00-00, Fig. 4 is an alternative inspection procedure.2 Equipment

7、A. General(1) Use inspection equipment that can be calibrated on the reference standardas specified in paragraph 4.(2) Refer to Part 1, 51-01-00, for data about the equipment manufacturers.B. Instrument(1) Use an eddy cu

8、rrent instrument that: (a) Has an impedance plane display.(b) Operates at a frequency range of 50 kHz to 500 kHz.(2)The instruments specified below were used to prepare this procedure.(a) Phasec 1.1; Hocking Krautkramer.

9、(b) Nortec NDT-19e; Staveley Instruments.(c) MIZ-22; Zetec, Inc.2、探頭Probes(1) Use a probe that:(a) Operates at a frequency in the range of 50 kHz to 500 kHz.(b) Has the configuration shown in Detail I.(C) Can satisfactor

10、ily do the angularity check as shown in Detail II.(d)Can satisfactorily do the probe shield test of Detail III. This is necessary if the inspection area is near adjacent structure to make sure the

11、 adjacent structure will not change the signals.NOTE: Shielded probes are recommended.3、試塊Reference Standards(1) Use reference standards 126, 188A, 189 or NDT1048. See Details IV thru VII for data about the reference st

12、andards.(2) Other reference standards can be used if they are equivalent to those shown in Detail IV thru VII.E. 輔助工具Special Tools(1) Use a nonconductive circle template as shown in Detail IX to help examine


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