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1、 1七年級下冊知識點總結Unit 5 Topic1 重點短語1. on foot go …on foot = walk ( to )… 2. at the school gate 在學校大門口 3. on weekdays 在平日 ,在工作日 4.on weekends=on the weekend 在周末5. after school 放學后 6. after class 下課后

2、7. after breakfast / lunch / supper早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐后 8. in ones free time 在某人空閑時間 9. have a rest 休息一下 10.read books 讀書 11.go swimming 去游泳 12.listen to music 聽音樂 13.watch TV 看電視 14.do(one’s

3、) homework 做作業 15.go to the zoo / park 去動物園 / 公園 16.once a week 一周一次 17.every day 每天 18.have classes 上課 19.for a little while 一會兒 20.go to bed 上床睡覺 21.come on 快點,加油,來吧 22.get up 起床

4、 23.talk with / to sb.與某人談話 24.at school 在學校、在上課 25.go to school 去上學 26.and so on ……等等重點句型 1. Happy New Year! The same to you. 2. Your new bike looks very nice. Thank you.3. How do you usually come to schoo

5、l? —I usually come to school by subway.4. How often do you go to the library? 5. —Once/Twice/Three times a week/Very often/Every day/Sedom6. The early bird catches the work. (諺語) 笨鳥先飛7. Work / Study must come first. 工

6、作/ 學習必須放在第一位!8. Classes begin at eight. =Class begins at eight.9. What time does the class begin? / What time do the classes begin?10.We have no more time. 我們沒有更多的時間了。 11.I have four classes in the morning and two in t

7、he afternoon.我早上上四節課,下午上兩節。 12.She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten. 她九點四十五分睡覺。重點詳解 1. by+交通工具,表示使用某種交通方式,中間不加限定詞,如果交通工具前有 a, the, my 等限定詞,就不能用 by,而是用 in 或是 on. by +動詞 ing 形式,表示通過某種方式 乘坐交通工具:by +交通工具(by car/bus

8、/train/ship)take the+交通工具(take the bus/car)on+大型封閉式工具(on the bus/ train/ship/plane)on the train=by train on his bike=by bike on a bike/motorbikein +小型封閉交通工具(in a car/taxi)in my car=by carI always come to school by bus

9、. People show love to their mothers by giving cards. You can be a good student by working hard.巧辯異同 巧辯異同 巧辯異同 on foot 與 walk on foot “走路”,是介詞短語,不能作謂語,只作方式狀 語,位于句末。walk “走路”,是動詞,可以作謂語。take the bus = go …by bus ride a

10、bike = go …by bike take the subway = go …by subway 3如果 begin 本身為分詞,只能用 begin to do sth He is beginning to run.11. listen to 聽(動作) , hear 聽見(結果)冠詞用法 1. 彈樂器前要帶定冠詞 the,而進行球類運動則不帶 the。play +棋類/球類/牌 下……棋,打……球 play socc

11、er/basketball play the +西洋樂器 彈/拉……樂器 play the guitar/piano 2.序數詞,前面要用定冠詞 the。on the second floor 3.三餐前面不用冠詞。 have breakfast/lunch/supper一般現在時語法講解 一般現在時表示:(常與頻度副詞 never, seldom, sometimes, often,usu

12、ally, always 等連 用)(1)現在所處的狀態。Jane is at school. (2)經?;蛄晳T性的動作。I often go to school by bus. (3)主語具備的性格和能力。He likes playing football. (4)客觀真理。The earth goes round the sun.常用的時間狀語:often, always, usually, sometimes, every day

13、 等等。行為動詞的一般現在時,助動詞是 do/don’t 和 does/doesn’t.當主語是第一、二人稱和 所有復數形式時,行為動詞用原形??隙ㄊ剑篒 go to school on foot. 否定式:I don’t go to school on foot.疑問式:Do you go to school on foot? —Yes, I do. —No, I don’t.當主語是第三人稱單數時,動詞用第三人稱單數形

14、式,在詞尾加-s 或-es??隙ㄊ剑篐e goes to work by bus. 否定式:He doesn’t go to work by bus.疑問式:Does he go to work by bus? —Yes, he does. —No, he doesn’t.Unit 5 Topic2重點短語: 1. make cards 制作卡片 2. on the playground 在操場上 3. in

15、the library 在圖書館 4. in the gym 在體育館 5. on the shelf 在書架上(shelves 復 數) 6. at the Lost and Found 在失物招領處 7.clean the room 打掃房間 8.have a soccer game 舉行足球比賽 9. have an English class 上英語課 10. write a letter 寫信

16、 11. some of his photos= some photos of his 他的一些照片 12. on time 準時/in time 及時 13. do better in sth 在某方面做得較好 14. show sb. around… 帶領某人參觀……15. at the moment“此刻,現在”,= now.16. plan v.計劃 plan to do sth17. be kind t

17、o sb=be friendly to sb 對某人很友好學科名詞: 政治 語文 數學 英語 歷史 地理 生物 音樂 體 育美 術politics Chinese math English history geography biology music P.E. Art一周名詞: 星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Satu


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