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1、2019 2019 年春人教版七年級下冊初中英語教案全套 年春人教版七年級下冊初中英語教案全套Unit Unit 1 Can Can you you play play the the guitar? guitar?Learning Learning Objectives Objectives一、 一、Topics Topics(話題) (話題):Joining a club二、 二、Functions Functions (功能 功

2、能)Talk about abilities三、 三、Structures Structures (結構 結構)1. Modal verb can2. Yes/No questions and short answers3. What questions四、 四、Target Target Language Language (目標語言 目標語言)Can you swim?Yes, I can./No, I can’t.What can

3、 you do?I can dance./I can’t sing.What club do you want to join?We want to join the chess club.五、 五、Vocabulary Vocabulary (詞匯) (詞匯)dance, swim, sing, draw, write, tell, talk, speak, join, drum, piano, violin,

4、musicianspeak English, play chess, play the guitar/violin, be good at, be good with, talk to, help (sb) with, make friends, on the weekend/on weekends六、 六、Skills Skills (技能 技能)Listening for key informationSca

5、nning in reading七、 七、Recycling Recycling (復習鞏固) (復習鞏固)I like …第四課時:完成 Section B 2a–Self CheckThe The First First Period Period (Section (Section A, A, 1a 1a–2c) 2c)Teaching Teaching aims aims (教學目標) (教學目標)1. 學會使用 can 的基本

6、用法。2. 能夠使用 can 進行提問及回答。3. 能夠使用 can 談論某人的能力。4. 能夠根據自己的能力選擇適合自己的俱樂部。Language Language points points (語言點 語言點)1. 詞匯:1)名詞 n. guitar, swim, dance, chess, club2) 動詞 v. sing, swim, dance, draw, speak, join3) 詞組 play chess,

7、speak English2. 句型:Can you …? Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.I want to join the ... club.Difficulties Difficulties (教學難點) (教學難點)1. 區別 play chess 和 play the guitar 中 the 的用法。2. 情態動詞 can 的基本用法,即無人稱和數的變化。Teaching Teaching steps s

8、teps (教學步驟) (教學步驟)1. 1. Warm-up Warm-up and and revision revision(課堂熱身和復習) (課堂熱身和復習)(1)Daily greetings to the S s.(2 ) Play a guessing game. Show Ss a picture and have them guess what it is.T: Let’s play a guessing game

9、. If you know what this is, put your hands up as quickly as you can.T: Yes, it’s a guitar. Can you play the guitar?【 教學設計說明】本課時主要學習 can 的用法,因此采取圖片導入法,使學生更加直觀的了解本課內容 ,過渡簡單自然。2. 2. Presentation Presentation (呈現新知識) (呈現新知識)


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