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1、霍城縣農村飲用水安全工程分析與研究2012 屆畢業論 畢業論文( 文(設計 設計)院 、 系:安全與環境工程學院 學生姓名:指導教師:職稱:教授 專 業:安全工程 班 級:完成時間:2012 年 5 月 ABSTRACTWater is the source of life, is the farmer 's living and production resource

2、 guarantee. But at present because of the natural and artificial factors, leading to the rural drinking water security is facing serious challenges, how to make the farmer drinking water security protection, become a un

3、able to hold oneself back task. Suddenly city county due to its unique geography, good relatively poor social environment, so that the safety of drinking water is a big problem in Huocheng county rural drinking water sit

4、uation, the specific causes of the problems, put forward opinions and suggestions. This article through to the safety of drinking water project in some important aspects, such as management, financing and puts forward a

5、n improved scheme, the project after the completion of the management and operation are proposed, to Huocheng drinking water safety improvement projects, hoping to make the drinking water problem can be improved.Key word


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