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1、分類號: J525.1 密級:不保密 UDC: 698 學校代碼:11065 碩士學位論文 LOFT 室內空間設計 室內空間設計的研究 的研究 徐曉童 徐曉童 指 導 教 師 孫寶珍 教授 學科專業名稱 設計藝術學 論文答辯日期 2015 年 6 月 3 日 Abstract As t

2、he LOFT is regarded by more and more widely, LOFT, with its distinctive features has become a new concept, modern people gradually popular residential around an unprecedented “LOFT hot“. In such an indoor space design, w

3、e need to think about the problem of many, it is so attractive, must have the value of its existence, it is people asking questions, and hope to be able to answer the question in this paper. This paper first discusses t

4、he research background of this paper and the significance of research, the research goal and the research technique. And then discusses the concept of LOFT and LOFT interior space design development situation at home and

5、 abroad. The third chapter content is an important research in this paper to the interior space of LOFT characteristic has carried on the system analysis, summed up the LOFT interior space fuzzy and flexible, tall and op

6、en, industrial flavor, personalized space characteristics of daylighting, avant-garde fashion. Secondly by analyzing the LOFT interior space design in residential, commercial, office space, the application of summed up t

7、he LOFT interior space design more emphasis on artistic style, flexibility, make public individual character, and significant differences in the characteristics of other types of space, the LOFT of the common design styl

8、e in the design of interior space theoretical elaboration, including industrial age style, contemporary and contracted style, mix building a style. The third is based on theoretical research, case analysis, combined with

9、 the actual project proposed the LOFT in interior space design should pay attention to the safety, comfort, economy and other issues. Finally, the paper on the future development of LOFT interior space design made certai


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