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1、字數:英 字數:英 2683 2683 單詞, 單詞,15092 15092 字符;中文 字符;中文 4479 4479 漢字 漢字出處: 出處:J Pollack,D Pollack,D Adler.Skills Adler.Skills that that improve improve profitability: profitability: The The relationship relationship between b

2、etween project project management, management, IT IT skills, skills, and and small small to to medium medium enterprise enterprise profitability profitability [J] [J] International International Journal Journal

3、 of of Project Project Management.2016,34(5):831-838 Management.2016,34(5):831-838外文文獻: 外文文獻: Skills that improve profitability: The relationship between project management, IT skills, and small to medium enterprise prof

4、itabilityAbstract It is commonly assumed that using project management and IT skills are good for business performance. This research explored this assumption by testing whether the use of project management and IT skil

5、ls have a positive affect on business' total sales and profitability. The research data was drawn from two longitudinal Government surveys of small to medium enterprises in Australia. Models were created to describe

6、the relationship between project management, IT skills, profitability and total sales using multiple linear regression and binary logistic regression. The results show that when controlling for the influence of other bus

7、iness skills, project management and IT skills have a significant positive influence on sales and profitability.Keywords: Project management; Information technology; Small to medium enterprise; Profitability; Sales; Busi

8、ness skills1.IntroductionIt is a basic and fundamental assumption that developing business skills in your assumptions that underpin project management research and practice, and this research responds to that call by que

9、stioning whether the use of project management and IT as core business skills have an impact on businesses' financial performance, focusing on the roles these skills play in Australian small to medium enterprises (SM

10、Es).2.Literature reviewThere is a large body of research that examines the ways in which project management can be improved, developed and refined, so that organisational objectives are delivered more effectively (e.g. H

11、agen and Park, 2013; Kloppenborg et al., 2014). For instance, there have been a variety of studies that have linked personality types to project success (Creasy and Anantatmula, 2013; Cohen et al., 2013), or factors that

12、 impact productivity on projects (Ng et al., 2004). Other research has focused on process related issues, such as the link between project management process maturity and project success (Mir and Pinnington, 2014), or li

13、nks between the maturity of the portfolio management system in an organisation and project success (Reyck et al., 2005). One consistent emphasis in these studies is that they focus on project success rather than organisa

14、tional performance. The relationship between project and business success is usually left to implication only.It is more common for research to examine the relationship between IT and organisational performance. However,

15、 this “… literature has traditionally shown contradictory results regarding the impact of the IT artefact on firm performance” (Benitez-Amando et al., 2010, p. 551). Taking e-commerce as an example, Hau et al. (2015) fou

16、nd that e-commerce affected the gross operating profit for some categories of hotel, while a cross-sector study by Hwang et al. (2015) found no link between e-commerce and business performance. Other studies have taken a


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