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1、作者:Chad R. Snyder, Member Frederick I. Mopsik國籍:America出處:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENTA Precision Capacitance Cell for Measurement of Thin Film Out-of-Plane Expansion–Part III: Conducting and

2、 Semiconducting MaterialsAbstract—This paper describes the construction, calibration, and use of a precision capacitance-based metrology for the measurement of the thermal and hygrothermal (swelling) expansion of thin fi

3、lms. It is demonstrated that with this version of our capacitance cell, materials ranging in electrical properties from insulators to conductors can be measured. The results of our measurements on p-type -oriented single

4、 crystal silicon are compared to the recommended standard reference values from the literature and are shown to be in excellent agreement.Index Terms—Capacitance cell, coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), guarded elec

5、trode, high sensitivity displacement, inner layer dielectrics, polymers, thin films.I. INTRODUCTIONTHE coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) is a key design parameter in many applications. It is used for estimating dime

6、nsional tolerances and thermal stress mismatches. The latter is of great importance to the electronics industry, where thermal stresses can lead to device failure. For accurate modeling of these systems, reliable values

7、are needed for the CTE.Traditionally, displacement gauge techniques such as thermomechanical analysis (TMA) have been utilized for determining the CTE. However, standard test methods based on these techniques are limited

8、 to dimensions greater than 100 m [1-2]. This is m ?problematic for materials which can be formed only as thin layers (such as coatings and certain inner layer dielectrics). Additionally, there is some question as to w

9、hether values on-oriented single crystal sapphire ( ) and a 14-thick inner layer 3 2O Al m ?dielectric material [10]. It was recognized in II that the data reduction was simple as long as the air filling the gap between

10、 the capacitor plates was dry. However, to expand the utility of the capacitance cell to hygrothermal expansion (i.e., swelling in a humid environment), the third paper (III) described the data reduction techniques neces

11、sary for use of the capacitance cell under humid conditions .Fig. 1. Schematic of the electrodes. Note that the shaded areas correspond to the nichrome coating.The resolution of the instrument was determined in II and II

12、I. For dry, isothermal conditions, the capacitance cell can measure relative changes in thickness on the order of , for a 0.5-mm thick sample; this corresponds to a resolution on the order of 7 10?. Under dry conditions

13、in which the temperature is changed, the m 11 10 5 ? ?reproducibility of a relative thickness change (e.g., for CTE measurement) is on the order of . Finally, under humid conditions, the ultimate resolution is primarily


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