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1、仁愛版英語七年級下冊重點短語及句子Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 1 how do you usually go to school ?1. at the school gate 在學校大門口2. Happy New Year! 新年快樂3. The same to you!也同樣祝你--- --- 4. looks very nice! 看起來漂亮5. come to school 來上

2、學6.come by bike= ride(s) a bike 騎自行車7. go by subway=take(s) the subway= in a subway 乘地鐵8. go by bus=take (s) a bus / in a bus / on a bus 乘公共汽車9. by plane / by air /in a plane / on a plane 乘飛機10.by car /in a car /

3、 take a car 坐小汽車11. by train / in a train / on a train / take a train 乘火車12. by ship/by boat / on a ship/boat / take the ship 坐船13. go on foot=walk to 步行 14. walk to school 走路上學15. watch TV 看電視16. do on

4、e`s homework 做家庭作業 17. see a movie 看電影18. Good evening 晚上好19. want to do sth 想要做某事20. what time 什么時間21. get up 起床22. on weekdays 周末23. at about six o`clock 在大約六點鐘24. come on 快點 25. It`s

5、 time for class 該上課了 26. It`s time to have class 該上課了27. know about了解--- --- 的情況 28. school life學校生活29. American students 美國學生 30. take a yellow school bus 乘一輛黃色的校車31. have/has lunch 吃午餐 32. a

6、t school 在學校,在上學33. eat out 外出吃飯,上館子34. on school days 在校期間 35. have a short rest 休息一會兒36. after lunch 午餐后37. after supper/after dinner 晚飯后 38. after class 下課后 39. after school 放學后40. list

7、en to music 聽音樂41. read books 看書42. go to the park 去公園 43. go to the zoo 去動物園44. go to the library 去圖書館 45. go to school 去上學46. go to work 去上班47. school is over 放學了 48. class is over 下課了 4

8、9. in one`s free/spare time 在某人的業余時間里50. play basketball打籃球51. play soccer 踢足球 52. go swimming 去游泳53. go shopping 去買東西 54. go fishing 去釣魚55. go skating 去滑旱冰56. go skiing 去滑冰 57. go cli

9、mbing mountains 去爬山58. go hiking 去遠足 59. how often 多久一次 60. ball games球賽61. have ball games 舉行球賽62. four times a year 每年四次63. meet friends 見朋友64. once a week 每周一次65. twice a week 每周兩次66.

10、 three times a week 每周三次67. Work must come first!工作(學習)必須放在第一68. twenty past six 六點過二十分 69. at twenty past six 在六點二十分70. have / has breakfast 吃早餐57. stamp collection show 集郵展58. school hall 學校大廳

11、 59. every Saturday 每個星期六 60. he is running 他在跑步61. in picture 1 在第一張照片里62. in picture 2在第二張照片里63. look(looks) happy 看起來高興64. love swimming 喜歡游泳 65. talk to a Japanese girl和一個日本女孩交談66. pl

12、ay the guitar 彈吉它67. in the classroom 在教室里68. in the office 在辦公室里69. in the dormitory 在宿舍里70. on the playground 在操場Topic 3 our school is very interesting1. What day 用來提問“星期幾”2. have a music class 上

13、一節音樂課 3. at ten o`clock 十點鐘4. a quarter to eleven 十點四十五分5. have a biology lesson 上一節生物課6. have a geography上一節地理課7. have a P.E. lesson 上一節體育課8. have an art lesson上一節美術課9. outdoor activities 戶外活動10.

14、 how many lessons 多少節課11. every week 每周12. singing and dancin 唱歌跳舞 13. drawing pictures 畫畫14. Working on math problems 做數學題15. speaking English 說英語16. learning about the past 了解過去17. an English b

15、ook 一本英語書18. What do you think of it = How do you like it ? 你覺得它怎么樣?19. Difficult and boring 難學而且乏味20. Which subject 哪一門課21. Easy and interesting 容易又有趣22. Favorite subject最喜歡的科目23. My school life

16、我的學校生活24. At school 在學校里,在上學25. Be friendly to sb = be kind to sb 對某人友好26. In the morning 在上午,在早晨27. In the afternoon 在下午 28. I aften speak English with my classmates 我經常和我的同學說英語29. After school

17、 放學后 30. Play basketball with myclassmates和同學們打籃球31. On the playground在操場上 32. Every Tuesday 每周二33. Every Thursday 每周四34. school newpaper 校報35. School Time 校園時代36. And so on 等等 37. Science

18、 Today 當代科學38. Thank sb for doing sth感謝某人做了某事39. best wishes 致以美好的祝愿40. read stories 看故事書41. have a biology class 上生物課42. have breakfast 吃早飯43. run on the playground 在操場上跑步44. have a physics clas


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