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1、新人教版九年級英語全冊知識點歸納及習題(最新) 新人教版九年級英語全冊知識點歸納及習題(最新)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?一.短語總結: 1. good learners 優秀的學習者 2. work with friends 和朋友一起學習3. study for a test 備考 4.have conversations with 與…

2、…交談5.speaking skills 口語技巧 口語技巧 6.a little 有點兒7.at first 起初;起先 8.the secret to......, .......的秘訣9.because of 因為 10.as well 也11.look up (在詞典中等)查閱;抬頭看 12.so that

3、 以便,為了13.the meaning of ……的意思 14.make mistakes 犯錯誤15.talk to 交談 16.depend on 依靠;依賴17.in common 共有的 18.pay attention to 注意;關注19.connect ……with ……把……聯系 20.for

4、 example 例如21.think about 考慮 22.even if 即使;盡管;縱然23.look for 尋找 24.worry about 擔心 擔憂25.make word cards 制作單詞卡片 26.ask the teacher for help 向老師求助27.read aloud 朗讀

5、 28.spoken English 英語口語 英語口語29.give a report 作報告 30.word by word 一字一字地31.so……that 如此……以至于 32.fall in love with 愛上33.something interesting 有趣的事情 34.take notes 記筆記35.ho

6、w often 多久一次 36.a lot of 許多37.the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力 38.learning habits 學習習慣39.be interested in 對……感興趣 40.get bored 感到無聊41.be good at 在……方面擅長 42.be afraid of 害怕43.e

7、ach other 彼此 互相 44.instead of 代替 而不是45. read the textbook 讀課文 46. be patient 耐心點兒47. the secret to language learning 語言學習的秘訣 48. body language 肢體語言49. look them up in a dictionary 在詞典里查

8、閱它們 50.keep a diary 寫日記51. memorize sentence patterns 記句型 52. make mistakes in grammar 犯語法錯誤53.bit by bit 一點點兒地;逐漸地 54.use an English dictionary 使用英語詞典 55. write down key words 摘抄重點詞 56. Practce makes pe

9、rfect. 熟能生巧57. after class 課后 58. in class 在課堂上59.watch sports program 看體育節目 60. a listening test 聽力測試 61.It serves you right. 活該。 62.at once 立刻;馬上 63.listen to the

10、tapes 聽錄音磁帶 64. over and over again 一遍又一遍地 Unit1 檢測題一. 單項選擇 1.—_______ do you study English? —By listening to tapes.A. How B. Where C. When D. Why 2.You can improve your English

11、practicing more. A.by B.with C.of D.in3. Why not practice your _________English in _________ English-speaking country?A. speaking, a B. speaking, an C. spoken, an 4. ______conversations with others is o

12、ne of the secrets to _____a successful learner.A. Practice, become B. Practice, becoming C. Practicing, becoming 5 ---There’re a few new words in the article? ---What about _________in your dictionary? A. loo

13、king it up B. looking up it C. looking them up 6. We’ll go out to play ______ it rains tomorrow. A. so B. unless C. because 7. Can you __which is the right answer to the question? A. look for B. find C. fi

14、nd out 8. Jenny used to be afraid to ________in class, so she always ________nothing.A. speak, talked B. speak, said C. say, spoke 9.— Why not listen to BBC news to improve your listening skills?— It’s ___

15、___ difficult _____ I can’t follow. A. too; to B. so; that C. such; that10. A good learner often thinks about ________he needs to practice more.A. that B. what C. how11.--I’m going to listen ____the tape. --O

16、K. Remember to listen ____the key words.A. to, to B. to ,for C. for, to 12. ________or not you can learn well depends on your learning habits.A. If B. Weather C. Whether13. I have finished _______

17、__my report. May I start to learn ________the guitar?A. writing, playing B. writing, to play C. to write, playing 14. ---I often make mistakes ____grammar. ---Why not ask your teacher ____help?A. in, to B. in

18、, for C. at, to 15. _________write down the new words in your notebook?A. Would you like B. How about C. Could you please16. ---Jack used to have ____writing practice. ---Yes, and he had learned ______.A. a

19、 lot of, a lot of B. a lot of, a lot C. a lot, a lot of 17. The more careful you are, ________mistakes you’ll make. A. fewer B. the fewer C. the less 18. Good learners aren’t afraid _____mistakes. Instead, they lear

20、n ________mistakes.A. of making, in B. to make, from C. to make, in 19. For the first time, pay attention _________quickly to get the main ideas.A. to read B. reading C. to reading20.I discovered that listeni

21、ng to is the secret language learning.A. something interesting, to B. interesting something, toC. something interested, of D. interested something of 21.Jenny found it very easy English well. A


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