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1、英語人教七年級上 英語人教七年級上 Unit 3 練習 練習Ⅳ.單項選擇 1.—What's this in English? —______. A.It is sharpener B.It's a penC.Yes, it's a pencil D.No, it's a pen2.This is an ______.The color is white. A.book B.pencil C

2、.UFO D.eraser 3.—Is that your quilt? —______.It's her quilt. A.Yes, it is B.Yes, that is C.No, it isn't D.No, that isn't4.This is Jane's telephone number.You can ______ her. A.call B.meet C.thank

3、 D.spell5.This is a ______.His ruler and pens are in it. A.watch B.ring C.baseball D.pencil case6.Is this your baseball ______ the lost and found box? A.at B.of C.in D.to7.—How do you spell your name? —______.

4、A.My name is Bill B.I'm Bill C.Bill D.B-I-L-L8.This is ______ pencil and that is ______ er aser. A.a;a B.an;an C.a;an D.an;a[來源:Z.xx.k.Com]9.Please ______ Mr. Brown ______ 495-3539. A.call;to B.telephone;to

5、 C.call;at D.telephone;for10.—______.Do you know his name? —______, I don't know. A.Sorry;Excuse me B.Hello;YesC.Excuse me;Sorry D.Hi;ErⅤ.完形填空 Look at the lost and found case.__26__ that?It's __27__ eraser.

6、I think (想) it's his __28__.And I lost a __29__ of __30__.I must write(寫) a notice.If (如果) __31__ find the keys, please __32__ me __33__ 555-6741.__34__ name is Maggie White.__35__ you!1.A.What B.It's C.What&#

7、39;s D.This2.A.the B.a C.an D./3.A.case B.eraser C.keys D.quilt4.A.gold B.set C.nice D.good5.A.eraser B.cases C.keys D.quilt6.A.I B.you C.he D.she7.A.call B.meet C.found D.s

8、ee10.What's Ann's family name? ________________________________________________________________________Ⅶ.詞匯根據句意及漢語提示, 完成句子。 1.Look!That's her ______ ______(電子游戲機).2.Tony found ______ ______ ______ ______(一串鑰匙

9、).3.Please ______ ______(給瑪麗打電話) at 145-7098.4.______ ______(勞駕), what's this in English?[來源:學???。網]5.That is ______ ______ ______ ______(我的學生證).Ⅷ.句型轉換 1.It is my watch.(改為一般疑問句) ______this______watch?6.N-O-T-E-B-O-O-

10、K.(根據答語寫出問句) ______ ______you spell it?3.—Is that your baseball?(作出否定回答) —No, ______ ______.4.It is my_pencil.(對畫線部分提問) ______is______?5.What's the English for this?(改為同義句) What's this ______ ______?Ⅸ.補全對話[來源:學科網

11、 ZXXK]A.Spell it, please F.How are youB.And you G.Sorry, I can'tC.Excuse me H.Can you spell itD.Good afternoon I.What's this in EnglishE.OK.I'll spel

12、l it.B-O-O-K J.What's your nameA:Good afternoon, Mr. Black. B:1._____2______, please? A:My name is Zhang Fang. B:3.______? A:Yes, I can.Z-H-A-N-G, Zhang, F-A-N-G, Fang4______, Mr. Black? B:I'm fine, thank yo

13、u.5______? A:I'm fine, too.6_____, Mr. Black.7.______? B:It's a map. A:8 ______. B:OK.M-A-P, map.[來源:學,科,網 Z,X,X,K] A:Thank you. B:Can you spell “book”? A:9.______. B:10.______.Ⅹ.書面表達簡(Jane)拾到一個黑色的電子游戲機,她想貼一張告示,希


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