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1、人七上英語 Unit 1 同步測試題聽力部分(共 20 分) I. 聽句子,選擇與之相符的圖片。 (共 5 小題,每小題 1 分,計 5 分)56370218A. B. C. D. E.1._____ 2._____ 3.______ 4.______ 5._______II. 聽對話和問題,選擇適當的選項。 (共 5 小題,每小題

2、1 分,計 5 分)( )6. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn't. C. We don't know (我們不知道).( )7. A. Dick.B. Green. C. Brown.( )8. A. It's blue. B. It's purple. C. It's green.( )9. A. Jenny.B. Gina

3、. C. Linda.( )10. A. It's 604-3165. B. It's 256-7798. C. It's 256-7789. III. 聽短文填空。 (共 5 小題,每小題 2 分,計 10 分)Information Sheet11. I'm in Nanjing No. 1 _________.12. My full name (全名) is ___

4、______.13 My telephone number is _________. 14. I have (有) a _________. 15. It's black and __________.筆試部分(共 80 分)IV. 單項選擇 (共 10 小題,每小題 1 分,計 10 分)選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。( )16. There is _______ “p“ and _______ “n“ in“phone

5、“.A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a D. an; an( )17. —Are you Justin Bieber?—___________.A. Yes, I'm B. Yes, I amC. No, she isn't D. No, he isn't( )18. My car number is 52818. You can read______ in English.A. five

6、 two eight eight one B. five two eight one eight C. five eight two one eight D. eight one eight two five ( )19. —What's your name? —_________.A. It's a pen B. His name is Jim C. My name is Jack D. H

7、e's fineStage name (藝名): Lady GagaJob: A singer (歌手)Birthday: 1986-03-28Tel: 997-5321First name: Jaden Last name: Smith Class: 5, Grade: 8Birthday: 1998-7-8Tel: 337-2016 (Home)876-5123 (School)根據表格內容,選擇正確答案。( )36.

8、Lady Gaga is a(n) _________.A. studentB. singerC. EnglishD. Chinese( )37. Jaden is the boy's _________ name.A. first B. lastC. middle D. full( )38. Jaden is at home (在家). What's histelephone number?A. 876-512

9、3. B. 337-2016.C. 337-0126. D. 997-5321.( )39. How old (多大) is Lady Gaga?A. 14. B. 26. C. 17. D. 28.( )40. What class (班) is Jaden in?A. 3. B. 4 . C. 5.D. 8.VII. 詞匯(共 10 小題,每小題 1 分,計 10 分)A) 根據句意及首字母提示補全單詞。41. —Is it

10、 your ID card?—Y , it is.42. —What's your car n ? —It's JA143271.43. I'm in Beijing No. 1 Middle S .44. —What's eight minus (減) eight? —It's z .45. This is

11、 my teacher, Ms Li. S is from China.B) 根據漢語提示完成下列句子。46. Nice to ____________ (遇見) you.47. —Is he Jim?—__________ (不), he isn't.48. I have _________ (五把) red rulers.49. Mike is my good _______ (朋友).50. My __


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