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1、宜賓職業技術學院 宜賓職業技術學院畢業設計攀枝花市陽光麗景小區 A 幢住宅樓—技術標系 部 建筑工程系 專 業 名 稱 建筑設計技術班 級 建 工 1101 姓 名 王 海 學 號 202212142 指 導 教 師 張 敏 2012 2012 年 10 10 月 18 18 日最新 精品 Wor

2、d 歡迎下載 可修改A residential building construction organization design technology standard preparation of Panzhihua City Sunny Scenic AreaInstructor: Zhang MinAuthor:WangHaiAbstractThis works is a civilian residential of mu

3、ltilayer brick. There are seven floors, basement, ground and six layers. The building's height is 21.40m, the base covers an area of 721.18 square meters, total construction area is 4604.60 square meters. Seismic int

4、ensity is 7 degrees, site classification is Class II, and structural design life is 50 years. This works is a second-class building, the refractory grade is two. the project ± 0.00 and absolute elevation is 1100mm.T

5、he structural design based on national norms. In the design process, I used PKPM software,which compiled by the Chinese Academy of Building. After checking, the structure meets safety and reliability requirements.The con

6、struction organization design is a programmatic document for the construction of residential building projects in the works. In the process of compiling, I considered as fully as possible to the project's technical m

7、easures, management agencies's set ,construction's overall deployment , construction preparation, mainly distributed itemized construction methods, project quality assurance measures, safe and civilized constru

8、ction measures, construction site management measures, and many other factors, Highlight the scientific, applicability and targeted, this is an important economic and technical documents to ensure a high-quality, low pow


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