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1、2023 年課堂的重要性作文 年課堂的重要性作文 600 字Today is Zhou San, afternoon the first class is ping-pong class, we already a month is done not have attend ping-pong class, so classmates feel to have a be seized by a whim. Because of us t

2、he class failed a few courses, there is many job today so: Learn ball coming back and chop. The teacher began to explain carefully. 今日是周三,下午第一節課是乒乓球課,我們已經一個月沒有上乒乓球課了,所以同學們覺得有一陣心血來潮。因為我們班缺少了幾節課,所以今日有大量的任務:學旋球和搓球。老師便開始了認真的

3、講解。 From the teacher in set an example and explaining, I understood a few main actions, also realized this difficulty that sends ball coming back and chop for an instant. After this, the teacher calls a classmate to have

4、 a practice, that classmate was sent 3 times continuously, end in failure. 從老師的示范和講解中,我明白了幾個基本的動作,也瞬間意識到了這個發旋球和搓球的難度。此后,老師叫一個同學進行練習,那個同學連續發了三次,都以失敗而同時將右手像寫“撇〞一樣劃了過來。它們兩者正好進行一個摩擦,乒乓球便旋轉著跳到了對方球臺。沒想到我竟然一次就勝利了。同學們全都用羨慕的眼神看向我

5、。我自己也不敢信任。我又嘗試了一次,沒想到再次勝利了,要知道在此之前我從來沒有學習過乒乓球,在幾次練習中,我都順利發出,真可以用“百發百中〞來形容我發下旋球的球技。 “Barren of Yu Qin of essence of course of study is like play, a deed is accomplished through taking thought and destroy at following. “ w

6、e want serious listen to a talk only, the one word that says the teacher is written down one sentence in the heart, can succeed easy to doly. “360, give Number One Scholar all right all right. “ the exercise t

7、hat this is athletic sports ping-pong not just, go up in classroom attend a lecture also is such. Capture classroom 40 minutes when go up, serious attend a lecture, the exercise below the class is met more relax

8、ed, more when the province and more efficient. Fall compared with the class pay hundredfold hard to make up a missed lesson, the effect still is inferior to the serious attend a lecture on the class! Serious atten


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