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1、 1 / 36目 錄摘要 I ABSTRACTII第 1 章緒論 11.1 課題來源 11.2 課題背景 11.3 國外研究現狀與分析 1第 2 章系統方案設計 32.1 總體方案設計 32.2 系統組成與框圖 3第 3 章硬件設計 43.1 微處理器 43.1.1 51 單片機的主要特性 4 3.1.2 STC89C51 的引腳具體介紹 43.1.2

2、 STC89C51 的最小系統 63.2 溫度測量電路的實現 63.2.1 溫度傳感器的選擇 6 3.2.2 DS18B20 介紹 73.2.3 溫度測量電路 83.3 濕度測量電路的實現 93.3.1 濕度傳感器的選擇 93.3.2 HS1101 介紹 9 3.3.3 NE555 振蕩器 103.3.4 濕度測量電路的實現 103.4 液晶顯示與報警電路 123.4.1 顯示方案的選擇 123.4.2 LCD

3、1602 與其應用 123.4.3 報警電路 143.5 按鍵電路設計 14第 4 章軟件設計 164.1 主程序流程圖 164.2 溫度模塊程序設計 17 4.3 濕度模塊程序設計 184.4 顯示子程序設計 18 4.5 按鍵模塊程序設計 19第 5 章系統的仿真調試 21結論 22 參考文獻 23附錄 I24 附錄 II253 / 36ABSTRACT ABSTRACTWith the popularization

4、of trellis technology, greenhouse trellis an ever-growing number, to greenhouse warming, it is important to shed two management factor is temperature control and humidity control. Temperature is too low, the plant can fr

5、eeze to death or stop growth, so will always control temperature and humidity in suitable for plant growth range. The traditional temperature control is in greenhouse canopy internal suspension thermometer, workers will

6、adjust the temperature according to read the temperature inside the shelter. If only, both consumption by artificial control human and easy to place regular orders. Now, with the increase of agricultural industry scale q

7、uantity shelter for the temperature control measures, the traditional is showing significant limitations. Therefore, in modern greenhouse trellis management zhongtong often temperature and humidity automatic control syst

8、em to control the temperature and humidity, adapt to greenhouse canopy production needs and improve the economic benefit. This paper mainly expounds the STC89C51 MCU based on greenhouse canopy temperature and humidity co

9、ntrol system design principle, main circuit design and software design, etc. This system USES STC89C51 single chip microcomputer as controller, DS18B20 as temperature sensor, HS1101 as humidity sensor. System main functi

10、on is as follows: 1. To temperature measuring 2. The humidity measurements 3. Temperature and humidity display 4. Temperature and humidity beyond the alarm-immediately set range 5. Set temperature and humidity value Keyw


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