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1、學科網(北京)股份有限公司2022 2022 年四川省成都市中考英語試題 年四川省成都市中考英語試題A 卷(共 卷(共 100 分) 分)第一部分 第一部分 聽力(共 聽力(共 30 小題;計 小題;計 30 分) 分)一、聽句子,根據所聽到的內容選擇正確答語。每小題念兩遍。 一、聽句子,根據所聽到的內容選擇正確答語。每小題念兩遍。 (共 (共 5 小題;每小題 小題;每小題 1 分,計 分,計5 分) 分)1. A. I'm

2、 OK. B. Nice to meet you! C. What about you? 2. A. You're right. B. It's very nice. C. Thanks. 3. A. It doesn't matter. B. Sorry, I won't.

3、 C. I don't know. 4. A. Sure, you can. B. Good luck. C. I'm sorry to hear that. 5. A. Good job. B. My pleasure. C. I agree. 二、聽句子,選擇與所聽句子內容相符的圖片。每小題念兩遍。 二、聽句子,選

4、擇與所聽句子內容相符的圖片。每小題念兩遍。 (共 (共 5 小題;每小題 小題;每小題 1 分,計 分,計5 分) 分)A B C D Ε6. ___________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10. _________

5、__三、聽對話,根據對話內容及問題選擇正確答案。每小題念兩遍。 三、聽對話,根據對話內容及問題選擇正確答案。每小題念兩遍。 (共 (共 10 小題;每小題 小題;每小題 1分,計 分,計 10 分) 分)11. A. History. B. Music. C. Art. 12. A. In the bag. B. On the sofa.

6、 C. On the table. 13. A. At 8:15. B. At 8:45. C. At 9:15. 14. A. See a movie. B. See a doctor. C. Have lunch. 15. A. Waiter and customer. B

7、. Host and guest. C. Father and daughter. 16. A. It's fun. B. It's difficult. C. It's cool. 17. A. On the street. B. In the subway station. C. At

8、 the police station. 18. A. Excited. B. Shocked. C. Worried. 19. A. Leaders. B. Flowers. C. Heroes. 20. A. Be an English expert. B. Keep on learning

9、. C. Push himself harder. 四、聽短文,根據短文內容選擇正確答案。短文念兩遍。 四、聽短文,根據短文內容選擇正確答案。短文念兩遍。 (共 (共 5 小題;每小題 小題;每小題 1 分,計 分,計 5 分) 分)21. How often does the club get together? A. Every Tuesday. B. Every Sunday.

10、 C. Twice a week. 22. Where will club members run when it rains? A. In the forest. B. In the park. C. In the club. 23. What is held by the club once a year? 學科網(北京)股份有限公司A. where B. which C. who7.

11、The 21.58-meter-long 3D-printed bridge in Chengdu, with its _______ part reaching 8 meters and highest point hitting 2.68 meters, is really amazing.A. biggest B. widest C. longest8. Some groups _______ prizes on April 15

12、, 2022 by the Central Committee of the CYLC(共青團中央).A. were given B. were giving C. will be given9. Mary has learned a lot about the history of Sichuan _______ she can be a tour guide.A. even if B. as soon as C. so that10

13、. —I wonder _______ life will be different in the future. —Maybe we will be able to live on another planet with the development of space technology.A. when B. how C. whatB. 補全對話 補全對話 根據對話內容,從右邊方框中選出適當的選項補全對話。 根據對話內容,從右邊方

14、框中選出適當的選項補全對話。 (共 (共 5 小題;每小題 小題;每小題 2分,計 分,計 10 分) 分)Man: Good morning, welcome to the Art School. Woman: Thanks. I’d like to join one of your evening art courses. Man: OK. ___11___Woman: Chinese painting course. I like

15、 Chinese painting. ___12___Man: Yes, it is. Very beautiful. Now let’s fill in this form. ___13___Woman: Lucy Green. Man: Which country are you from?Woman: Well, ___14___ But actually I’m American. Man: I see. Next questi

16、on. Can you tell me where you live?Woman: ___15___ Man: Thanks. Now, I’ll give you some information.A. It’s so beautiful.B. Which course?C. I work here in England.D. What’s your name, please?E. Yes, it’s 58 Charnwood Roa


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